Example sentences of "[prep] the [det] to " in BNC.

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1 The means of mass transportation and communication , the commodities of lodging , food and clothing , the irresistible output of the entertainment and information industry carry with them prescribed attitudes and habits , certain intellectual and emotional reactions which bind the consumers more or less pleasantly to the producers and through the latter to the whole .
2 I want to take seriously the suggestion that the sort of inquiry that Quine has in mind could be the heir to traditional epistemology — although I shall not restrict the concerns of the latter to studying the relation of evidence to theory .
3 The politeness of the cultured towards the uncultured , the hurt defiance of the latter to the former , compound one another .
4 Important long term developments include the change of the customer base from individuals to institutions , and the increasing receptiveness of the latter to new currencies and instruments , the increase in volatility of exchange and interest rates , the advent of bought deals , deregulation of national securities markets , the declining segmentation of the different currency and instrument sectors of the euromarkets , the growing sophistication of corporate customers , financial innovation and unbundling of financial services .
5 As to transfer of the latter to the High Court see s 37 of the Matrimonial and Family Proceedings Act 1984 Ord 16 , r 12 and Rayden on Divorce should be consulted .
6 Traditionally , the connection between the police and the party in power locally has been very close , and the susceptibility of the former to the wishes of the latter has been much greater than in Britain .
7 If we say that such-and-such a group of words are the " subject " or that some other group of words are the " predicate " in a copular verb phrase , we are , by such observations , recognizing the speaker 's intention to construct expressions which will identify certain properties and entities , and to assign some of the former to one of the latter , so as to let an audience know what entities are under attention and which properties are claimed to hold for which entities ; we take this to be the essence of what goes on in the use and understanding of linguistic expression ( whatever the purpose to which individual acts of communication are directed ) .
8 Implicitly he is criticizing Foucault 's understanding of the relation of the same to the other which posits madness as outside the sphere of reason .
9 ( 4 ) Any shares not accepted pursuant to such offer or further offer as aforesaid not including fractions unalloted shall be under the control of the Directors who may allot , grant options over or otherwise dispose of the same to such persons who are qualified to be members on such terms and in such manner as they think fit , provided that such shares shall not be disposed of on terms which are more favourable to the subscribers thereof than the terms on which they were offered to the members .
10 ( 4 ) Any shares not accepted pursuant to such offer or further offer as aforesaid not including fractions unalloted shall be under the control of the Directors who may allot , grant options over or otherwise dispose of the same to such persons who are qualified to be members on such terms and in such manner as they think fit , provided that such shares shall not be disposed of on terms which are more favourable to the subscribers thereof than the terms on which they were offered to the members .
11 In 1860 he won the headmaster 's poetry prize with ‘ The Escorial ’ ; another schoolboy poem appeared in February 1863 in Once a Week , one of the few to be published during his lifetime .
12 Then , surprisingly , this activity was superseded by buildings of very different , non-industrial , functions , including , from north to south , a circular structure replaced in the late third or early fourth century by an aisled barn , a rectangular shed later embellished with a portico and an internal apse , and two further circular buildings ; opposite the latter to the west was a fourth-century mausoleum .
13 The constitutional authorities see a transmission of orders from the many to the controlling few in the government whereby votes inserted at one end of the system become popular public policies and laws at the other .
14 We recognise that logically this demands a transfer of resources and effort from the former to the latter , that in the words I have so often quoted , some social services are ‘ excessive ’ and others ‘ inadequate ’ — that it was bound to be so and that it is so .
15 Water travelled along well-made open stone drains 25 metres from the former to the latter , and from there into a vertical soak-away ( Plate 9 ) .
16 If , as suggested above , there is a similarity between the way cognitive social psychologists talk about categorization and the social representation theorists ' talk about anchoring , then the rhetorical critique can be extended from the former to the latter .
17 For some birth parents this would mean periodic up-dating of information from themselves to the adoptive family and from the latter to the birth parents directly or through the placement agency .
18 Once third party rights are likely to be affected , as in the case of secured transactions or open market bona fide purchases , the information flowing from the carrier to the consignor-beneficiary of the letter of credit , and from the latter to the issuing or confirming bank can no longer remain private .
19 The " Rodilla Asturica " or Asturian kneebend then represents a swing from the latter to the former .
20 First , in some circumstances and to some degree , the biological similarities between human and non-human animals permit valid extrapolation of research findings from the latter to the former .
21 From the few to the many
22 In the former case these can be referred back to the Census Offices and in the latter to the London Research Centre .
23 A private limited company has the following clause in its Articles of Association concerning the issue of share capital : ‘ The shares shall be under the control of the directors , who may allot and dispose of or grant options over the same to such persons on such terms , and in such a manner as they think fit . ’
24 The accommodationist states were inhibited by the rejectionist ones and were not strong enough militarily without the latter to be credible .
25 A mental health orientation places greater emphasis on the former to the detriment of the latter .
26 If any benefits are provided to the UK beneficiaries then they will be assessed on the same to the extent of the relevant income .
27 Er and you could go to a boarding school but if you did n't you were moved round every three or four years at the most to a different school .
28 An agreement to improve air quality in Canada and the United States was signed by Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney , and US President George Bush during a visit by the latter to Ottawa , the Canadian capital , on March 13 .
29 The issue was raised inconclusively in talks between Hungarian President Arpad Göncz and the Chairman of the Czechoslovak Federal Assembly , Alexander Dubcek , during a visit by the latter to Budapest on Feb. 6-7 .
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