Example sentences of "[prep] the [det] part " in BNC.

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1 So if we could lie down for twenty minutes sometime in the afternoon or early evening , then we would lengthen the spine to support us more efficiently for the latter part of the day .
2 Throughout my life my tummy has been , as it were , my Achilles heel ; and around this same time the condition of my colon , which for the latter part of my life has had a habit of tying itself in knots , became particularly acute .
3 Many of the pieces were purchased by Dubosc in Japan where he lived for the latter part of his life and much of his collection is now in the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco .
4 Pete was now beginning to wonder if she was feeling ill ; it was almost as if , for the latter part of the evening , she 'd only been keeping up a show of enjoying herself and now the strain of the charade was getting through to her .
5 For the latter part of this period Griess was no longer in London .
6 An extraordinary congress of the ruling party , the communist Partido Africano da Indepêndencia de Cabo Verde ( PAICV ) , was called for the latter part of 1990 , after the introduction of a multiparty system had been agreed in principle by the national council — the party 's policy-making body between congresses .
7 For five years she had worked at the Ashmolean before moving across the street to The Randolph ; and for the latter part of that time she had actually worked for Dr Kemp , amongst others .
8 Having propped up the Ottoman empire for the latter part of the nineteenth century , Britain and France now set about dismantling it .
9 these matters be king 's games , as it were stage plays , and for the more part played upon scaffolds .
10 From their earliest days they were battling it out — sometimes for the same parts .
11 In the whole country only two lorries had been hijacked during the latter part of May and neither was on Hatton 's regular route .
12 During the latter part of the night , in spite of having had no sleep , feelings of fatigue begin to diminish .
13 Thus the plant can , during the latter part of the night , move its leaves to a position appropriate for sunrise ; predatory animals can prepare themselves for the activity of hunting and hunted animals can escape to safety before it is too late .
14 During the latter part of the century visits by famous Nonconformist ministers as great public figures , and not as denominational delegates or visiting preachers , became part of American cultural and religious life .
15 During the latter part of the eighteenth century several handsome houses were built overlooking the river there and the name became ‘ Strand on Green ’ , and not until the early part of the nineteenth century did the present name of ‘ Strand-on-the-Green ’ become formally adopted .
16 Some of the first references are to a fulling mill , known during the latter part of the 17th century , as Fields Mill .
17 During the latter part of its life , it was run by G.H. King and Sons , who traded under the colourful title of the ‘ Kings of Egypt Mill ’ .
18 It was during the latter part of the 19th century that Tewkesbury 's commercial decline began for , at the time of building of Healing 's substantial mills , many of the smaller cottage-based trades disappeared .
19 During the latter part of the 19th century , the mill was used by the Lane family in connection with their edge-tool business in Cirencester .
20 It is during the latter part of this century , however , that historic barns and other traditional rural buildings have faced their greatest threat .
21 It did n't take long for him to bounce back , however , and during the latter part of the 1970s and early 1980s he and Trevino put themselves in for further chances of Open glory .
22 During the latter part of 1988 , the music papers were full of gossip about the band joining forces with a major label .
23 The aim is to gybe just before an oncoming wave , thus using the ‘ downhill ’ part of the wave , when you are most vulnerable , ie during the latter part of the turn .
24 During the latter part of the nineteenth century and the early part of the twentieth century , the application of quantitative methods of science was extended to psychology and so to education .
25 During the latter part of the 19th century the Royal College of Chemistry ( subsequently retitled the Royal College of Science ) and the Royal School of Mines moved to the site from their previous buildings in the West End and the City and Guilds Institute was built there .
26 It took the form of a Sunday afternoon prayer-meeting in a private medical lecture room in North Portland Street during the latter part of 1825 .
27 We have been covering random Horse & Pony Auctions during the latter part of 1991 in England , Scotland and Wales .
28 By imperial unification they meant at this time a federal union of Britain and the white dominions , a scheme differing little in its essentials from other schemes of imperial union which had occupied the minds of the British political classes from time to time during the latter part of the nineteenth century .
29 A Provisional IRA bombing campaign was in progress on the mainland during the latter part of 1974 .
30 During the latter part of the 1970s , cash limits , known as External Financing Limits ( EFLs ) , were introduced as governments tried to control public spending .
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