Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun prp] as " in BNC.

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1 For the Delphi as with the Victoria Centre it is important that schools recognize their needs but for Roger this is based upon a mutuality of interest which is unimpeded by the operation of specific criteria .
2 There is thus now an excess of supply over demand which augurs badly for the UK as its North Sea oil is relatively expensive to produce and this has put certain marginal oil fields out of production .
3 Health promotion strategies aimed at elderly people could be a highly cost-effective option for the NHS as Fries 's research trial with 6,000 retirees in California demonstrates ( reported in Maynard 1990 ) .
4 ‘ If this is true ’ , says Bujic , ‘ it is for the Balkans as though Lambeth Palace Library had burnt down ’ .
5 He deputizes for the Dean as and when necessary .
6 They were afraid to ta but if they 'd had that if they 'd told me to provide an extra coach for the Manchester as I was suggesting , Dougie would have come out and taken strips off them for You see .
7 Dick 's plane was built in 1941 by the Curtiss Wright Corporation in Buffalo , New York , for the RAF as Kittyhawk I AK899 but was one of 72 transferred to the RCAF , becoming 1051 .
8 His precipitate action was clearly calculated to make life harder rather than easier for the PLO as he abandoned responsibility for civil servants in the West Bank .
9 Both Revans and Douglas-Smith welcomed the offers made by Jacques , and the latter endorsed the position of the District as the providing body , an important indication of support for the WEA as the attitude of the resident tutor was crucial in the operation of any scheme involving co-operation between the University and the District .
10 This excellent system of continental escorting and fighting-off the Luftwaffe marked the beginning of the end for the Luftwaffe as we had known it up to the advent of the newly-engined Mustang .
11 He is hoping this month will see his latest venture become a reality when he launches a floating ‘ school ’ to teach handicapped youngsters about the Tees as they cruise along it .
12 It shows how the Contras , aided by US government agents , financed their war against Nicaragua not only with official financial help from Capitol Hill but by trafficking narcotics through the US as well .
13 On Oct. 12 the United States Senate voted to give US$20,000,000 in non-military aid to the non-communist Cambodian resistance , to be channelled openly though government agencies rather than covertly through the CIA as in the past .
14 Such a proposal might well be interpreted by some critics of the CNAA as smacking of ‘ empire-building ’ and it remains to be seen if it will be given serious consideration .
15 Although there was some criticism of the CNAA as being overpopulated with university representatives , for most people associated with the CNAA there was considerable gratitude for the role played by many university people in establishing and supporting the CNAA and in helping and defending the polytechnics .
16 But ‘ Meat Is Murder ’ marked the end of The Smiths as we know them .
17 As my turn approached and the queue thinned , I was afforded an occasional glimpse of the Smiths as they moved to collect purchases from the shelves behind them .
18 When the issue of international monetary reform had been seriously debated in 1972 the United States started from the position that ‘ the system should neither bar nor encourage official holdings of foreign exchange ’ , suggesting that ‘ the United States still thought of the SDR as providing a substitute for gold rather than for the dollar ’ ( Williamson , 1977 , p. 176 ) .
19 The powerful notion of the UK as the workshop of the world was always accompanied by the exhortation ‘ export or die ’ or , in other words , ‘ export manufactured goods or be unable to afford to buy imported food ’ .
20 It urges the government to designate 30 per cent of the UK as Environmentally Sensitive Areas , to give farmers greater incentive to manage the countryside for wildlife .
21 Ottaway , who is stationed at Catterick and has two children , even wrote his first eight-hour assignment for his last course in the cargo hold of the Hercules as they flew out to the Gulf battle zone last year .
22 Rioting was reported in the ensuing days in Yaoundé , Douala and Bafoussam , and news agency reports quoted an official of the SDF as saying on Nov. 1 that 500 people had been arrested in Bamenda , and that many had been subjected to beatings .
23 He hopes it will transform future productions , and demonstrate that the collected works of Shakespeare , rightly understood , provide a mythic corpus like that of the Mahabharata as treated by Peter Brook .
24 A statement issued by the Yugoslav Foreign Ministry on July 9 described the suspension of Yugoslavia 's membership of the CSCE as " unjust and wrong " and as a " contravention " of CSCE principles which sought peaceful solutions on the basis of full communication " on equal terms " with all parties .
25 Not many teams have dominated Liverpool in front of the Kop as Leeds did after halt time .
26 The EC leaders had confirmed that the EC was prepared to start talks on Yugoslavia 's associate membership of the EC as soon as the constitutional crisis was resolved .
27 ( The chairman of the special committee of the German Bundestag , Günter Verheugen , also described the UK 's presidency of the EC as " a downright disaster " in comments on Nov. 20 , while the German Farmers ' Association ( DBV ) had criticized the EC for bowing to " massive pressure " from the USA . )
28 The combined effects of these changes would be to increase the GDP of the EC as illustrated in Diagram 1 .
29 On June 30 the Ukrainian parliament passed , by 264 votes to four , the amendments to the Ukrainian law on the status of the Crimea as proposed by joint sittings of the presidiums of the Ukrainian and Crimean parliaments .
30 The basic objective of the I.D.P. as set out in that Regulation was to ‘ improve working and living conditions in the Western Isles ’ through a series of measures designed ’ .... to improve agriculture ; to improve the marketing of agricultural ( and fisheries ) products — including the afforestation of marginal land , operations to improve the marketing and processing of agricultural products and measures to develop fisheries , but also measures relating to tourist amenities , crafts , industrial and other complementary activities essential to the improvement of the general socio-economic situation of those isles ’ .
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