Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun] being " in BNC.

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1 As for the records being destroyed , it is true nothing now predates 1465 , but early records certainly existed up until the early seventeenth century .
2 While Liphook awaits the judgement of the inspectorate , hoping it will clearly vindicate one side or the other , it is not possible — unless people have inside information — to blame either the headteacher or the parents for the damage being done .
3 A strong case can be made for the antibodies being consequential to neurological disease , and there is no correlation between the presence of these antibodies and in vitro indices of inherent toxicity of sera in patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome .
4 For the surgery being considered here , often called ‘ conversion surgery ’ , involves one or more of several procedures which aim to transform as far as is possible the subject 's anatomy so that it approximates that of a member of the preferred sex .
5 Since he and his policies are uniquely responsible for the difficulties being experienced and the record repossessions and arrears , will he accept the obligation for introducing a proper mortgage rescue scheme , like the one recommended by the Labour party , instead of trying to shift the blame on to everyone else ?
6 In the corporation of London , for example , the fact that local elections were spread across the year ( with those for the sheriffs being in midsummer , for the lord mayor in September , and for the common councilmen in December ) , and were invariably fought out along party lines , meant that political passions seldom had a chance to cool down .
7 The best argument for the statue being a fixture was its careful siting in the West Lawn so as to form an integral part of the architectural design of the west elevation of the house .
8 Varnishes can be used direct from the container if the diameter is large enough for the brush being used , but it is better to pour the varnish into a paint kettle which has a wire stretched across the middle , so that excess varnish can be scraped off on the wire .
9 Tudjman , who had urged local leaders in Trogir ( west of Split ) on May 5 to demonstrate at the naval base to show the world their support for the battle being waged by the Croatian leadership , was accused by the Defence Secretariat of inflaming sentiments against the army .
10 My ‘ put downs ’ and arguments for the Scum being scum , although indeniably true are getting a bit thin .
11 A comment must be provided , stating the reason for the DC being aborted .
12 Frank had come up with his idea due to the accident of circumstances : the work surrounding him in Bristol , and the association of ideas — Blackett 's idea for the pi-meson being applied successfully for the muon .
13 Oh yes when I went to Stronsay Academy first we were very much kids for the country being all this country ones and often we 'd sometimes be and said some terribly wild and woolly awfully countrified phrase you know until pride sort of came to our rescue when we we got out of it as much as ever we could .
14 Well go for democracy the decision being you know for the country being taken by three
15 Responses range from bribing ( as your competitors do ) to refusing to bribe at all , but making adjustments ( for instance to price ) that will compensate for the bribe being offered and allow competition for a contract to be real .
16 All this has resulted in our profit for the Division being significantly higher in the second half compared with the first half of the year .
17 Paid for the roads being done up and everything you know .
18 ‘ I was wondering , ’ said Owen , ‘ if , in return for the levy being abandoned — ’
19 He said , ’ Abroad , one should pursue policies so that when a citizen of one 's country travels abroad , he is admired by the rest of the world for the policies being pursued in that country . ’
20 Caring is a costly business , and even though there are other benefits available , such as attendance allowance for the person being cared for , and also grants to help with alterations and improvements , a great deal of extra expense is paid for by the carers themselves — for example , special diets and extra heating .
21 Caring for Someone provides a wealth of information on the range of benefits available for the person being cared for , and the carer .
22 The word ‘ clinically ’ here can be dangerously misleading , for the decision being made has a major ethical component .
23 While there are signs that the situation is changing , the reasons for the subject being pervaded by such conservatism and isolationism lie in the history of its development .
24 Before moving on to make use of the database , it was necessary to assess whether or not the data itself was valid for the organisation being studied , bearing in mind that so far the exercise had been a systems-thinking one , rather than a study of what was happening in practice .
25 The nearer we came to Halifax , we found the houses thicker , and the villages greater in every bottom ; and not only so , but the sides of the hills , which were very steep every way , were spread with houses , and that very thick ; for the land being divided into small enclosures , that is to say , from two acres to six or seven acres each seldom more ; every three or four pieces of land had a house belonging to it .
26 job to see that all the resources in their area of responsibility are suitable for the projects being undertaken .
27 Mahwah , New Jersey-based Israeli company Defense Software & Systems Inc says it agreed with Israel Corp Ltd for a joint venture to be incorporated in the US to hold an 80.1% interest in Tower Semiconductor Ltd , the name chosen for the company being formed to own and operate National Semiconductor Corp 's existing facility in Migdal Haemek , Israel , running it as an independent semiconductor business .
28 It had become clear that this also needed to be educational activity , with a high profile for curriculum and the quality of student experiences , with any material gain for the school being a bonus rather than raison d'etre .
29 Use a good quality paint or varnish brush , and the size should be suitable for the surface being coated .
30 exams/tests are acceptable — if they provide evidence of a candidate 's achievement which is appropriate for the outcome(s) being assessed ,
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