Example sentences of "[prep] [pn reflx] as the " in BNC.

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1 George Albert Smith was later of course erm to come on and make a big name , a world name for himself as the inventor of the first colour process , a very simple , two-colour process , but it was invented by him in Brighton , and it was the first world colour process .
2 We who are brought together by such an obscene act , like to think of ourselves as the vast majority .
3 As it unfurls the panoramic vistas of past periods and epochs within the European cultural tradition , history builds a view of ourselves as the inevitable continuation and culmination of everything that has gone before .
4 By fostering an image of himself as the inheritor of Charlemagne 's empire , he did much to create that image of Charlemagne which dominated the later middle ages .
5 For instance , though he has always been supremely competent at wrestling the best contracts out of his teams , I do n't think his real interest lay in the money itself , but in the definition of himself as the best in the world and therefore entitled to the best treatment and the most money .
6 When giving interviews to the press Hauser liked to paint a picture of himself as the company 's father figure .
7 All the same it is extraordinary to find the Roman Church ( 1 ) acquiescing in Constantine 's total indifference to Jesus ; ( 2 ) deferring to Constantine 's presentation of himself as the Messiah ; and ( 3 ) acknowledging the definition of Messiahship — that is , a military and political figure — embodied by Constantine .
8 For centuries , man has thought of himself as the most highly evolved form of life on earth , using his five senses to build up a composite and highly complex picture of the world around him .
9 Drinks with strange women after the show fitted well into the fantasy of himself as the big West End star that the night 's performance had engendered .
10 It was a delicate moment for Franco , who had so closely linked the legitimacy of his power to his presentation of himself as the defender of the Catholic faith .
11 It managed to sustain a comparison of itself as the resolute party to the OUP 's vacillation .
12 It had to find a way of being able to think of itself as the true heir of the persecuted church , not its betrayer .
13 ‘ Marxism ’ , on the other hand , Sartre claims , ‘ is History itself becoming conscious of itself ’ ( I , 40 ) : as for Lukács , it is by becoming conscious of itself as the subject of history that the working class will understand history 's meaning — and so recognize itself as the meaning of history .
14 Chasseguet-Smirgel ( 1985 ) suggests that a woman 's ego-ideal is constructed first by identification with the mother , and only then by a redefinition of herself as the father 's wife .
15 She wished she felt as sure of herself as the man so casually lounging opposite her .
16 I want you to think of yourself as the driver of the car and to concentrate on the kinds of things you are normally aware of when you are driving .
17 And the men of Northern Nigeria , conscious of themselves as the most refined products of a now self-consciously imperial civilization , were distinctly more inclined than their predecessors in the Punjab to ruminate on what they regarded , rather surprisingly in the circumstances , as the subtleties of their craft .
18 The 460,000 Antwerpers think of themselves as the liveliest and most sociable of Belgians .
19 Over the past eight years , Conservative ministers have projected an image of themselves as the party of the family .
20 The socialist parties thought of themselves as the avant-garde of a class which was striving to bring into existence a new kind of society , and for them the struggle for power of the working class was , in principle , more important than any existing institutions .
21 The cardinals began to think of themselves as the hinges on which the universal Church turned , a comparison that had already been made by Pope Leo IX ( 1048 – 54 ) and by Cardinal Deusdedit in the 1080s .
22 The British in their quiet way think of themselves as the salt of the earth , and quite rightly too , but where matters of culture are concerned they do have this tendency to think that the best things happen abroad and at best can be borrowed from abroad .
23 The food certainly does not wear a hair shirt , and nor does Rex , ebullient and gregarious , ensuring a meal at his place is a sort of crazy party with himself as the slightly eccentric host .
24 William Booth , a Methodist local preacher , began evangelical and rescue work in the East End of London in 1865 , and that eventually led , in 1878 to the first formation of the Salvation Army , with himself as the General in charge .
25 His film of Henry V , with himself as the rabble rousing monarch backed by a troupe of glittering British heavyweights , opens on October 6 .
26 Manson was so pleased with the ensuing panic that rippled through Hollywood after the murders were discovered that he organised another raid , this time with himself as the leader .
27 He could tell endless tales , normally with himself as the butt .
28 ‘ I was thinking if we could stop his cows from getting out of a field or save his hayricks when they were on fire , ’ said Heather , who loved reading stories and was always having make-believe adventures , with herself as the heroine .
29 He does n't take rivalry with him off the competitive track , and at that time I considered him to be the Master with myself as the apprentice .
30 After a further telephone interview — this time with myself as the interviewee — for the Radio Times , it seemed I was finished .
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