Example sentences of "[prep] [be] [v-ing] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A ‘ devolved ’ school was seen to be meeting local needs more quickly .
2 Although overdue , two elements of the bill can properly claim to be breaking new ground .
3 The venture , which will involve investment of £8m , is believed to be receiving regional development grants worth up to 36 per cent of the total investment .
4 The health of children in care was found by the House of Commons Social Services Committee under the chairmanship of Renée Short , MP , to be receiving minimal attention .
5 One is led to the conclusion therefore that the husband should convey as beneficial owner ; he is very often conveying the former matrimonial home as part of an agreement whereby the wife releases her rights to further claims for capital , and as such he could be said to be receiving valuable consideration from her and it is established that a vendor selling under compulsion should stand in the same position as a contractual purchaser under an open contract ( see Re King [ 1962 ] 1 WLR 632 and Emmet on Title above ) .
6 By March 8 all of Baghdad was reported to be receiving night-time electricity .
7 Bishop Peter is said to be receiving medical treatment for the stress of recent weeks .
8 The Duchess of York is reported to be receiving psychiatric help and has therefore fallen victim of the classic dilemma .
9 The illustration of such a double logic working at a textual level often comes to seem remarkably close to a deconstructive analysis : in the same way as Derrida or de Man could be said to be deconstructing received readings that have institutional purchase , so the new historicists shift our understanding of institutionalized historical accounts .
10 ‘ All the polling organisations , like our own private polling , demonstrate a very great firmness of support in those who say thus far that they are going to be voting Labour , and softness in Conservative support . ’
11 In my union branch , as in many others , I expect the best activists to be voting Labour .
12 This is an incredible area to be getting involved in .
13 ‘ And besides , ’ she added briskly , ‘ this would be a bad time for me to be getting involved with anything serious .
14 I have at this point tried to bring in some preliminary notions of stress and prominence without giving a full explanation ; by this stage in the course it is important to be getting familiar with the difference between stressed and unstressed syllables , and the nature of ‘ schwa ’ , but the subject of stress is such a large one that I have felt it best to leave its main treatment until later .
15 Crumble the softened butter into the flour , sprinkling in the rice flour or cornflour at intervals , as and when the butter seems to be getting sticky .
16 Eventually you will reach the point where you will wonder why one thumb appears to be getting tired and will look down to find that you were holding on a lot of stick trim without even being aware of it !
17 Kinnear said : ‘ It was a marvellous display by our lads — but the fans up here seem to be getting hysterical .
18 I had so far managed to avoid being kissed by the old bat , but I had the strong feeling that , by the end of the day , she and I were going to be getting physical .
19 Some are said to be getting cold feet .
20 It 's 7.00 a.m. on a cold dark morning in Stroud , but 19 year old Jason Scrivens is more than happy to be getting ready for work .
21 It 's terrible to be getting old and forgetful . ’
22 Yet Congress seems to be getting little thanks for this from the voters .
23 The tensions of wartime could easily turn anger against refugees who were thought to be getting privileged treatment .
24 Ian 's temperament is something he is working on and we 've been working on all the time , but he just seems to be getting maximum publicity at the moment . ’
25 Everyone seems to be getting interested in him lately .
26 The general consensus , however , was probably that teams and committees had to be seen to be operating tough but fair standards .
27 Well I do n't think it 's , I do n't think it 's terribly good actually to be able to be telling other people who has already been here , erm
28 It is clear that the lessons of ‘ 92 have not been learned and again Managers would appear to be telling Senior Management what they want to hear , rather than reflecting the real situation .
29 Imported products which failed to meet these standards could be subjected to extra duties providing that : the environmental standards had a scientific base ; the same standards must be applied to all competitive domestic production ; and imported products could be proved to be causing economic damage to competitive domestic industries .
30 Fires are reported to be causing huge amounts of damage to Costa Rica 's largest-remaining tracts of forest and nature reserves .
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