Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 After what seemed its thirty-fifth repetition , Rowicki put down his baton , looked up and spoke to the ceiling in a low-pitched , conversational tone : ‘ Everyone can now play this correctly except Mr X ’ ( the fourth inside desk cellist ) .
2 After what happened there 's no reason why he should trust you , is there ?
3 What change of circumstances had come about which made them take an entirely different view ?
4 Because this conventionally liberal response to the prevailing mood disguises the fact that the them as which arranged themselves around the flogging solution reflected a much more mature retrenchment , and a much more solid base of opinion and material circumstance than is usefully summarised by the word ‘ panic ’ .
5 This was the highlight of a generally flat year for Olivetti , during which saw its market share rise to 6.1% from 5.8% .
6 It allowed , for instance , a little chat between Mrs Thatcher and a BBC reporter , the main purpose of which escaped me , unless it was to show that that lady can not be excluded from anything .
7 She had had to cut the number of servants employed and practice many other economies , none of which affected her personally .
8 None came and still under the drug 's influence at dawn , he found himself looking out from the top of a forty-foot tree — he had no memory of climbing it — and looking down on a vast meadow , flecked with patterns of multi-coloured light and rocks which turned into horses , all of which filled him with ‘ tremendous emotions ’ .
9 As has been recorded in this chapter , the principal anti-cancer drugs have been discovered either as a by-product of military research financed by government or by research in the pharmaceutical industry , much of which had its roots in research not primarily concerned with cancer .
10 The company was organized in approximately ten areas of business , each of which had its own board of directors and its own CEO , but all of which were wholly owned by the parent company .
11 To arrive at this viewpoint Miliband argued that society was stratified by a number of elites — social , economy ( including managers and not just owners ) , bureaucratic and political — each of which had its own basis of power .
12 This meant that , instead of being composed entirely of separate infantry , cavalry , motorized , engineering , supplies and medical units , it also contained battalions each of which had its own infantry , cavalry , motorized , etc. sections .
13 The pigeons were then split into two groups , one of which had their bills smeared with olive oil and the other with turpentine .
14 It was the fact that the same individual could experiment with such a wide range of themes , subjects and styles that kept the spirit of invention alive , and encouraged some startling developments in film narrative , none of which had anything to do with theatrical forms of presentation .
15 This was appalling news for the British companies , none of which had anything like the clout necessary to claim membership of the MPPC .
16 The Tarn is home to many varieties of water fowl including the curlew , the greater crested grebe and the lesser spotted sandwich-pinching duck , one specimen of which had my last tuna-fish butty while I was n't looking .
17 She was a being apart from the visitors belonging to everybody else , and there were admiring stares and not a few tut-tuts of disapproval from some of the senile-decays for her vivid make-up and briskly clacking high heels , all of which sent my morale sky-rocketing .
18 The results from Wimpey Asphalt Hong Kong , Springfield Disposal and Overseas Contracting — all of which exceeded their budgets — served to give some respectability to the overall figures of Wimpey Minerals UK .
19 In pursuit of these aims the president and his staff proposed bold innovations in economic policy , the introduction of which became their first priority .
20 With the help of John , Malc and I auditioned several excellent musicians , none of which became one with me .
21 He also had a feeling for phrase and idiom and a very personal way with English , all of which endeared him to his audience .
22 Emboldened by such success , Christie 's felt able to organise an all-Cartier sale , held in Geneva in 1992 , the results of which justified their confidence .
23 She could hold her own in the bawdy jokes and the double entendres , many of which meant nothing to Anne , although she laughed when the other girls did .
24 Buzz spent the cab ride reminiscing about those times , some grim and some sad , but all of which made her smile .
25 As the rain gradually died away , birds began to fight and squabble like fractious children just allowed out after being cooped up indoors ; but then they did n't have leaky roofs ; neither did they have to climb up there as soon as it was light to inspect the damage ; or have a meeting with Leo , the thought of which made her feel weak inside .
26 The Hindus , he knew , at least refrained from eating pigs ( unlike the Chinese or the disgusting Christians of Byzantium ) , but he had heard that they had other habits the very thought of which made him swoon .
27 GRAHAM CHAPMAN and I wrote together almost full time between 1966 and 1973 , writes John Cleese , while producing sketches for The Frost Report , The 1948 Show and Monty Python , as well as several film scripts none of which made their way intact to the silver screen .
28 It had two wings , one of which made me think of a church .
29 He told me some hair-raising stories of the casual , careless way in which bodies can be handled at the undertaker 's and in transit , the most common being losing the coffin on the way to the funeral because the doors have not been properly secured or the wrong name-plates having been attached , resulting in great distress to the relations of the deceased and confusion for the minister concerned , all of which made our dealings with Nigel seem positively reverential !
30 All of which made it impossible to explain exactly why she 'd been so upset to find , after arriving , tired and exhausted , at the large house in Lowndes Square , that she was going to see even less of Ross than she had in New York ?
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