Example sentences of "[prep] [that] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If a dolphin can out-manoeuvre or outswim a shark it will do so … . if the dolphins can not take evasive action for some good reason , such as that a birth is about to take place , they will attack a shark .
2 In the planning sphere it has been used to invalidate conditions attached to planning permission such as that the developer should construct an ancillary road over the frontage of the site at his own expense to which rights of passage should be given to others , and that a property developer should allow those on a council housing list to occupy the houses with security of tenure for 10 years.u The test has also been adopted in the context of industrial relations , though in this instance the decision attacked was upheld .
3 About six months ago , our deputy general secretary wrote to Monseigneur , the general secretary of the bishops conference , and er told him that we hoped progress was being made , referred in particular to the degree of consensus that had been a arrived at in the baptism eucharist and ministry document and er also to the difference that had been made by the coming into being of ACTS and its commission on unity faith and order and we had a reply to that er a letter from Monseigneur assuring as that the hierarchy were taking this seriously , that they were discussing it er amongst themselves in Scotland and were also in discussion with Rome on the subject as well .
4 Most studies consider only social behaviour in the herd , or readily observed facts , such as that the horse is easily frightened , or that it will work better if it is rewarded rather than punished .
5 We require two types of jump instruction ; one ( the unconditional jump ) which always changes the program counter , and one ( the conditional jump ) which changes the program counter only if a certain condition is true ( such as that the accumulator contains a non-negative value ) ; if the condition is false , the next instruction to be executed is the one stored immediately after the jump instruction .
6 If all this had to be summed up in one sentence I suppose it would have to be that Wittgenstein 's treatment of the ‘ Other Minds ’ problem is an extended illustration of a point in philosophical logic : namely , that the meaningfulness of some of the things we say is dependent on contingent facts of nature — such as that the Earth revolves on its axis , and that we moan with pain and react as we do to others who moan .
7 Other possible inferences , such as that the teacher was angry , would remain appropriate but would not be essential for interpretation .
8 But it is in Between that the function of language to convey meaning is most actively questioned .
9 But if I may interrupt , how do you cope with the argument that Mr Curtis was making that if your settlement is , say , less than two and a half thousand it is no more than a large housing estate which relies on the centre of York for its functions , of service , shopping , entertainment , and therefore that the difference between that the difference between a new settlement beyond the greenbelt and peripheral development , in those terms , is no different .
10 I was on 1,000 grams of that a day , now I 'm on 187 , so although I 'm still on medication it 's a very minute amount of medication to what I was on before , and I 'm existing on that , so for me it 's worked .
11 We have one of th we have a la we have a large jar of coffee of that a week , and we have er a jar and a half of jam a week .
12 Erm , the the other things is a little while ago she was erm , er , er you know , giving me bills like for about five or six pounds once for cleaning materials , and I queried this , because it 's quite a lot of money and erm , so she tells me that she buys expensive erm bleach and she uses a bottle of that a week , well she only comes in three times , and I said well , that 's very extravagant I said and told her what , but since I told her that .
13 The combination of the path of that the moon travels and the rotation of the earth means that the moon at one time or another covers the whole goes round goes above all different circ all different places on the earth .
14 Right , so if we just the origin of the particular point on that curve the slope of that the origin to denote the average product of labour .
15 Erm I would like to say a few words about the Fire and Rescue Service , er the Fire Cover Review Panel er which rests erm with couple of months before Christmas er it 's first meeting , received a report from the Chief Officer that in restructuring the Fire Service to get better use out of it to er spread the cuts could find savings of up to nine hundred thousand pounds in that process and they are friends in the Labour , Liberal Democrat groups have simply taken the good aspects of that the plus side of it and rejected the side what faces the side anyway .
16 To the rear is the casing ; on the left Hex Nodes in container and Ceramic Sponges ; in centre is Duo Density carbon Pad , lying on the coarse strainer unit beside it is the white trickle tray ; in front of that the heaterstat unit and on the far right the pump unit .
17 Despite that the action group says they 're determined to silence the guns
18 Yeah well Mr Chairman I would formally like to motions my when the study one and the problems of this having to despite that the District Council have six and it 's much further I again I think specification of erm what we do need despite what we should not need this time , this time later .
19 It get 's like that every night now do n't it ?
20 Been like that every day , there 's never been a , a quiet day .
21 Unless there are big Transfers with speed or Macca going , Gazza coming , something like that The midfield with probably be Tinkler , Macca and Speed .
22 He had many of the qualities of an inspiring leader ; for he combined a keen intellect with an ability to speak from the heart ; and over and above that the power to make up his mind and to decide .
23 There is a problem in analysing computer designs in this way , in that a computer is an integrated system , and decisions in the design of one section of the computer will have effects in other sections .
24 SPAR is sensitive to different degrees of referential success , in that a reference to a focused entity is deemed to be more ‘ successful ’ than a reference to an unfocused one .
25 Some materials , such as stone or wood , are largely subtractive , in that there is a natural substance from which parts are taken away , through chipping , sawing and other means , to create the finished artefact ; while others , such as cast metal or clay , are additive , in that a quantity is utilized in a plastic state which can take the shape of a template or mould .
26 All — his pride in his memory , his sense of the internationale of writers , painters , musicians , and the aristocrats , his study of form as technique ( no contours , no edges , intellectual concepts , but rounding , thrusting , as a splash of color , as Yeats described his aim in the Cantos … ) it is all a huge AESTHETICISM , ending in hate for Jews , Reds , change , the content and matter often of disaster , a loss of future , and in that a fatality as death-full as those for whom the atom bomb is Armageddon , not Apocalypse .
27 The effects of this regime on subsequent recovery sleep are similar to the effects of REM sleep deprivation , in that a rebound of about 50 per cent occurs on recovery nights .
28 An overlap of the two otherwise distinct systems was allowed , in that a Grade I at CSE was permitted to count as an O level pass in that subject .
29 This freedom is a luxury which every society should afford its citizens : as many languages as there are desires — a utopian proposition in that no society is yet ready to admit the plurality of desire .
30 In particular , the power loader , made of light plastic for manoeuvrability on the wires , stood up well to the battering luckily , in that no spare had been constructed .
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