Example sentences of "[prep] [num] time [art] " in BNC.

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1 Amphilepis ingolfiana The arms are about 5–6 times the disk diameter in length .
2 The arms are distinctly noded , short , about 3–4 times the disk diameter .
3 As with any technique , direct mail has basic principles which must be obeyed if the programme is to communicate and raise money over a long period : * It must be regular ( a minimum of eight times a year ) * It must be personal , relevant and informal * It must be good quality * It must ask for and offer something * It must appeal to emotion first and reason second
4 The pilot results were promising and showed that the POI systems were used an average of eight times an hour .
5 Extremely luminous water-vapour masers of 100 times the luminosity of the Sun , L and ; ( ref. 3 ) , have been detected within 1parsec ( 3x10 18 cm ) of its nucleus .
6 Polycrystalline silicone cells , which are 12 per cent efficient , are also used in solar panels for other applications , as are amorphous silicone and hydrogen and according to American manufacture Solarex , has a potential of 100 times the absorption of other crystalline types .
7 A further abnormal discharge , of 10 times the normal weekly level of radioactive iodine-29 , occurred on the day officials from the Inspectorate of Pollution and the Nuclear Installations Inspectorate arrived to investigate the earlier leak .
8 And on price , think of it as a car that costs only twice that of conventional luxury cars instead of three times the level of BMW/Jaguar/Lexus that RR charges for it more potent models .
9 How can the Institute justify charging its members in excess of three times the cost of comparable courses ?
10 MacLachlan , moreover , was not averse to seeking further advantages for himself , for while acknowledging Milton 's assistance in getting him a tack of two farms in Morvern for nineteen years , which would scarcely appear to be a short lease , he complained that he had been informed that other tenants had obtained tacks of three times the length of that which he had from the Duke of Argyll , urging that he could ‘ be as usefull as any in that Countrey by introduceing a cheap method of improvement and otherwise ’ .
11 In the USA public spending on medical benefits ( ignoring tax relief ) is around 470 per person per year and private spending about 640 , giving a total of three times the UK figure .
12 This heading is quite extravagant on fabric and needs fullness of three times the track length for true box pleats which butt up against each other .
13 For a year to count , you must have paid , or been credited with , contributions on earnings of 52 times the Lower Earnings Limit or more .
14 With all the technological genius that can be raised in the USA to produce a B-1 supersonic bomber , they had to settle for a cruising speed of 1.25 times the speed of sound while the routine Concorde bus service across the Atlantic ticks over steadily at fully twice the speed of sound — and anyone who can afford to buy a ticket can experience it .
15 That was the equivalent of 570 times the world 's industrial production of CFC gases .
16 Those who leave the Service with 2 or more years qualifying service will receive a pension of l/80th of pensionable pay for each year of reckonable service and a lump sum of 3 times the pension , both payable at the minimum retirement age ( 60 ) .
17 Foster parents can often claim fostering allowances of 2–3 times the Supplementary Benefit that the natural parent would have received for looking after the same child … which is peculiarly ironic when one considers that some children might not be in foster-care at all if their parents had adequate incomes in the first place ( Fairbairns , 1976 ) .
18 Sometimes after their formal prayers , which were said a minimum of five times a day , they continued to sit with their feet in front of them while they carried on long conversations with God .
19 Pupils in opted-out schools are funded at an average of four time the level of LEA pupils .
20 I think about it a couple of hundred times a day and kick myself for not staying right there .
21 Tuberculosis is a major cause of concern in Tower Hamlets , with standardised mortality rates of seven times the national average .
22 Yet in the end it sold the site for three times the amount that the City expected to obtain by demolishing the buildings .
23 If the wretched woman had n't taken herself off to war work in a factory canteen for three times the money , or so she had said .
24 Twice as large as the Atlantic and getting on for three times the size of the Indian Ocean , it is bigger than all the land surface of the earth , including Antarctica , and with Africa counted twice .
25 Basically this provides that controlling persons who ‘ knowingly or recklessly ’ fail to supervise their employees properly , with a view to preventing insider dealing violations , can be made liable for three times the profit made or loss avoided ( this may not exceed a $1m fine ) for violations committed by their employees or other controlled persons .
26 There is also provision for private litigation , whereby private parties can sue for three times the damages inflicted upon them by violations of the law .
27 However , even simple estimates for the W particle suggest that it should weigh in at something like 30 times the proton 's mass .
28 Despite a disconcerting 85% plunge in net profits to just $94.5m , Fujitsu Ltd , bolstered by the acquisition of ICL Plc is putting rapidly increasing distance between itself and the other contenders for the title ‘ world 's second-biggest computer company ’ : some commentators illegitimately eliminate Fujitsu 's semiconductor sales from the total simply because the company sells more of its chip output on the merchant market than do IBM Corp , Digital Equipment Corp and Hewlett-Packard Co , but all of Fujitsu 's $26,640m annual turnover is information technology-related — and the company is now nearly twice the size of the $14,000m-a-year DEC , and well over a third the size of IBM ; only a decade ago , IBM was more like 10 times the size of the next biggest computer manufacturer .
29 The pressure exerted on that front foot when it is brought down in the bowling action is something like 10 times the bodyweight .
30 Turkey , incidentally , just for pig-iron and incorrigible spite , look like ten times the side they were at Lansdowne , just when we need them to be sullen , depressed , and cruising for a bruising .
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