Example sentences of "[prep] [det] than [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Ah , you probably know more about this than just about anybody outside government .
2 I 've written about this before and I expect I 'll write about it again , because I get more frustrated knitters questioning me about this than almost anything else .
3 It is important to bear in mind , however , that muscle tension can be the result of more than just bad posture or wrong use of the body .
4 On the other hand , if ATP wanted to demonstrate that they really are interested in the welfare of more than just the top 75 , as some of their lower-ranked members have recently suggested , then helping Birmingham through its current difficulties , which one hopes are only temporary , would not have been a bad thing .
5 Giving Martin Bramah and Marcia Scofield the flick has deprived them of more than just some choppily percussive guitar phrasings and deft keyboard work .
6 Giving Martin Bramah and Marcia Scofield the flick has deprived them of more than just some choppily percussive guitar phrasings and deft keyboard work .
7 Continuity between the two fabliaux in the case of animal imagery is a matter of more than just a general resemblance .
8 So the coppicing at Westonbirt arboretum may help to ensure the survival of more than just the trees .
9 The Queen 's arrival at the New Church of Christ the Cornerstone in Milton Keynes was the beginning of more than just another royal visit .
10 It is precisely this capacity for renewed interpretation that makes literature of more than simply historical interest .
11 The results of the research will be of more than purely academic interest , insofar as the rigorous identification and description of the structure of the arms trade would appear to be a necessary prerequisite for any discussion of multi-lateral restraints .
12 A heated propagator will maintain a higher temperature than the ambient air , but do not expect it to achieve a lift of more than about 10°C ( ie , if you wish to maintain 21°C/70°F , the greenhouse should be heated to 10°C/50°F ) .
13 The agriculture of small farmers remained undeveloped , while the industrial sector which was small but had considerable potential with the influx of the coastal refugee population received no single investment of more than about $28,000 in the whole period .
14 Even when this is used , it is not advisable to expect a safe endurance of more than about an hour .
15 It would not be reasonably foreseen that these accounts would still be relied upon by any banker acting in the ordinary course of business as a basis for assessing the then creditworthiness of Berg after the passage of more than about 15 months from the end of the period covered by the accounts .
16 Not all results are shown ; all giving a reading of more than about 30% of the white card reading are omitted .
17 A single sentence of more than about four lines puts unreasonable demands on your reader : Since Etherege ( writing in a later period than Wycherley and recognising a greater desire for a new " Man of Mode " ) recognises that love , sex and inheritance are still important considerations , which he also criticises , both playwrights can be said to expose hypocrisy rather than improve society , as heroes and heroines are constantly undermined by the contrasts created in the new social order and the codes of morality being set up which are both critical and celebratory .
18 Such an ability would be of more than merely theoretical interest : there are specialists , detectives one might almost say , who can take enormous quantities of program in a lower-level language ( not binary numbers , but normally machine code or something a little ‘ higher ’ ) and make plausible guesses as to what they actually do at a higher level of description ; or rather , given that they are told what the program was designed to do , work out how it accomplished the task and by what ‘ higher-level ’ steps .
19 Darwin ( 1871 ) remains an excellent review of the sexual characters of animals , with many thoughtful comments that are still relevant and are of more than merely historical interest .
20 Indeed the only blips on the horizon are the reluctance of the natural trumpets to ‘ really go for the burn ’ in the opening and closing choruses and ‘ Fecit potentiam ’ , and a couple of less than clearly focused notes from the tenor Marcus Brutscher , in the ‘ Deposuit ’ , in the context of what is otherwise a truly virtuoso performance .
21 These were the first men of less than fully aristocratic background to gain prominence through their merit .
22 In terms of individual doctors this means an average practitioner will do a visit between 2300 and 0700 every nine days instead of less than once a month .
23 There is a simple linear hierarchy in groups of less than about ten hens .
24 There was far more behind this than just a deterioration in the weather .
25 They are up against more than just the law though .
26 The Cabinet accepted the recommendation that a substantial British aircraft industry was required to hold off competition , and should be developed with more than just the Empire in mind ; also the premise that work on new aircraft should proceed under government direction , with the Treasury accepting responsibility for new types .
27 It made our day to know that MKM can help with more than just knitting advice .
28 It 's more common among the very young , men with more than just a basic education , and very common among the unemployed .
29 The more easterly of the two valley roads which combine at Pierrefitte takes you first to the charming town of Luz-Saint-Sauveur , which may look like one place but is really two , with more than just a hyphen dividing them .
30 The public-interest objective is harder to reject , because it is eminently reasonable that public policy should be concerned with more than just economic efficiency , though it clearly generates considerable uncertainty for firms about what they may and may not do .
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