Example sentences of "[prep] [det] than [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ They can tell you more about that than I. ’ She took a deep breath .
2 A more precise source for this than archaeology is the record of tax assessments , and more particularly the grants of tax relief which were made in the fifteenth-century reassessments .
3 Foods tend to contain mixtures of these fatty acids , but obviously some foods have higher proportions of some than others .
4 No one was more aware of this than Francisco Franco .
5 No one is more aware of this than publishers , to the sceptics ' fury .
6 It also has applications in field archaeology where financial or time constraints preclude excavation of more than part of a site , and where it is therefore important that the excavated part yields as much information as possible .
7 Of more than man , where marble daemons watch
8 I had located the dreaded Carol easily enough and reclaiming the pendant had been a piece of cake , well , a piece of more than cake , actually .
9 Economic regeneration in the area has been supported through the allocation of more than ES million of urban programme resources .
10 A survey of the US top 100 firms by Public Accounting Report showed that almost 25% had seen revenue fall over the past 12 months , with a further 20% reporting growth of less than inflation .
11 The countries which qualify for assistance are those with a per capita GNP of less than US $ 791 ( valued at 1983 dollars ) .
12 In practical terms , one does not need to consider winds of less than Force 5 .
13 The change in price has been dramatic — in 1986 it was estimated that it would be impossible to distribute imported whisky free of charge at a cost of less than Y 2,600 a bottle .
14 LTP can be tentatively subdivided into several mechanistically distinct components : LTP1 , with a duration of less than 3–6h which is blocked by kinase inhibitors but not by protein synthesis inhibitors ; LTP2 , a component which is blocked by translational inhibitors but which appears to be independent of gene expression ; and LTP3 , with a time constant of several days , which is only obtained if the animal is unanaesthetised at the time of induction and which may require gene expression ( see text ) .
15 Lower oesophageal sphincter pressure , number and duration of reflux episodes of less than pH 4 , and total duration of reflux episodes , however , is similar in CLO to patients with severe reflux oesophagitis without columnar metaplasia .
16 In the election of October 1974 , the Labour party obtained a bare majority of seats for fewer than 40% of the votes cast .
17 Some machines have less trouble with this than others , but the option of being able to use an extension microphone held well away from the camcorder is a good way of avoiding spoiling your recordings .
18 The Fund does not cover the overseas branch offices of MNPs with fewer than 75% solicitor principals .
19 He describes his results as showing ’ limited ’ success ; with fewer than 50% of the mappings being correct .
20 Of course , the success of this lesson has to do with more than structure ( indeed , I am not suggesting that structure is all a teacher needs to know about ! ) .
21 As the figure shows , deliveries from the Advocates ' Library ( which are largely outwith the control of the National Library ) tended to take longer even than deliveries of rare or early material , with more than half ( 51% ) of all timed deliveries taking longer than 35 minutes , and with only 16% — around one in five — taking twenty minutes or less .
22 What moves me very deeply about primitive peoples is that they still attach an enormous importance to a certain kind of communication which we have lost ; and that is that they allow the being of the person they are with to communicate with more than words .
23 Not only did he own Werner Lines , a worldwide shipping empire with more than vessels in commission , but he had also branched out into the freight industry over the past four years and succeeded in cornering an important section of its competitive market by buying out a succession of small , struggling companies and amalgamating them under an experienced board of directors answerable only to him .
24 The judges were also impressed by a striking cover portraying a woman and her daughter with the logo ‘ Fighting cancer with more than medicine ’ .
25 My heart with more than lust .
26 Yet they were bright with more than lust , brighter with other kinds of desire .
27 In conversation Weight also attests that he knew nobody he liked sitting alone with more than John Minton .
28 His coming meant that the radio station could deal with more than news bulletins and official talks .
29 The answers emphasise that businesses have difficulties with more than bank loans and unpaid debts .
30 We scoff at the pretentious person who buys the Tatler to exhibit it on the coffee table , so why should we not view with less than admiration the newspaper which bribes its readers to buy it for reasons other than its content ?
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