Example sentences of "[prep] [det] [noun pl] [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 Asked to name sources of credit out of the blue , people might well simply leave out or forget about some sources which in practice they could use , if they were offered that type of credit when they were buying .
2 I doubt if any survey has ever been carried out without the researcher having some regrets at the analysis stage about some questions which could have been phrased better , but the good researcher makes sure in advance that these regrets are as few as possible .
3 They later transferred the letters patent to Casey during some negotiations which eventually came to nothing .
4 Actually the solution to this minor conundrum is not all that difficult , but it takes us through some steps which are not relevant to our main line of discussion , and so we shall postpone it to an endnote to this chapter ( p. 79 ) .
5 On the one hand , there is now ample evidence of the existence of significant language patterns which have gone largely unrecorded in centuries of study ; on the other hand there is a dearth of support for some phenomena which are regularly put forward as normal patterns of English .
6 Although it made him uneasy , he could not tell for some moments what it was .
7 The function of the appointing authority is simply to appoint the expert : they do not supervise the subsequent conduct of the reference , as is the case for some arbitrations which are supervised by arbitration bodies such as the International Chamber of Commerce or the London Court of International Arbitration .
8 Erm I I think it 's difficult to quote examples off the cuff here er the er British Aerospace for example , I know that erm er the company has planned to introduce cellular manufacturing techniques for some components which will reduce the number of man hours that are devoted to the manufacture of that item an and given a level of throughput will do the job a lot more efficiently .
9 The twenty fifth anniversary may be special but for some fans whatever they do the band just ca n't go wrong .
10 However , each proposal emerges here only after an important ‘ prehistory ’ of field committee , departmental board ( and occasionally subject committee ) consideration ( see Figure 2.5 : subject committees exist for some subjects which contribute to both modular and non-modular courses in the Polytechnic , for example sociology ) .
11 After calling for some ice-cubes which we popped into the straight Pernod , we drank them down , with predictably weird results ( we had already had Dexedrine ) .
12 But meanwhile , I will give you a prescription for some pills which should help to relieve some of your anxiety and then suppose we say , provisionally … ’ she glanced at a diary at the side of her desk , ‘ you come here next Monday at the same time ? ’
13 The government-sponsored loan guarantees could be an alternative for some airlines which have been seeking foreign partners , the Times said .
14 But Harding makes room in his show for some songs which portray the more sensitive side of his nature .
15 His dreams had come back after many nights which had seemed as empty as death , dreams of walking between high hedges , it was daylight on the other side of them but gloaming where he was and thick earth rose up to his knees , to his waist , stopping him , he tried to open his mouth but his jaw-bones jammed , he was choking …
16 The line between such errors which went to jurisdiction and those within jurisdiction was a fine one , and the characterisation would often be dependent upon whether the court wished to intervene .
17 There is a deceptive simplicity about such lists which requires extensive effort to ensure a comprehensive but coherent content .
18 The historians of a general history , on the other hand , reject interpretation as such in favour of making the evidence of documents intelligible by posing questions to them , constituting through such questions what counts as the series of historical events , its elements , its limits , and its relation to other series , or what rules operated for particular discursive practices .
19 Einstein posed a searching question for such systems which we put in modern dress : can an astronaut inside the capsule determine his state of motion without looking out of the capsule ?
20 If there was anyone in the twentieth century to resolve the dilemma , repeat the Beowulf -poet 's masterpiece of compromise , and preserve ‘ the permanent value of that pietas which treasures the memory of man 's struggles in the dark past , man fallen and not yet saved , disgraced but not dethroned ’ ( ‘ Monsters ’ , p. 266 ) , Tolkien must have thought it should be himself .
21 The type is one of few aeroplanes which can be adapted for those with any form of physical handicap , which would otherwise preclude them from captaining a ‘ normal ’ aircraft .
22 Despite some criticisms which will be considered below , the basic assessment of the Nicaraguan Prison System must be positive .
23 The leadership formally reaffirmed a commitment to socialism , but accepted criticisms of its own past authoritarian practices , and criticized the lifestyles of some comrades which had " contrasted with the difficult conditions the majority of our people faced " .
24 Some communications are obvious by their very nature or by the response which they elicit — the alarm calls of some creatures which other species automatically recognize , for instance .
25 FIGURE 5.2 Planetary abundances of inert gases and of some elements which form mainly volatile compounds .
26 He really said it all to me in a comment some years ago : ‘ The ICM must become the accepted mirror of the credit scene , and we must be wary of some things which can break the reflection . ’
27 Some complaints against FIS members had been lodged by the FFS , but the FFS leader , Ait Ahmed , said on Dec. 29 that " following the failure of some trends which claim to be democratic and opposition , the FIS is emerging as a democratic pillar whose … influence at national level can not be doubted " .
28 The precise factors which weighed in Silkin 's mind in this programme of designations are reviewed by Cullingworth ( 1979 ) ; also the factors in the rejection of some proposals which finally did not feature in the list .
29 In the case of some engines which have been adjusted to take unleaded fuel , you may be advised to fill up with one tank of leaded to every three of unleaded fuel .
30 A thick stolon was much delayed in its passage ; at one place it was forced to turn at right angles to its former course ; at another place it could not pass through the pins , and the hinder part became bowed ; it then curved upwards and passed through an opening between the upper part of some pins which happen to diverge ; it then descended and finally emerged through the crowd ’ ( Darwin , 1880 ) .
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