Example sentences of "[prep] [det] [noun sg] there " in BNC.

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1 I hope that the hon. Gentleman will ask his constituents to remember that if they want to do something about that matter there is one answer — to buy the best food that there is , and that is British produced .
2 They suggested that pupil results should be presented as an attainment profile and that for each subject there should be a very small number of ‘ profile components ’ which reflected the variety of knowledge skills and understanding to which a study of the subject gave rise .
3 This planning appeared to have a cyclical character because Beattie 's data showed that for each speaker there were both hesitant and fluent phases following one after the other .
4 It is worth noting that for each price there is a rate of return consistent with it , or conversely for every rate of return there is a price consistent with it .
5 Most of the book is arranged in the form of a week of prayer in which for each day there is an order of Adoration , Confession of Sin , a Prayer for Grace , a Confession of Faith and an Intercession .
6 For each day there is a diet sheet , more interesting key facts , and a weight and symptom chart for your to complete as you did for Stage I. It is vital that you keep this chart up to date : you will undoubtedly need to refer back at some point during the next few weeks , so the records are nothing short of vital !
7 For each episode there are : ‘ before ’ and ‘ after ’ viewing activities ; exercises which develop the teaching points of the episode ; transfer activities such as role play and writing tasks ; language summaries ; and a video transcript .
8 For each episode there is the choice of three different lesson plans which enable Mystery Tour to be readily adapted to a variety of different teaching situations .
9 For each episode there are
10 For each episode there are :
11 As well as directions , for each walk there are details of where to get refreshments en route ; how to get to the start of each route by car and , where possible , by bus ; plus a section on places of historical interest .
12 For each week there are different instructions .
13 For each height there is an acceptable weight range covering small to large frames .
14 Since for each item there is a 50 per cent chance of a correct response simply by guessing , children with scores of 8 or less on any set are regarded as in need of retesting , while very low scores ( 0–1 ) indicate that the child is systematically misunderstanding the meanings to be derived from word order .
15 During that drive there was much discussion about the future , which looked pretty grim .
16 But also during that time there was Martin Luther King and the music and everything .
17 ‘ I recently went to Ireland , and my visit was the headline news story in every Irish newspaper , but during that time there was not a single column inch devoted to it in the English press , whereas it was very prominently reported in the European press .
18 And one of the craziest debates during that time there was whether to allow beer waggons over .
19 pounds for that griddle there 's so and so 's money and there 's the money for the flowers all in these little bags of money , been counting out all this money and they got home seven o'clock that night and he was then do n't know where he was going with me erm but they piles in the car all three of them the girls have got ta have a shower so they stayed there and er ooh I know where they was going !
20 At about this time there also emerged the Islamic Revolutionary Party ( IRP ) , to provide a banner under which approved candidates could run for election to the Majles , and the Revolutionary Guards or Pasdaran-e-Enqelab-e-Eslami .
21 This certainly overstated the decline , but records for the whole county between 1965 and 1970 showed a general recovery , and during this period there were breeding season records from 97 sites relating to 44 pairs and 53 single birds .
22 During this period there was no such thing as ‘ evil ’ .
23 During this period there will be pressures to woo and be wooed and to gain sexual experience .
24 During this period there was a considerable body of opinion , particularly among economists , which held that the country was over-populated .
25 During this period there was a greater proportion of heavy smokers in the capital area , which is in agreement with the observed geographical distribution of patients in the present study .
26 During this period there has also grown up an international community of people interested in gender in mathematics and/or science and/or technology .
27 During this period there were 671 rights issues known to have been underwritten of which only 35 resulted in a loss for the underwriters .
28 Little is known about the period from 481 until the end of the century , but during this period there were a number of significant marriages uniting the ruling dynasties of barbarian Europe .
29 Glass , like toffee , has no sharp melting point but changes gradually , as it is heated , from a brittle solid to a viscous liquid and during this process there is no important change of molecular structure .
30 During this stage there is a considerable increase in the number of teeth in the mouth , from 28 to 42 .
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