Example sentences of "[prep] [num] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The proportion of the national area of thirteen tropical American countries described as steep sloped is very high — 80 per cent for Honduras , Panama , Haiti and the Dominican Republic and not less than 50 per cent for eleven of the thirteen .
2 At the moment they 're just a voluntary body , but it looks as though works councils will become mandatory for eleven of the twelve states in the E C , with the implementation very soon of the European Social Works Council Directive , Britain as usual being the odd one out , because of course it 's part of the Social Chapter .
3 Unfortunately , that unique number is generated from the FONT ID times 128 plus the size which limits the total to that appallingly restricted 255 .
4 The Scottish Natural Heritage figure is up over the grant in aid for 1991-92 for the Nature Conservancy Council for Scotland and the Scottish Countryside Commission by 21 per cent .
5 This is all logical enough given Fforde 's conviction that collectivism comes from ‘ areas other than the British Conservative party ’ , but Fforde seems to forget that the Conservatives were in power for fifty-five of the 100 years from the dawn of collectivism to the edge of Thatcherism , and must , therefore , have been at least partly responsible for some of Keith Joseph 's ‘ detritus ’ .
6 Hurd argues that the Arab world itself must create this new system ( presumably under Western tutelage ) and a conference to this effect between eight of the nine partners in the alliance ( Morocco being the sole absentee ) occurred in Cairo in mid-February .
7 Although , as has been argued already , the significance of the 1934 Congress is to be located in its general guiding principles rather than in specific theories , it is nonetheless worthwhile examining briefly the substance of the 1934 debate not only because it sets out the agenda for a detailed discussion of socialist realism , but also because Nizan 's second novel , Le Cheval de Troie , was produced , for the most part in the Soviet Union during 1934 in the shadow of the Congress itself .
8 Cairns had taken 6 for 70 in the Lancashire first innings , and after watching him add 5 for 75 against Kent Robinson commented : ‘ He is still a youngster but he is setting in well and showing what an excellent prospect he is . ’
9 Protestant Unionists made up about two-thirds of the new Ulster Democratic Unionist Party ( hereafter ‘ DUP ’ ) .
10 Hence it took about two-thirds of the total period since the origin of life to reach the eukaryote stage .
11 The feet and rig change is done about two-thirds of the way through the turn .
12 For example , in the eighteenth century pleuro-pneumonia killed about two-thirds of the country 's cattle , especially in the low-lying lands in the north , and farmers were forced to restock from less devastated regions such as the offshore Friesian Islands .
13 My second trot sees the float dip sharply beneath the surface about two-thirds of the way down the swim .
14 In a 1975 survey on library lectures and their evaluation , Hernon found that about two-thirds of the responding libraries were not evaluating their library lecture programmes .
15 Last year about two-thirds of the newcomers finished outside the tip 120 in the Volvo Order of Merit , therefore failing to retain their playing rights .
16 Use 750g/1¼lb of the marzipan to cover larger cake : first fill any gaps around base then , using about two-thirds of the remainder , roll out a strip to cover side of cake completely .
17 Ellis compared the brands of the animal to the claimant 's name , and if he was satisfied , as he was in about two-thirds of the cases , he issued the claimant a certificate of ownership .
18 About two-thirds of the way through her leaving year , she said : ‘ Look , I ca n't be bothered with this .
19 These sheets are in three sections and I 'm now about two-thirds of the way through the first one . ’
20 It seems that the police record about two-thirds of the property crime that comes to their attention , and about half of the violent crime .
21 As a result , about two-thirds of the new demand could be supplied by American wells .
22 In the meantime , since companies , banks and life insurers own about two-thirds of the Tokyo stockmarket , share prices are supported almost entirely by fickle foreigners , margin investors and , of course , the government .
23 She found that about two-thirds of the women whom she studied had relied upon female kin at some stage , and that most of the support which they received was child care , coming principally from mothers and mothers-in-law , but also sisters , sisters-in-law , aunts and grandmothers .
24 It has been estimated that , even allowing for Lancaster 's expenses in Aquitaine , the campaigns between 1344 and 1347 cost only about two-thirds of the amount spent between 1338 and 1341 .
25 About two-thirds of the rooms at The Regent ( ) offer a view of Victoria Harbour and across the bay .
26 About two-thirds of the articles were Realist , with only some 10 per cent falling into a ‘ structuralist ’ ( or , as they called it , ‘ dialectical ’ ) category .
27 About two-thirds of the sacks of refuse had gone , and the pit she had seen was as if it had never been , under a litter of dead leaves where a couple of blackbirds foraged .
28 However , from the supplementary information collected , by questionnaire , from LEAs a year alter the initial review , there appeared to be some increase in the use of the reported incidence of practical work , and about two-thirds of the completed questionnaires indicated that calculator skills were tested .
29 About two-thirds of the success rates for each question were less than ten percentage points different .
30 However , school children pay only about two-thirds of the adult fare and for only 200 days of the year , and for the remainder of the time adult passengers may not be numerous enough to cover operating costs .
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