Example sentences of "[prep] [det] [conj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 again there is no answer to that question , simply because the answer is so horrific , it does n't bear thinking about , but thank God all maybe safe , all will not be safe , but all maybe safe , God has provided a salvation that is available to all and if we are not safe it is because we choose to reject his s , his offers of mercy , so we thank God that all may be safe , but the solemn fact remains is that all will not be saved , well that leads us on to , to this third proposition , not only that the bible teach that all maybe saved , not only does it teach that all will not be saved , but it is quite clear that some will be saved whom we did not expect to be saved , we can be quite sure about that because judgment does n't rest with us , way back Abraham says perhaps one of the most important statements in his life when he said there in , in , in Genesis chapter eighteen and we actually sang the wo tho the quotation in the song we just sang a few moments ago where he says will not the judge of all the earth be right , judgement is not yours and mine , that 's God 's prerogative and the other song that we 've been , the song that we 've been singing , that song by faber there 's a wideness in God 's mercy lets be honest we are so narrow with our mercy , our gra , our expressions of grace is so limited , but there 's a wideness in God 's mercy and faber says it 's got the wideness of the sea , there 's a kindness in his justice , which is more than liberty , David knew all about that when he was given the option , he said oh I 'd rather fall into the hands of God than into the hands of men , I 'd rather that God dealt with me than that my fellow man dealt with me , because with him there 's mercy , with him there 's grace , with him there is , there is long suffering and there 's compa compassion and there 's love , and faber goes on with the love of God is broader than the measure of man 's mind and the heart of the eternal is most wonderfully kind , now that 's all very well for the song writer to say that in a hymn and it sounds nice and it 's , it sounds good but is there a scriptural authority for this , is it really true , or is it just a nice song that we sing with , it does us good because we feel it 's a nice , there nice thoughts , well , surely we have it in the passage we 've been reading that there is there is a mercy with God , there is a kindness with God in ver in verse thirty of that chapter behold some who are last will be first and some who are first will be last it 's quite clear that some will be saved that we did not expect to be saved , and you can find example after example of this , it was a tremendous surprise to the onlookers when a very sinful woman annoyed to the feed of Jesus , it was a tremendous surprise to the Pharisee who rejected God , although he was such a good man , to find that the , er sorry to be rejected by God although he was a good honest upright man , and to find that the sinner was accepted by God , it was a tremendous surprise to the people when Zacchaeus who named you to be a sinner , an open twist there an evil man was saved by the Lord Jesus , you could save salvation has come to this house , it was a tremendous surprise when the law breaker who was dying on the cross beside the law Jesus was saved and went to be with him , with the Lord in paradise , it was a tremendous surprise to the disciples when Jesus preached the gospel and revealed himself to a gentile woman , who was an adulterer seven times over but he did and she was saved , it was a tremendous surprise to Ananias when the Lord revealed himself
2 Near the entrance of the open-plan dining area was a large bird-table , and we saw the reason for that when meal-time came .
3 I have no doubt that I will carry on running to keep fit but there is a difference between that and training to race well .
4 Different authors may define corporatism differently , but we should not worry too much about this since corporatism is a highly complex phenomenon and different dimensions , or aspects , of it are covered by these diverse conceptualisations .
5 You were warned about this when fundholding was first mooted , and again when your obsession with waiting lists surfaced , but no one seems to listen .
6 The difficulty in determining the motive for Baldwin 's decision is that he was himself as contradictory about this as lie was clear about where and how he took it .
7 There were reports that Iraq had received another Russian system , the SS-21 , though specialist circles are uncertain about this and arrival was not independently confirmed — perhaps the confusion arose from the last digits of the SS-12 having been inverted .
8 Everything is spelt out to them , it is like getting it on a silver platter , so they can go off into another world for half and hour and get lost in this pretend world , ’ said Kylie .
9 But I think that if we can grab him just for half and hour
10 Thus , a theory of the tides based on the moon 's attraction was good science for Newtonians but bordered on occult mysticism for Galileo , whilst in contemporary society , Marx 's theory of historical change is good science for some and propaganda for others .
11 Certainly climate is essentially responsible for this but soil plays a part too .
12 Deforestation and agricultural encroachment are among the reasons for this but forest-management policies have also been inadequate .
13 Head teachers took the main responsibility for this but class teachers also made an important contribution .
14 A more precise source for this than archaeology is the record of tax assessments , and more particularly the grants of tax relief which were made in the fifteenth-century reassessments .
15 The clergy & staff are always willing to spend time with anyone living here ; for this and Ministry and Holy Communion to the Sick & Housebound ; Ministry to the bereaved , the dying and for funerals ; for Confirmation , Baptism , and Weddings , please first contact your parish priest : Andrew Way .
16 The argument for this as-if strategy is straightforward enough : civilization is impossible unless the decisions of some well-defined person or group are accepted by everyone as setting public standards that will be enforced if necessary through the police power .
17 Er you say there was a choice between this and Balloon Woods , why did you actually choose ?
18 The difference between this and Helby v. Matthews is that here the customer was committed to making all the payments and therefore to acquiring ownership of the goods .
19 The chief difference between this and literature is that the stylistic values of literature can not be adequately explained ill terms of a need-oriented view of language .
20 The major difference between this and task allocation is in the relationship between the nurses and the ways in which the care is divided between the members of the nursing team .
21 It must be remembered that hyperlipidaemia in a well-controlled diabetic may also represent a primary familial disorder , and it is often difficult to differentiate between this and diabetes complicated by hypertriglyceridaemia .
22 Nevertheless , public opinion is steadily turning against one form of cruelty after another as bear baiting , cock fighting , big game hunting , badger baiting and dog fights have in turn been outlawed or become distasteful .
23 ( 2 ) That , although the scope of Code C of the Codes of Practice ( 1985 ed. ) extended beyond persons in detention , it was intended to protect suspects who were , or thought themselves to be , vulnerable to abuse or pressure from police officers , and applied where a suspect was being questioned about an offence by a police officer acting as such for the purpose of obtaining evidence ; that , since the appellants were not being questioned by police officers acting as such and conversation was on equal terms , there could be no question of pressure or intimidation by the officers as persons actually or believed to be in authority ; and that , accordingly , Code C did not apply in the circumstances and the judge 's approach could not be faulted ( post , p. 237C–E , H ) .
24 ‘ Just as a trading company has a trading reputation which it is entitled to protect by bringing an action for defamation , so in my view the plaintiffs as a local government corporation have a ‘ governing ’ reputation which they are equally entitled to protect in the same way — of course , bearing in mind the vital distinction between defamation of the corporation as such and defamation of its individual officers or members .
25 Er there are major plans as well as I understand it , Mr can confirm , for extension of that or expansion of that area , already agreed in the local plan .
26 it 's just a matter of him sort of saying that 's perfectly okay , I mean , you can get a copy of that or phone call from them , well , if he 's , if he 's not happy with anything , they , they 're quite willing to contact him direct
27 It can be seen that comparisons between the sub-groups are made much easier if they have been sampled in this way ; there is no problem of having to cope with a preponderance of one group and a dearth of another if stratification has taken place beforehand .
28 Indeed , it is confidently expected that new tagsets will be added , and their definition will form an important part of the continued work of this and successor projects .
29 Write unc Then unc Inversion of this and premultiplication of the result by R1 gives , provided unc as r increases .
30 Just a bit of this and bit of that .
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