Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For rather a lot of money .
2 The revenge of the self on the others here ( for assuredly the Friend will not enjoy the experience either ) acts to lower the self to their level , or even beneath it .
3 This seems to have helped for eventually the topic ceases to be discussed .
4 This is a pity , for arguably an appreciation of both the importance of the social construction of feminity and masculinity and the extent to which fundamental concepts are gendered is necessary before the process by which men and women 's thinking about marriage and divorce can be understood .
5 They had been buried in the bog for perhaps a century , until unearthed by the peat diggers .
6 It had been almost the unofficial waste basket papers were dumped there to be kept but no one had been through it carefully for perhaps a century .
7 Those who did receive schooling did so for perhaps a year or two , often much less , at some point in their childhood , with hardly any attending school beyond the age of ten or eleven .
8 They stood there for perhaps a minute , wondering what to do .
9 He read in silence for perhaps a minute , and then turned the scroll over to examine minutely the seal on the obverse .
10 ‘ Sometimes a merchant in a souk will settle for perhaps a profit of only five per cent , ’ says Mr Latif of the Moroccan Tourist Board .
11 Even so , I hope that the House will forgive me if , after my speech , I am absent from the Chamber for perhaps a quarter of an hour while I go there to congratulate the winners of training awards .
12 By any normal standards , the Al Fayed brothers had been rich men for perhaps a decade or even two .
13 ‘ We will be back in the summer for perhaps a couple of days when we have got the bigger picture and can ask more intelligent questions , ’ he said .
14 They used to be in the boxes up the yard , you see , you used to lay them and feed them for perhaps a week before you killed them .
15 I suspect that Pound never went further into Aubeterre than this inn , and one needs to have walked in his footsteps from Chalais to Aubeterre to see how he could well have done this , skirting the hill , stopping for perhaps a mid-day meal in the inn , and then pushing on at once for La Tour Blanche .
16 The usual pattern is that you take several fish one after the other , and then nothing for perhaps an hour , then several more fish in quick succession , and so on , until either you run out of bait or you have caught the whole shoal .
17 He remains a major shareholder , but his shares are worth only a fraction of their '84 value .
18 " I woll that the said Felliship shall have for evermore the presentement , nominacion , and admyssyon of the said two Preestes of the said two services and the removing and puttyng out of them …
19 The concept of ‘ continuing education ’ , for long a part of European thought , is now taking firm root , even in the UK .
20 He wrote articles for the magazine of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society , of which he was a founder , and for long a member of council .
21 Tersteeg , his ex-employer and for long a friend of the family , wrote him a disapproving letter .
22 Altruistic behaviour , for long a puzzle to evolutionists , may now be explained largely in terms of kin selection for the inclusive fitness of individuals .
23 The London County Council , for long a stronghold of the Labour party , was one of the relatively few authorities to press firmly in this direction in the immediate post-war years .
24 But the country remained for long a backwater in international relations .
25 Between palace and castle runs the processional route of the Royal Mile , for long the arena for the city 's most important activities , climbing as it does up a narrow ridge cramped between steep slopes carved out by ancient glaciers to either side .
26 It is also a famously independent place , for long the capital of this little region of Baréges , and sufficiently cut off to administer itself as another of the remarkably enlightened mountain ‘ republics ’ .
27 The same approach can be found in successive studies published between the 1950s and 80s by Leonard Schapiro , for long the doyen of Russian studies at the London School of Economics and one of the most influential western historians of the revolution .
28 But also , and more importantly , the normal upward movement that was for long the solvent for discontent has been arrested .
29 Left penniless when her husband dropped dead suddenly one Monday morning as he was putting his horse between the shafts to go to the country on his weekly door-to-door round , her pride had not allowed her to accept for long the charity of the community 's Board of Guardians .
30 A party that had thrown itself so uncompromisingly into the campaign against Home Rule , and which had long ago accepted the need for " organization " in domestic affairs , could hardly accept for long the leadership by ineffective compromise which was what Asquith offered .
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