Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Bible as holy literature , the oracles of the Logos , has become for them an inanimate object of scientific investigation .
2 We greatly respect and value each of our employees and we strive to provide for them an appropriate workplace environment .
3 For them an insidious sense of illusion stimulates my imagination and enables me to see the entire pageant of Venetian ships , present and past , actual and intangible , sailing before my eyes .
4 The 15 all present and correct had between them an astonishing 533 years ' service .
5 His language , so familiar and so foreign , will always be for me an acquired speech .
6 Coleridge tells us that after he ‘ had successively studied in the schools of Locke , Berkeley , Leibnitz , and Hartley and could find in none of them an abiding place for [ his ] reason ’ ( Biographia Literaria , ix ) he discovered in Germany the writings of ‘ the illustrious sage of Koenigsberg ’ : Immanuel Kant .
7 This kind of sentiment was reflected in France , where the influential courtier , Philippe de Mézières , in works of a semi-polemical nature ( one of them an open letter on peace addressed to Richard II ) asked whether the long war should continue .
8 Other Red Cross workers saw Mr Christen standing with his hands in the air , holding in one of them an artificial limb , before the gunmen took him away .
9 Laura , for instance , had two younger brothers , who were not settling very well into the stockbrokers ' firm in which they had been placed , and numerous uncles , one of them an old horror who obtained Scandinavian au pairs through advertisements in The Lady , and then , of course , her Norfolk cousins .
10 There is a double set of front pockets on each side — first a zipped pocket and in front of it an open patch pocket , and both are excellent , deep pockets .
11 Basic training and a posting to a Regiment lay ahead , all of it an unknown quantity , and my enthusiasm was so manifest because everything that lay in front of me was so foreign .
12 They produced a file which they said was his and took out of it an indistinct , green photograph of someone carrying a parcel .
13 All of them were occupied , but , without even a word from Guido , the proprietor snapped his fingers , and even as they were being led towards it an extra table was being laid .
14 In other words , not only do we not have in front of us an exact cost for the works that are being voted through in this Bill — we have to go on the basis of an outdated figure of £1.4 billion , which is in itself an enormous amount — but the Government are saying that they do not have the foggiest idea whether the amount involved will accord with their investment criteria .
15 Behind them an old woman is standing , staring constantly at the fruit machine .
16 I am committed to this enterprise : To climb the mountain , to cut down the cedar , and leave behind me an enduring name . ’
17 He will be even more fortunate if he has his conviction quashed , since there was against him an open-and-shut case under section 15 .
18 As soon as the meal was over Didi excused herself on the grounds of a headache , leaving behind her an uneasy silence .
19 Behind us an impatient motorist tooted a horn .
20 All competing teams should report to the Dashwood Arms , Kirtlington at 8am. , bringing with them an accurate set of scales .
21 He invited Continental Reformers to visit him and planned with them an international union of protestants .
22 These great events , the zeitgeist mood they engender , large in themselves as stages in history , carry with them an enormous potential for change in our daily lives .
23 These new ‘ immigrants ’ have brought with them an urban , middle-class life-style which is largely alien to the remaining local agricultural population .
24 Selection on generations of bacteria has presumably built into them an unconscious rule of thumb which works by purely biochemical means .
25 With the reservation , following Bolton , ‘ that a small firm could not be adequately defined in terms of employment or assets , turnover or any other arbitrary single quantity , nor would the same definition be appropriate through the economy ’ , we can adopt with him an upper limit of 200 employees for small manufacturing firms ; and note that , in 1963 , when he adopted that limit , the average number of people employed in such a firm was 25 .
26 It also carries with it an impressive ‘ grace and favour ’ set of apartments in the Palace of Westminster overlooking the River Thames .
27 In view of the growth of the tutorial class movement and of adult education generally , which carries with it an increasing demand for courses in English literature , the influence and responsibilities of English departments at Universities , especially in the provinces , are likely to be extended considerably in the near future .
28 And what has happened over time is that , in the twentieth century , with the advent of two world wars , with the impact of the worst economic depression that the world 's ever seen , with the rise to global dominance , both economic and military , indeed one might say culturally , the rise to global dominance of the United States , the scale and er scope of the U S executive branch has grown and with it an increasing er attention and focus on the presidency .
29 The agreement indicates how , through a series of interviews , reports and assessments spaced over two years , entry grade teachers can become teachers on main professional grade ( which carries with it an appropriate salary increase ) .
30 It has often been observed that , whilst old age is not an illness , it does bring with it an increased susceptibility to illness and disease .
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