Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] just as " in BNC.

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1 He came racing towards me just as I got out , I had already shed my parachute in the aircraft to get out a little more schnell before he accosted me , I got the most bitter rollicking for leaving the aircraft outside his engineering hangar area .
2 How nice it was to be able to use all of the pedestrian walkways and see the beauty of them just as the planners visualised .
3 Isabel started to run towards him just as another block of stone came away from the wall , hurtling downwards .
4 I 'm sure if the hardliners have won , now that is erm , would be dealing with them just as now .
5 I 'm gon na read from verse thirty five , just the paragraph there , the last paragraph in that chapter it says on that day when evening had come Jesus said to them let us go over to the other side and leaving the multitude they took him along with them just as he was in the boat and other boats were with them .
6 I was happy with him just as he was , without affectation .
7 The sergeant came to a halt outside the adjutant 's hut , and an out-of-breath Charlie caught up with him just as the door was opened by a colour-sergeant who turned to Charlie and said , ‘ Stand to attention , lad , remain one pace behind me and do n't speak unless you 're spoken to .
8 ‘ It 's funny you should ask because I bumped into her just as I was coming back from the loo .
9 She feared that the air of Paris would be poisoned with it just as the air of the Riviera had been …
10 Well we told them when we rung them up we have n't got a thing , we 're gon na nip up to quote a plate with it just as we 're going into
11 Gasping with desperate exertion , she got the canoe into the water , and leapt into it just as he seemed to realise what she was doing .
12 Spectacular scientific advances have come from them just as they have from other institutions .
13 and they can take that away from you just as soon as
14 It exploded inside him just as the last notes of his symphony died away .
15 Their talk and behaviour took a slightly different form from ours just as their uniforms did and for the same reason but their major premises seemed to be the same .
16 If the Germans can provide this , we should be grateful to them just as the world ought to be grateful to us for having a zero line of longitude running constantly through Greenwich ’ .
17 Do you think you can vent your temper on me just as you please ?
18 ‘ Then ask them to repeat it back to you just as you told it .
19 As I say , I 'll get it back to you just as soon as I 've managed to make a copy of it . ’
20 He lay back by the open window with his eyes closed and the warm breathless air came to him just as in another cooler season heat fanned from the grid lower down the wall .
21 Something happened which always pleased him : his wife opened the front door to him just as he was about to put his key in the lock .
22 She had put her hair up so as to look older than her sixteen years but even so she straightened her music and her shoulders with such self-consciousness that the maturity of her voice came as a shock to him just as it always did .
23 A mature , non-exploitative , separated relationship between mother and daughter begins as each accepts that the other can not be perfectly available or responsive to her just as she can not be perfectly available and responsive to the other . ’
24 The cottage , their belongings , were their joint life , adorned and gave reality to it just as the bushes and flowers they had planted in the garden staked out their territory of trust .
25 They read our body language better than we do ourselves , and signal to us just as they would to each other .
26 ( Indicating costumes ) We had to run for it just as we were .
27 She was n't changing her plans and returning , yet she seemed to be angrily tugging at me just as I was turning away .
28 The Canaletto presumably has not altered , and men still come to look at it just as they repeat Shakespeare 's words .
29 Some will actually feel that they are inside the body of the former self , and that everything is going on around them just as it does in ordinary life .
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