Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] when [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Some of the government appointments as heads of the programme companies were proven professionals — under ORTF : for example , in 1978 , the head of TFI , Jean-Louis Guillaud , had previously advised Pompidou on broadcasting and prepared the launching of the third channel ; the head of A2 , Maurice Ulrich , would later be ‘ Chef de Cabinet ’ of Chirac when premier ( 1986–8 ) ; Claude Contamine , head of FR3 , and later ( 1986–9 ) head of A2 , had been one of the first — when assistant DG of ORTF in 1964 — to commission work from independent producers , despite ORTF 's formal monopoly of production ; further proof-if it were needed — of the longevity of the connection between broadcasting and the state .
2 Eden was entertaining his friend and ally Nuri es-Said of Iraq when news that Nasser had nationalized the Suez Canal was conveyed to the Prime Minister .
3 Keen sailor Rod , 41 , of Nutley , East Sussex , was taking part in a yachting festival on the Isle of Wight when disaster struck .
4 There was double standards even in Libya against the Arabs , when we betrayed the old Zanussi king and put the pro-Italian Arabs in charge of Libya when oil was found .
5 but why , you see er the end of Southwold when East Bramont went into the sea you know
6 Necessity was the mother of invention for Dixon when refereeing interpretation compelled a switch from ruck to maul during Scotland 's 1988 tour to Zimbabwe — of which three survivors played on Saturday : Paul Burnell , Cronin and Derek Turnbull .
7 THE White House was under intense pressure yesterday to demonstrate positive results from its secret , high-level contacts with the Chinese Government , or face sweeping sanctions against Beijing when Congress reconvenes next month .
8 Again , in the early 1980s she was to support Gerardo Iglesias against Carrillo when change became inevitable [ see p. 32014 ] .
9 That happened against Pontypridd when video evidence clearly showed his foot came into contact with Stuart Roy .
10 Those patients at most risk when undergoing ERCP are the elderly , and previous workers have shown that age is a predisposing factor to hypoxia during ERCP when narcotic agents are used in conjunction with benzodiazepine sedation .
11 Tea , like breakfast , was taken with Nannie when Mademoiselle was on holiday — Nannie was not really Nannie for a great big girl of eight .
12 At the same time I was working on a small English-Burmese dictionary with about 3,500 of the most common words likely to be needed by government workers going back into Burma when liberation should come .
13 The bankruptcies did not happen , but he bought the Daily Mirror into ATV when bankruptcy looked possible , after the traumatic first year .
14 These included : ( i ) extension of coverage to octopus , cuttlefish , primary cocoa products and essential oils ; ( ii ) lowering of dependency thresholds ( that is , the importance of an ACP country 's exports of a relevant product as a proportion of its total exports ) from 6 per cent to 5 per cent and from 1.5 per cent to 1 per cent in the case of the least developed countries ( LDCs ) ; ( iii ) abolition of the principle of repayment of interest-free loans granted under Stabex when export earnings permitted ( under Lome III only the LDCs had been exempted ) ; ( iv ) abolition of the Lome III mechanism for correcting exchange-rate fluctuations ( often called the " tunnel " ) in favour of a system of calculations based on the ECU .
15 Eleven people were killed in Moscow when fuel from a tanker set light to several trolley buses .
16 Mr Roller 's optimistic assessment of an upturn follows a winter of discontent in Germany when wage demands rocketed and employers warned of a flight of investment and manufacturing overseas .
17 Finally , in October some 150 members and guests participated in an anniversary dinner in Inverness when guest speakers were , Scottish Office Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries ; MEP ; , Convener , Highland Regional Council ; and .
18 I continued flying from Woodvale when time allowed with the VR in Chipmunks/Oxfords/Tigers and Ansons .
19 Pakistan and South Africa were playing a crucial game at the Gabba in Brisbane when rain intervened to make South Africa 's total of 211 appear almost invincible .
20 The Government introduced the community charge legislation as a result of total panic about what was happening in Scotland when revaluation came before us again .
21 There is a coincidence with Osbern 's story , and it may be that Swegen was present in England when tribute was paid in 1012 , and then set off for the Irish Sea ( thus repeating the possible pattern of 994 – 5 ) only to be shipwrecked , perhaps off the Welsh coast .
22 He was still on leave in England when war was declared on 4 August 1914 .
23 In 1939 we were all in England when Pop came back from Burma to decide what we should do — stay in England during the war , or go back to Burma .
24 In Yorkshire when man goes into a decline during his wife 's pregnancy they giggle behind their hands and say he is " carrying " the baby , I never laugh at these remarks because I am convinced I " carried " my son .
25 U-2 spy planes monitored civil rights demonstrations in the 1960s and an elite army Green Beret unit was in Memphis when King was shot and killed .
26 Two hundred electronics jobs will be lost at Conner Peripherals in Irvine when manufacturing ends in Scotland .
27 On the way back we were about two and a half miles from Fordingbridge when disaster struck .
28 His wife had been admitted to hospital for observation , and then evacuated to a hospital in Shropshire when war was declared .
29 There was renewed fighting in Chad when government forces captured the oasis town of Fada from Libyan-backed rebels .
30 Hau was widely regarded as a conservative , and violent street protests erupted in Taipei when news of his appointment emerged .
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