Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] than [art] " in BNC.

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1 This was a much more comfortable victory for Kelburne than the score suggests for two of Torbrex 's goals were scored late in the game by Gordon Shepherd whose second strike came from a penalty a minute from time .
2 In any event , he consoled himself , nothing could be worse for Katherine than the situation that had developed at home .
3 Even if Dr Kingdom did feel more for Heather than a doctor should for his patient , it does n't mean that had anything to do with her disappearance . ’
4 It is hard to think of him doing any worse for England than the cardboard cut-outs who allegedly were playing midfield in Santander the other night .
5 Yesterday Dr Morris said : ‘ The latest work will be a follow-up to an earlier study that showed how the community 's health was 30pc worse in some parts of Sunderland than the country as a whole , and 30pc worse again in parts of Middlesbrough .
6 However , those less interested in the in-fighting in the House of Windsor than the environment will have noticed that Sarah Ferguson did one thing RIGHT .
7 Roxburgh 's observation that high expectation can be dangerous might have carried more weight were it not for the fact that nobody appears to have a loftier opinion of Ferguson than the 21-year-old himself .
8 Possibly the direct effects of war on the Flemish cloth towns , which suffered from the campaigns , may have been a further benefit to English producers ; indeed this may have been a more important factor in the decline of Flanders than the tariff protection enjoyed by England , because the Dutch cloth industry , which used English wool , also developed at this time at the expense of the Flemish .
9 He said the Budget was anti-poor and anti-Scottish because it cost 30 per cent more to heat homes in some parts of Scotland than the south-east of England .
10 Chroniclers and poets in their embittered criticism of papal initiatives for peace were scarcely less vehement than the lords and commons in parliament , and when at last , in 1378 , an Italian pope was elected , an Englishman at Rome rejoiced because ‘ Previous popes and their cardinals had been greater enemies of the kingdom of England than the king of France himself . ’
11 As it happened , the Stewart kings between 1406 and 1542 had married wives of considerable personality and , except in the case of Margaret Tudor , skill ; in the power-sharing between Mary of Gueldres , widow of James II , and the then elder statesman , James Kennedy , bishop of St Andrews , during the early years of James III 's minority , for example , it was the Queen Mother who pursued a much more intelligent foreign policy towards England than the bishop .
12 ‘ IXI will add more to the value of SCO than the dilution of the shares involved , ’ according to Anderson .
13 A nineteenth-century drunkard sobbing at the penitents ' bench found no less an ‘ answer ’ in the cross of Christ than the twentieth-century philosopher with his carefully articulated questions .
14 There is , however , obviously a great deal more to the history of Siberia than a catalogue of criminality and cold .
15 Opposition in Parliament in the 1980s came more effectively from Conservative dissidents and the House of Lords than the Labour party .
16 It is always a question whether the flowers in an opium dream are more beautiful than the flowers in the field ; or the Garden of Eden than the first protoplasm. but all this leads nowhere — people will either like the painting of Georgia O'Keeffe or dislike it .
17 More importantly , the city has long been a centre of manufacturing excellence ; why then should it still arouse such hostility ; is there something deeper to the disapproval of Birmingham than the quality of its goods .
18 The action of a single tyrant may be more potent to inflict suffering on the continent of Europe than a combination of less powerful persons . ’
19 Stanko Guldescu , the historian of medieval Croatia , has described this disaster as having ‘ more significance for the subsequent fate of Europe than the more publicised Serbian debacle ’ at Kosovo Polje in 1389 .
20 Who has a better right to enquire as to the welfare of Richard of York than the lady Anne his wife ? ’
21 It is concluded that the programme conducted by the Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee was more appropriate for the people of Bangladesh than the National Oral Rehydration Programme .
22 My mother had more stories of India than the war : my mother dancing with young men at the club , the cobra she saw on the veranda , the retired doctor in the Indian army who sent her his travelling rug before he died .
23 No sound was more typical of Iran-contra than the dropping of a secret , like a stone , into otherwise peaceful conversation ; at which the other participants would carefully get up and walk away .
24 Both had made previous flights to Fairbanks on the Irkutsk-Fairbanks ferry run and hoped one day to see more of America than the tundra regions of Alaska .
25 The stories of Sigurd and Wayland seem to have been particularly popular , and while , as R.N. Bailey has argued , such carvings could have been attempts to link pagan with Christian belief , one is still driven to the conclusion that they " may have appealed to tastes and interpretations which were based more on the traditions of Scandinavia than the Christian Fathers " .
26 And everyone in Maple Drive , as they cooked , consoled , took out their best suits and thought of even nicer things to say about Donald than the last nice thing that had been said about him , were privately so astonished , so relieved , so savagely glad to be alive that if someone had proposed to bury him upside down in a bucket of horse manure they would probably have agreed it was all for the best .
27 It sounded more like MacDonald than the old parliamentary master .
28 Maybe , it is murmured , an indecisive , messy sort of ending might be better for Israel than a clear-cut one .
29 The appeals court ruling meant that several laws restricting abortion passed by other states were more likely to provide a vehicle for a reconsideration of Roe v. Wade than the Louisiana statute .
30 Curtis said that growth was more marked in Germany than the UK , with the number of lines having grown to between 60,000 and 70,000 in 1992 from 20,000 in 1991 .
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