Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] [vb past] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 She alighted after him , and she crossed the footbridge too , but delayed stepping on to the platform until the train for Waterloo came in .
2 High-flying Norwich had a £1 million approach for Armstrong turned down last year .
3 Well , this is how you got the figures and then you have the temporary absence as Jim pointed out and advance bookings .
4 Kragan stormed out of the small room as Kaas crossed over to Adam .
5 hon. Member for Blaby blurted out the truth on television on Sunday when he said that what the Government were aiming for was ’ what the Conservative party would accept . ’
6 They clammed up like leeches when anything about Therese came up .
7 He came rushing on to the platform just as a train bound for Debden came in .
8 Half way through Edward gave up , scraped the rest into Tam 's food bowl and put the kettle on for a cup of tea ; behind him , Tam slurped as though rescued from the brink of starvation .
9 Now Freud says if this myth , this ca n't be the original myth because the original myth has as Andrea pointed out to us very clearly in her paper is the family romance bit that a lot of people or most people have .
10 Prices steadied and ended the day largely unchanged after November traded down to £677 a tonne , the lowest for 14 years .
11 The volume of support for Sakharov broke through to the Moscow centre where power is wielded over the world from lofty isolation , where ‘ they ’ make their decisions .
12 And so , Nicodemus would have been familiar with this story , and Jesus says as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness , even so , must the son of man be lifted up , but whoever believes in him may have eternal life .
13 As Cornelius looked on , the author 's features appeared to swim .
14 ‘ Then , ’ continued the barmaid , as Cornelius sniffed on appreciatively , ‘ this meteor came down in old Jack Spar 's field , least as how they thought it were a meteor .
15 ‘ Never needed one , ’ the beautiful barmaid explained , as Cornelius settled up for the bread and board .
16 Down on Sunset Strip , some weird friends of Dean cashed in on his death and began holding court , relating tales of the Jimmy they knew .
17 Wednesday morning , 16 April 1746 , rained , it was chilly , and the citizens of Inverness came out from the town to view this spectator sport .
18 A. B. Chalmers of Inverness started out like the shopkeepers in Inveraray with a delivery barrow , graduating to a pony and trap for outlying districts and in 1907 introducing the first steam lorry to the Highlands .
19 No , do n't bother to voice the protest I see forming on your beautiful lips ; it will happen sooner or later , but I agree with you that we must get this business of Garry cleared up first .
20 As they returned to Swinbrook on Grye , the gipsy horse , the trees of Wychwood closed in about them and Carrie imagined the sadly diminished yet still proud forest was protecting them from the rest of the world .
21 LEFT Images of Uranus built up from information sent back in 1986 by Voyager 2 ; the image on the right is in false colour and extreme contrast enhancement to show details of Uranus 's polar regions .
22 A flashlight searched back and forth across the sleeping bodies of the coolies as the hulking figure of Duclos advanced down the barrack in a dripping black rain cape .
23 The blustery winds of March dried up the land so that when April arrived , with stronger sun and balmy air , the whole countryside sprang into new growth almost overnight .
24 The Act of Union stirred up the latent nationalism even of non-Jacobite Scots .
25 And a combination of that early research and the Trent Bridge base aided his biography of Arthur Shrewsbury , Give Me Arthur : ‘ One day the door opened and an elderly man who introduced himself as a relative of Shrewsbury came in .
26 For years it was assumed that the bear of Croisset broke out of his bearishness solely with Louise Colet — ‘ the only sentimental episode of any importance in the life of Flaubert , ’ Emile Faguet declared .
27 When Bishop Compton of Lichfield carried out a national survey in 1676 , it was estimated that five percent of the county 's population were ‘ sectaries ’ .
28 After the horse was bedded down it was time for Sirrell to celebrate properly , and most of Nantgaredig turned up to assist : he eventually got to bed at 3 a.m .
29 This study indicates that the natural gas deposits of the Federal Republic of Germany accumulated in relatively recent geological times , i.e. during the late Mesozoic and/or the Cainozoic , either as a result of an additional subsidence and consequently additional heating of the Upper Carboniferous , or of telemagmatic heating effects .
30 Six weeks or so later my novel The Rivers of Babylon came out .
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