Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] the time " in BNC.

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1 Like facsimile messages ( fax ) , it has the advantage of being less expensive than the telephone , as an entire message can be composed before transmission , with only the time of transmission attracting an external cost .
2 It was at exactly the time when Odd-Knut feared Brusie was dying , as she became unconscious .
3 He had been taken to the fourth floor at exactly the time of his appointment .
4 Moreover , the ‘ transition to democracy ’ has occurred at exactly the time when the international economic crisis was making its presence felt with greatest intensity .
5 Could it be that there was then more racism in the art world , and that Black artists were being squeezed out at just the time when young working-class artists from the British provinces were finding unprecedented and immediate public fortune ?
6 American and British firms built fat integrated bureaucracies at just the time when Japanese firms were arriving in international competition with their lean , mean communities of interest .
7 He stresses the complexity of interrelations and points to an increase in the importance of territorial politics ( i.e. based on a local government area ) at just the time when — in the face of severe economic problems — local ( welfare ) expenditure has become an increasingly important element in central ( economic ) planning .
8 Indeed , the increased concentration of central government on local government spending helped to increase its political profile , locally as well as nationally , at just the time when reorganization had created authorities with major staffing and financial resources , authorities more powerful than the patchwork quilt of councils which they replaced .
9 In our society , children often reach adolescence at just the time that their mothers are going through the menopause .
10 ‘ If Armitage did it in conjunction with Latimer , that explains the window , the lurking on the gallery , and the presence of Latimer acting suspiciously in the area at just the time the murder was committed .
11 At just the time when the Civil War was weakening this commercial connection , the Dutch were trying to conquer the portuguese colony of Brazil .
12 It was not recorded before the year 1610 , and there have been suggestions that it brightened up abruptly at that time , though personally I am sceptical ; it would be a strange coincidence if the Nebula burst into prominence at just the time when mankind invented the telescope !
13 Immigrants from the New Commonwealth arrived at just the time that Britain lost an empire and with it her position in the world .
14 As was so often the case with railway stations , these facilities were reaching their highest point at just the time when immigration — like the passenger statistics themselves — was about to take a steep downturn .
15 The police were looking for a Pat and Jim , said Nicky , and here was Pat admitting that he and his friend Jim were in the general area of the crime at roughly the time it was committed .
16 It is no coincidence that mass schooling was invented at roughly the time when nation states had come into existence and the need arose to instil in their citizens the idea that the new entity had first claim on their loyalties .
17 And Mary was to arrive at precisely the time when the reformers were beginning to add a new dimension to Scottish self-perception .
18 At precisely the time that the Party leadership was extolling the horse as a modern and fuel-saving means of transport , it was also planning to increase the journey-times of the rural population and make them more dependent on motor transport — or perhaps to shorten the time they had left to themselves , to sleep , think and so on .
19 Older people in the study had to enter the labour market at precisely the time of the steepest fall in the economic activity rates of older workers at large .
20 Many people find that they drop their meditation practice or whatever it is at precisely the time when they think they need it most — i.e. when they are feeling most stressed .
21 The first Qumran-style desert community was established by Pachomius around 320 — at precisely the time that the Pauline orthodoxy of Rome was gaining official sanction for itself from Constantine .
22 The man who 'd turned up the sexual voltage after their night out , only to be found embracing his secretary at precisely the time they 'd agreed to meet today …
23 Unfortunately , the survival of tax records from the middle years of the century ( and more especially after 1450 ) is more patchy than from the period immediately before , so it is not always possible to trace the disappearance of villages at precisely the time when a substantial number of the desertions seems to have occurred .
24 Specialised studies of sex as a social experience have been appearing for almost a hundred years , since at least the time of the great pioneering sexologists and anthropologists of the late nineteenth century ; and what appeared then were works which have been profoundly influential , not only in describing but in constructing and delineating the areas to be discussed .
25 Since at least the time of Rousseau it has been the assertion of self against the preternaturally distorting effects of modern , and later industrial civilisation ; sex , that is to say , is the essence of our individual being which asserts itself against the demands of culture , and this has had a profound resonance in our thinking .
26 Above all , it was the Greek conception of democracy which held sway until at least the time of Rousseau and The Social Contract .
27 It has been one of the cliches of modern liberalism , since at least the time of de Tocqueville and the younger Mill , to dwell on the possible , even probable , disjunction between democracy and liberty , to stress the fact that popular rule does not necessarily imply personal freedom , and to conjure up the spectacle of the " tyranny of the majority " .
28 And yet , since at least the time of Hegel and Marx , we have been increasingly aware that , as Enzensberger 's paraphrase of Marx has it , " What is going on in our minds has always been , and will always be a product of society " .
29 Low-growing , almost mat-like , with white daisy flowers in summer , chamomile dates back to at least the time of the ancient Egyptians who are said to have used it for curing ague .
30 The kings of the Mercians until at least the time of Ceolwulf ( 821–3 ) claimed descent from either Penda or one of his brothers ( see Appendix , Fig. 8 ) .
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