Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] [vb past] the " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , advancing west and northwest respectively , as the two armies were , produced a potentially calamitous separation of the two forces , for between them lay the Masurian Lakes , a complex of waters stretching some 80km/50mls north to south .
2 But the heat generated between them sent the temperature rocketing wildly .
3 While it would be dangerous to build too much analysis on the characteristics of the three main public representatives of the DUP , Paisley , Robinson and McQuade between them represented the full spectrum of DUP support .
4 The Limousin and Charolais have between them absorbed the dual-purpose Marchois of La Creuse .
5 He held the office until Safar 924/February 1518 when he was succeeded by two Damascene scholars in turn , who between them held the post until 927/1521 ; then by two Ottomans , in turn , until 930/1524 ; and then again by one of the Damascenes who had earlier held the post , this time holding it from 930/1524 to 936/1530 when he was removed , apparently for misconduct .
6 Suger and Odo of Deuil between them established the norms for the house 's long tradition of royal historiography ; of these the chief was that whatever the Capetians did should be presented in the most favourable light possible .
7 Irish resistance never quite died away , while Culloden and the Clearances between them broke the back of Scottish Gaelic life .
8 For somewhat different reasons in each case , there is not entailment between I chose the first rose on the list and I chose the first flower on the list , nor between Mary was disappointed to receive a rose and Mary was disappointed to receive a flower ( perhaps she was expecting an orchid ? ) .
9 At last I gained the crest of a rise , and there below me stretched the sloping flat rocks , and yes , the mermaids were there , their fur dry in the sun , their bodies slick and contented , their eyes closed , enjoying the afternoon , exactly as I had done myself .
10 Below them came the jurisdiction of the thegns , apparently already organised by the early eleventh century in the districts that , as Norman lordships , were to form the later rapes .
11 In front of me sat the smartest and most alert looking person I had ever seen in my life .
12 Certainly part of me won the 1964 Open . ’
13 Because the 1980s in the UK was a very favourable period for customers , UK retailers did n't see those developments : most of them spent the 1980s massaging their profits and margins , which they euphemistically called ‘ adding value ’ ’ .
14 Neither of them understood the words but the music represented all that was fair and just .
15 By this stage , many of them reflected the growing importance of the classical movement , depicting their subjects in classical settings , surrounded by symbolic fruits , flowers , and urns .
16 It spread its wings again , and the heavy dark beating of them filled the air .
17 Alastair and Flora came quite often and the four of them enjoyed the luxury of being totally at ease .
18 He was , it appears , neither rapacious nor peremptory , no ‘ for kicks ’ , no ‘ wham bam , thank you , mam ! ’ — he tried to make sure both of them enjoyed the time ; and he was fun .
19 Of these , half had already been working alone the lines advocated , and although some of them enjoyed the reassurance of seeing classroom practice like their own being commended to others , several expressed the view that such an experience did not merit time away from their classes .
20 None of them were ready to die , but all of them knew the odds stacked against them .
21 Both of them knew the layout of the house , and they had planned their movements in exhaustive detail .
22 I was n't sure how many of them knew the actual meaning of the word .
23 Barrie Lamb , chairman of the Darlington Railway Preservation Society , explained : ‘ Quite a few historians have written about this building but it seems a bit odd that none of them knew the exact date it opened .
24 But at least none of them saw the light of print — until today 's souvenir edition .
25 He disentangled himself from Madra before dawn to share his watch with Bicker , and the two of them saw the sun come up .
26 one of them saw the body and passed out cold . ’
27 And of those who firmly intended to vote Conservative more than half of them said the major reason for giving the Tories support was that ‘ they like the local candidate ’ .
28 In front of them rode the moon , silver-skirted , in a flurry of dark-blue clouds .
29 Most people in bands have quite similar backgrounds and I reckon a lot of them shared the same experience as I did .
30 But even the most socialist of them shared the view , articulated by Brailsford before the war , that the first task of the pacifist was not to overthrow capitalism but to ‘ check the worst consequences of a capitalistic foreign policy , and , if possible , turn it to some partial good . ’
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