Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] [verb] up " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I think I would have known if she was very upset about them splitting up . ’
2 But er But I 've known that story about the er about them coming up that way and they stayed at the the burnside at Dalvaine .
3 Most people here would be very worried if information about them turned up in Greece , or in other European Community countries , based upon suspicion .
4 And if you start to talk about me giving up and coming home with you , it ends right there . ’
5 Swarf shouted for them to speed up .
6 Nowhere was the impact of this clumsy sleight of hand more evident than in the inner cities , where voluntary organizations had been most active , and where the Government was most anxious for them to mop up unemployment .
7 It might be better for them to prop up the Ottoman empire for a while longer , but at the same time to keep their options open by maintaining contact with the various factions amongst the Serbs .
8 Was it easier for them was it easy for them to pick up work or would they have been woul would they have to face a long time on the dole or ?
9 There 's no point in sending them off on endless — no doubt excellent — courses if there 's no incentive for them to use up large slices of their spare time in teaching the game .
10 you know , below the shadow of both the next two properties , we shall , we shall , you know , just have a brick wall , and if they they just shifted the garage to one end and as far as I 'm concerned it 's an excuse for them to put up the power , that is ,
11 We were waiting for them to turn up at Hamish and Tone 's but they never showed .
12 The welfare state therefore acts as a ceiling over the heads of those on low incomes , making it difficult for them to move up through their own efforts .
13 Alexandra wondered if there was a feature in it : successful younger women , the varied careers it was possible for them to take up these days , the chances they had to rise to the top in their chosen professions , whether or not those professions were less orthodox than the ones chosen by their male counterparts .
14 This was the yard where Mrs Hollidaye fed the hens , throwing down the corn for them to peck up .
15 Their closeness was less due to their nearness in age — though with only eighteen months between them it had been easy for them to grow up with similar interests and shared confidences — than to the fact that neither of their parents had ever made much of them .
16 Children whose parents set firm limits for them grow up better adjusted , with greater self-esteem , than those who are allowed to get away with behaving any way they like .
17 Children whose parents set firm limits for them grow up with more self-esteem and confidence than those who are allowed to get away with behaving in any way they like .
18 The Commission so stirred the Poles , that while it had initially been possible for them to buy up Polish estates for German settlement , by 1898 , when the Prussian Landtag voted an additional 100 million marks for the Commission 's use , the Poles had already begun to see the sale of land to the Commission as a crime against the nation and had begun to organise their own agricultural co-operatives and credit unions .
19 ‘ At the moment , ’ said Mahmoud , ‘ there does n't seem to be a lot for them to come up with . ’
20 Some jobs were too short-lived for them to build up sufficient contributions to acquire eligibility for unemployment benefit .
21 They do n't wish it to happen , but it becomes an impossibility almost for them to stand up to their rights , and Mr talks about rights and no rights is in abstract and we all know how difficult it is then to stand up as a minority when you 're surrounded by that majority , but I 've had personal representations
22 He understood perfectly well , but was waiting for them to make up their minds whether they wanted money or a claim to Asia Minor .
23 His bulk , thin but long , was hard for them to get up their spiral stairs , so they left him on the sofa below , on the floor that lay over an ironmonger 's shop .
24 And they watched from the sidelines as Mr and Mrs Grierson between them brought up the baby , Carla .
25 The curriculum areas accorded the greatest number of teacher-days were maths , English and science , with English accounting for more than twice as many as science , and these two areas between them taking up about as many teacher-days as maths on its own .
26 However , Melanie has recently been bitten on the arm through diving between them to break up a fight .
27 Table 5.1 Occupations of Unionist MPs and Liberals , 1914 Unionist Liberal Land Large landowners 32 9 Small landowners 19 3 Heirs to estates 16 4 67(23%) 16(6%) Official services Army 53 15 Navy 2 1 Diplomatic 5 4 Civil Service 3 4 63(22%) 24(9%) Professions Barristers 79 59 Solicitors 12 12 Authors/Journalists 7 13 Printers/Publishers 2 10 Lecturers/Teachers 3 10 Others — 7 103(36%) 111(43%) Commerce Merchants 14 24 Stockbrokers 6 3 Bankers 7 4 Insurance 1 3 Accountants 3 1 Others 9 6 40(14%) 41(16%) Industry Manufacture 7 18 Shipowners 2 8 Textiles 2 14 Iron 6 8 Coal 1 8 Engineering 3 5 Building — 2 Brewing 9 1 Working men — 8 30(10%) 72(27%) Land no longer dominated the party , the bulk of which was now made up of officers and lawyers , with army officers and lawyers between them making up almost half the total .
28 But will the clubs , more especially the big clubs for whom the internationals play , ever agree to dance the union 's tune when every issue that comes up between them ends up simply coming between them ?
29 Two Sustrans sculptures on the Edinburgh — Glasgow cycle route were ceremoniously ‘ unveiled ’ during the summer by veteran CTC members Ted Zoller and Walter Browne , who have between them clocked up 150 years of membership of the club .
30 It would be immoral for me to give up on my son ; I have been through so much in the last three years , ’ she said .
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