Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun pl] an " in BNC.

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1 The Council , for historical reasons an influential force in German politics , would like to see the Soviet Jews welcomed in Germany .
2 After tortuous negotiations an arrangement was eventually reached whereby the second-largest opposition party , Komeito ( Clean Government Party ) , and the fourth-largest , the Democratic Socialist Party ( DSP ) , agreed to support the bill .
3 For simple cases an equal compare is all that is needed .
4 Oakeshott calls an association formed of prudential practices an enterprise or transactional association .
5 The greater probability however is that fire will start at low levels before spreading vertically and in the case of occupied buildings an initial attack on a fire with hose-reel equipment may well be successful at a stage before automatic systems have operated .
6 Goodlad 's ideas have received some outside encouragement : the Royal Society of Arts gave his course on communication of scientific ideas an Education for Capability award for providing an effective combination of academic reflection and the learning of practical skills in communication of ideas .
7 Francis Mulhern has argued that Scrutiny developed and propagated for the profession of English studies an ideological framework suited to the maintenance of a talent-governed career structure which eventually came to dominate the profession as a whole .
8 These factors , taken together with the attractions of Edinburgh as a city and the University as a large , intellectually lively and well-supported institution , make the Faculty of Social Sciences an exciting and satisfying place in which to conduct research .
9 The outward religious respectability of the leading personalities of the Enlightenment in Spain is not necessarily a proof of their innocence of real hostility to the Church : the Inquisition , weak though it was , combined with stiff royal censorship to make the public expression of heterodox views an impossibility .
10 Only the church maisonette was well maintained , its two storeys of white windows an incongruous badge of respectability among the peeling paint and disintegrating windowboxes .
11 In the case of nondepartmental bodies an important objective of the C & AG 's examination should be to review the effectiveness of the arrangements under which ministers monitor and control the payment of public funds to such bodies .
12 As I have indicated on page 48 , there are a lot of other things an agency can or might do for you , and lots of departments it could have to do it .
13 Amongst Unitarian abolitionists an emotional quality in antislavery commitment was also present but it may often have had different origins from the antislavery of Evangelicals and Quakers .
14 The success in putting behind American bars an odious dictator is all the more remarkable because it also neatly winds up the threads of the Iran-Contra scandal .
15 On 23 May he read his poetry at the National Gallery in Washington , to an audience which included St John Perse , all the time " keeping behind horn-rimmed spectacles an almost unchanging expression " .
16 He was a light sleeper , for long periods an insomniac .
17 Finally , Freud shared with early sociologists an interest in the overall development of human societies , from the most primitive group to modern societies and their possible future .
18 In order to have something to play on it , the company made half-a-dozen special recordings which were pressed into tiny records an inch and five-sixteenths in diameter .
19 what is the donkey pump a special sex position used by men with large organs an extra spare steam pump or a device used for ar artificial insemination of donkeys ?
20 The lovely young woman , with thick lashes an inch long , offered another appealing smile .
21 Under certain circumstances an oral commitment can be binding upon a State , but how would this affect the States parties to the treaty who are also parties to the Vienna Convention ?
22 They are the years , roughly , of British industrialisation and urbanisation , so this work is in broad terms an examination of various aspects of the regulation of sexuality within the period of industrial capitalism .
23 In medieval times an effigy of the saint was met and escorted into the town by crowds of people , but this was frowned upon at the time of the Reformation and the effigy was replaced by a man dressed in white robes .
24 Accessed from the body end , the truss rod is the old ‘ slotted head ’ type , which needs nought but a humble screwdriver to adjust : good news for those of us who find the successful storage of appropriate Allen keys in accessible places an impossible task .
25 However , in appropriate cases an apology should be added to an adjudication .
26 It represented in real terms an overall cut of about 9 per cent , though as allocations to individual local authorities were made on an arbitrary basis , some of them suffered much greater reductions .
27 In previous reports an expression of ICAM-1 was seen on neoplastic cells of various origins including gastric and pancreaic carcinoma .
28 My only criticism of Improv is that importing data from conventional spreadsheets an be a pain , and its hooks into databases are poor .
29 In urgent cases an application for directions may be made orally and ex parte with the leave of the court or a justices ' clerk .
30 In urgent cases an emergency application can be made on form CLA 3 when submitting form CLA 5 .
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