Example sentences of "[prep] [art] er [no cls] " in BNC.

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1 In more severe situations there 's uncontrolled continent acto activation and uncontrolled clotting factor , activation and it 's really that last feature that 's particularly responsible for the er er ghastly skin disease you saw i in the last sla , in the previous slide !
2 Which the normal one was er er , w I think it 's a five inch brace for the er er it 's five inch sweeper , in other words it 's er about Is it six inches ?
3 Ah , L L Leslie , yes , he he he did a tremendous amount of work for the er er for the L Labour party .
4 The amount of time , officer time taken to process an application for a modification to an existing permission is still substantial and in some cases can be even more than that per a new proposal , but in those circumstances , and this is just by way of illustration because the the actual fee regime is , is very variable , by way of illustration the fee chargeable for a a , a modification is much less than for the application as a whole er f for , for the er er working as a whole .
5 Yes we could do so it would be a matter of judgement for the er er for the Home Secretary how far to take it and he would have to balance the likelihood of er other countries all ratifying and the inconvenience to those taking part in the election here er if er there is some uncertainty to the end and maybe having to revert to the current constituencies , er I hope and expect that these matters will be settled in the next few weeks .
6 And , Ridgeways , we had a special bits , what we called a fast bit , for er for the er o the bodywork an and instead of having the the pointed er er er cutters on , it was the flat cutters , you see , they was a bit faster .
7 I I was er I was out of work then , for er four month , during the er er nineteen twenty six strike .
8 Erm So we are seeing by er the early eighteen thirties something of a formalized split between the er er the powers of er the quadruple and then the er quintsimple erm er alliance .
9 Yeah erm again you need n't worry too much about the er erm about the ramifications of this Kenning died in twenty seven and Britain to some extent disentangled herself from the Greek revolt but the upshot was that in eighteen thirty Greece became an independent state .
10 Now in this little booklet that I 've got about the er er the potted history of the Cosmopolitan Debating Society , it mentions a very brilliant man by the name of W H , now I was very friendly with him because he was th President of the I L P and I was the secretary .
11 Before we talk about the er er getting to the purpose of our meeting , erm , how long were you , how did you come to in the first place ?
12 Er can I er I I started to comment on about the er er bank accounts and which are y you know er my the reaction that I saw was all round the table er I think we would go further but er any company handling pension funds should carry pensions somewhere in their names on all on all their paperwork etcetera so that everybody 's totally clear that they are dealing with pension funds and er er to agree with a comment that you made in one of your earlier reports that er designation of bonus of shares of pension funds should be clearly er marked on those shares er that also would have a at least alerted these financial institutions as once again that they were handling stocks belonging to pension funds and they still ignored it in that that w case that they did , but er they would have not had the excuse that er apparently some of them have made that er they were not aware that these were pension fund assets .
13 Now the police authorities a and the local authorities and the magistrates may be thought to be indulging in special preening , but I do assure Your Lordships that they really are not alone in expressing their anxieties er about the er er er this bill and what it proposes , for example , if I may , I would like to refer to a letter which I received from Justice , chaired by my Noble Friend Lord Alexander of and with his Vice-chairman er er Lord and er they say as an all-party human rights organisation , Justice considers that the composition of police authorities is an important constitutional issue effecting the independence of policing .
14 Can I just take the panel back through the er l back to basics on this matter in terms of the Greater in terms of Greater York and the the areas searched , firstly I think the first point of fact , there 's no part of that sector as far as I 'm aware that 's subject to any landscape designations either national or local .
15 Nationalism we perhaps some of the er er some of the erm concepts of nationalism appearing even before the French revolution .
16 However you see a tendency in erm after eighteen eighteen to be perhaps more serving , to be serving the interests of the er er east European powers .
17 Your worships , er , there 's nothing at all more sinister in the failure to stop and failure to report than than that , i th that is a a true record of the er er er of the incident as far as Mrs was concerned erm and it is something which erm comes about an accident which came about probably through the inexperience of the children er , running across the pedestrian crossing thinking that they have priority erm and not having regard to other road users er , and Mrs was travelling at slow speed but it was she was put in a difficult position by the the way in which the children ran across the road .
18 Er , he was indeed for some time the er secretary of the er er divisional Labour party .
19 Er but this er that was a that was a er decision of the er er of the German command , of the German army that was in Spain .
20 It 's just a little bit sort of er the waves themselves are nice but I think they do need something else in it just to erm break up the linearity of the er er , of the composition .
21 Erm , the basic stance of the er er of the federation is that we erm make use of the latest information .
22 It takes no account of the er er government requirements for er this coming year , and having said that , I I must accept that the overall increase proposed for erm , ninety- four , five , er is only three point three per cent .
23 Erm the final point is that er the the er the County Council have suggested in paragraph five of N Y seven that certain matters could be held over to complete review of the er er structure plan .
24 We have a confused and overlapping structure er er , the honourable member might be interested in just how confused it is er and how it can be simplified by er going along with the proposals we 're putting forward on this side of the er er the house because there 's so many overlapping authorities it 's just not clear who 's actually responsible for enforcement and compliance .
25 He said that he had taken into account the views of local authorities put to him since he met them last year , he might have taken in to account of course , we did n't accept any of the er er observations .
26 about some of the er er oh normal economies that were made , like , erm making odd links
27 the appalling pictures of the er er , the scene when she gets raped on telly ! fucking frightening she is !
28 In a sense , if we think of the context of say the late eighteenth early nineteenth century perhaps more , perhaps more specifically we think of the er , of the er erm early nineteenth century .
29 And they have very specific impacts because they all result their effective result on an interaction with a specific receptor and er an activity I would express on that receptor or as a result of the er erm the uptake of the toxins .
30 Then you graduated into the sort of the er erm upper school .
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