Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] ' [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Thus the criminal law defines only some types of avoidable killing as murder : it excludes , for example , deaths resulting from acts of negligence , such as employers ' failure to maintain safe working conditions in factories and mines ( Swartz 1975 ) ; or deaths resulting from an organization 's reluctance to maintain appropriate safety standards ( Erickson 1976 ) ; or deaths which result from governmental agencies ' giving environmental health risks a low priority ( Liazos 1972 ) ; or deaths resulting from drug manufacturers ' failure to conduct adequate research on new chemical compounds before embarking on aggressive marketing campaigns ( Silverman and Lee 1974 ) ; or deaths from a dangerous drug that was approved by health authorities on the strength of a bribe from a pharmaceutical company ( Braithwaite and Geis 1981 ) ; or deaths resulting from car manufacturers refusing to recall and repair thousands of known defective vehicles because they calculate that the costs of meeting civil damages will be less ( Swigert and Farrell 1981 ) ; and in most jurisdictions deaths resulting from drunken or reckless people driving cars with total indifference to the potential cost in terms of human lives are also excluded .
2 The initials CTC stand for Cyclists ' Touring Club .
3 Those signed covered inter-parliamentary co-operation to avoid discrepancies between states ' legislation ; consultative meetings between heads of parliaments ; and two protocols ( i ) on an interparliamentary information service and ( ii ) on drawing up multilateral legislative acts .
4 Ian McGeechan , who stepped down as Scotland 's coach this month , had already been appointed as Lions ' coach against the All-Blacks .
5 Ian McGeechan , who stepped down as Scotland 's coach this month , had already been appointed as Lions ' coach against the All-Blacks .
6 Doubts have already been raised about the cost of the proposals , about possible legal difficulties and about shareholders ' willingness to play the role assigned to them by the APB .
7 He asked for and was sent Sketches of Anatomy for Artists ' Use , and struggled to teach himself the complexities of bones and muscles by endless copying .
8 His father , who once appeared in the Evening Standard as Spurs ' Number One fan , did not consider such suspicious activities as sport , so one day when he was 17 Kasmin decided to get as far away from home as possible , and fled to New Zealand .
9 The birds that do it are the oilbirds of South America , and the cave swiftlets of the Far East , the ones whose nests are used for birds ' nest soup .
10 They show how the market for solicitors ' work has altered with the development of criminal legal aid and the threat to established sources of income from divorce , conveyancing and personal injury claims .
11 Despite the recession , the market for solicitors ' advice on business affairs has grown in value from £1,400m. in 1989 to an estimated £1,700m. [ excluding property work ] .
12 Curiously , it is still rather unusual for solicitors ' partnership agreements to provide that partners should retire upon reaching an agreed age , though it might be thought that there are good reasons for making this a requirement in the interests of a firm 's long term planning .
13 many crops produced in the Third World go to fatten up livestock for Westerners ' consumption
14 Hankin appealed for fans ' patience and encouragement at a critical stage of the season .
15 The student stands with his legs apart at about shoulders ' width , sinks his abdomen low and keeps his back straight .
16 Noddy is part of a £38 million package for kids ' TV this autumn .
17 I tell you what you can get for it you can have erm a make-up bag with a string of pearls in they 're not real one you can have er more of that moist erm tissue stuff er a bag with sweetener things in it there 's er a video about a Biggin Air Show and loads of marshmallows too for Kids ' County number two here 's the clues , It 's got barbed wire around it its made of wood it 's long .
18 Ah yeah for Kids ' County , you can have er a video called the Battle of the Atlantic , one of those , er a child 's reading book , you can have loads of nuts and sweets er a T shirt and some recipes and things too , alright ?
19 Where do I need for Kids ' County , what you rang up for ?
20 This is Radio Nottingham it 's a quarter past one at these are the clues for Kids ' County what are they on about here ?
21 THE CRUSADE for the adoption of television assistance for umpires ' line decisions took a giant step forward on the final day .
22 In reviewing recent empirical work on women 's consciousness , Beechey ( 1983 ) notes that : women 's class consciousness , because it is largely mediated through husbands ' employment , tends to be weaker than men 's ; many women , under the influence of capitalist and male-dominated ideology , remain unconscious of their gender-related disadvantages ; women 's consciousness probably varies over their life cycle ; and it is fractured and contradictory .
23 She had won the Fur and Feather Section with him at the Sandringham Show — ‘ Maybe that was because he was the only entry , ’ she observes drily — and later won the Palmer Cup for Pets ' Corner at her new school .
24 There is a very serious and respectable literature on cash flow accounting for the business sector which argues that the traditional accruals accounting statements are too subjective and hide crucial information about organizations ' performance .
25 Unfortunately Gameson 's remark about listeners ' confusion is true .
26 The Indian Ocean Newsletter of Sept. 12 suggested that Djohar had infuriated representatives of many of the country 's 24 political parties the previous week , by setting unilaterally Oct. 25 as the date for the first round of elections to the Federal Assembly and by imposing new conditions for parties ' participation .
27 In the end she suggested that I should just come and listen , and for politeness ' sake I agreed .
28 The meeting was arranged for ten o'clock ; in their anxiety , they arrived twenty minutes early , and Ernest suggested that for politeness ' sake they should walk up White Horse Lane and back , to kill time .
29 A second report on the same research study gives further information about clients ' use of the fund .
30 Taken together , even with this small sample , these results seem to indicate a significant correlation between readers ' familiarity with the SF genre and their likely perception of the meaning and coherence of the text .
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