Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Of these 21 left of their own accord for reasons ranging from incompatibility to pregnancy .
2 In extreme cases they develop a real school phobia , for reasons ranging from bullying by classmates to schoolwork anxiety .
3 At least 114 wiretaps were requested for reasons ranging from suspected arms trading to terrorist links or presidential security , but it was not clear if all the taps were actually carried out , the left-wing daily said .
4 In addition , even a knowledge of the relationship between body size and lifetime reproductive success in the two sexes will not answer whether the association occurs for reasons connected with breeding competition or because the two sexes differ in their energy requirements ( see Downhower , 1976 ) .
5 These gains were the by-products of a war fought mainly for reasons connected with the balance of power in Europe , but they were attractive enough to encourage the British to think about further involvement outside Europe .
6 By contrast , 27 selects the general reading of dog ( the specific reading would be odd here , but not for reasons connected with maximisation ) :
7 Subject indexing is generally carried out by those familiar with the discipline definitions , for reasons connected with the publication of classified bibliographies , or for the arrangement of documents in libraries , information centres , catalogues and databases .
8 However , restriction to a single wavenumber does not uniquely specify the flow pattern , for reasons connected with eqn ( 22.7 ) .
9 For reasons explained in the rolling stock chapter , they were not entirely satisfactory and were returned at the end of 1923 .
10 Nonetheless , the right of journalists and broadcasters to demand trial by jury , in those areas of criminal law where it still exists , is an important security against interference with media freedoms — for reasons explained in 1885 by Dicey , the leading writer on our unwritten constitution : " Freedom of discussion is , then , in England little else than the right to write or say anything which a jury , consisting of 12 shopkeepers , think it expedient should be said or written …
11 This process , characteristic of the whole of the public enterprise sector , occurred earlier in Britain than in Spain for reasons explained in previous chapters .
12 The question of whether the offence under section 51 should be triable summarily only is controversial , for reasons examined by the C.L.K.C. Since magistrates often imprison persons convicted of assaulting policemen , but not of simple assault , the propriety of excluding jury trial seems questionable .
13 For reasons given in the text , all figures should be treated carefully .
14 For reasons given in the next section , we remain sympathetically sceptical .
15 Of the remaining 63 patients six were withdrawn before the end of the trial period for reasons given in table II .
16 He labours scornfully for this Simon Giles , faintly comforted by a corner in Classical studies which has been granted him for reasons to do with the firm 's image .
17 If it is , it will be for reasons to do with overall levels of sentencing for many sorts of crimes , not merely those related to drugs .
18 In my judgement , the advent of theory was not a cause of disruption , but a symptom of it , for reasons suggested in the above quotation from Gerald Graff .
19 Since 1977 , for reasons suggested in the last chapter , there has been considerable concern among both politicians and the public with the utility of education to society .
20 The same also applies , for reasons outlined in chapter 8 , for SSAP 12 ( Depreciation ) and SSAP 16 ( Current Cost Accounting ) .
21 This is important in speech processing for reasons discussed in section .
22 RENFE 's deficit , for reasons discussed in other chapters , exploded during the 1970s and the first half of the 1980s .
23 For reasons linked to the physical strength needed to operate them at the beginning , spinning mules were operated by men .
24 However , this reasoning is not accepted in English law for non-homicide offences , and provocation is not generally allowed to reduce a more serious offence to a less serious offence — probably for reasons associated with the policy of efficient administration ( see Chapter 3.3(m) ) , which the significance of death is thought to outweigh in homicide cases .
25 In the General Household Survey of 1981 , about 10 per cent of the registered unemployed declared that they were ‘ economically inactive ’ , mostly for reasons associated with their age , health or because of family or domestic responsibilities .
26 For reasons described in 4.7 below , Newco will usually have more than one class of shares , so condition ( c ) will not be satisfied .
27 This can be achieved as follows : ( 1 ) Management form Newco and hold all its issued share capital ( which will be nominal in amount and subscribed as early as possible for reasons described in 4.3.2 above ) .
28 Conversely , the observable spectrum function has a value at wavenumber κ χ influenced by all eddies smaller than ( for reasons arising from the fact that only one-dimensional spectra can be observed .
29 This was due both to the general reduction in the level of retail sales growth and to fashion market reversal in demand for products made from jersey fabric .
30 Grace is claiming patents for products derived from the natural oils of neem , an evergreen tree , which are used locally for insecticides , contraceptives and soap .
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