Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] men [unc] " in BNC.

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1 The WLL gave priority to the new Labour Party 's Right to Work Bill , introduced into the House of Commons every year between 1906 and 1908 , which they believed would provide a charter of the ‘ Right to Leisure and Home Comfort ’ for working men 's wives .
2 The shrunken personal emptiness in an arid landscape , the hungering after other men 's experience , and the combined fear and fascination which Gerontion feels for threatening rebirth seem to grow , partly at least , from Eliot 's own situation .
3 The dead King had been a lecher who lusted after other men 's wives , daughters , sisters , like a dog on heat .
4 A manufacturer of rich men 's toys , Aston Martin Lagonda Ltd had itself always been something of a rich man 's toy , owners like the mythical David Brown ( he of the DB4 and 5 ) underwriting the firm 's losses for sheer love of the marque .
5 It was how I 'd always imagined showbiz would be — far removed from the stark reality of Working Men 's Clubs .
6 The first derived from the interest of the Christian Socialists in the institution of Working Men 's Associations for Co-operative Production .
7 A much-respected retired Communist deputy in south Yorkshire summarised the pillars of working men 's politics : " Probably most were anti-boss though not necessarily anti-system . "
8 Indeed the Federation of Working Men 's Clubs set up by Oxford House directly assisted the young Oxford missionary in developing the " knack of mingling on terms of personal equality with men , while yet by some je ne sais quoi in himself " , preserving " their freely accorded social homage " .
9 Of course Boy had seen inside a lot of different men 's houses , but this was the first man 's life he had ever watched at such close quarters , the first time he had ever seen a man taking care of himself , the first time he had ever seen another man living day after day after day .
10 ‘ It is therefore highly appropriate that we should support this innovative scheme to enhance the quality of British men 's tennis . ’
11 A survey of twentieth-century men 's fashion , ‘ Jocks and Nerds ’ , showed the duo 's capacity for humour , an asset they may find less welcome uptown at the Met .
12 However , he was gentler towards other men 's weaknesses , and was always ready to help rather than blame them .
13 The excellency of this extraordinary man lay in the propriety , beauty , and majesty of his characters , the judicious contrivance of his composition , his correctness of drawing , purity of taste , and skilful accommodation of other men 's conceptions to his own purpose .
14 Mahler needed to become a conductor of other men 's music before he became a real composer .
15 There is thrust into their lives of monotonous tasks and grey streets an epic hour of colour and strife that is no more a mere matter of other men 's boots and a leather ball than a violin concerto is a mere matter of some other man 's catgut and resin .
16 With so much media space currently devoted to the heinous depredations the naked ape has inflicted on his habitat , it seems an inappropriate moment to celebrate the career of an artist whose entire work reflects his abiding faith in mankind ; an artist who gloried in presenting humanity dressed up in the paraphernalia of a glamorous performer , or as an honest victim of other men 's rapacity , so as to elicit for him the onlooker 's sympathy .
17 What had led Massingham to choose the police service instead of his family 's usual career of the Army as an outlet for his natural combativeness and unfashionable patriotism Dalgliesh had not enquired , partly because he was a respecter of other men 's privacy , and partly because he was n't sure that he wanted to hear the answer .
18 The historian was at his best , he maintained , not as an analyst but as ‘ a craftsman of synthesis , a weaver of other men 's threads ( and some of his own ) into patterns which they had not foreseen or even suspected ’ ; and he was forthright in claiming , at a time when it was not fashionable , that the contemporary historian was just as capable of such synthesis as historians of earlier centuries .
19 The history of Western men 's attitudes to women is a history of woman-hatred , often with terrifying consequences .
20 He advocates ways of limiting men 's role in child welfare services , and says men should practice nurturing each other .
21 In the event , St Bride 's Burial Ground was closed , along with a nearby well contaminated by the sewer in Bride Lane : as the said well , used by soda water manufacturers , was not very deep , there was every fear that ‘ the solution of dead men 's bones would be more concentrated and injurious to health ’ .
22 Even so , it had taken some little effort on his part , for here was this relatively obscure relation who had fallen into an estate , which , although small , was of no mean value , and he had fallen into it by a series of dead men 's shoes .
23 In the temple he launched another violent attack , punctuated with the ritual curse , seven times repeated , ‘ Woe unto you , scribes and Pharisees , hypocrites ! ’ , including this devastating metaphor : ‘ for ye are like unto whited sepulchres , which indeed appear beautiful outward , but are within full of dead men 's bones , and of all uncleanness ’ .
24 betraying us like blind men 's steps .
25 A dress can be worn with clumpy men 's shoes ; tracksuit bottoms and loose tops are comfortable , roomy and worn by either sex ; second-hand clothes can be put together with new ones ; and very few people believe the laws that fashion writers once laid down , such as ‘ no horizontal stripes or light colours for bigger women ’ .
26 ‘ Gerontion ’ presents a little old man , whose speech is riddled with other men 's words , waiting ‘ in a dry season , for rain .
27 There was plenty of scandal about the Australian and Canadian troops being out with other men 's wives or , worse , being seen in doorways or entries with them while the blackout was on .
28 How do you think your sexual performance compares with other men 's ?
29 Self-contained men in well-cut dark overcoats strode across the concourse with the air of being on their way from spending the afternoon in small Bayswater hotels with other men 's wives .
30 ‘ There 's one thing I ca n't stand and that 's messing around with other men 's wives .
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