Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adj -est] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It is not too much to say that , throughout the last three critical years in China , it is to Dr Morrison that the British public has looked from day to day for the earliest and most accurate intelligence concerning events in which the interests of this country have been so largely involved . ’
2 So , when I found I wanted to write a book that would reflect a little on whether we should strive to be perfect or settle for the second-best but practical , I realised I would have to have a murder that was in some way imperfect .
3 In Class 4 , an ‘ extra-heavy ’ description is used for the heaviest and/or toughest carpets , which get a very high rating for pile weight , density , and appearance retention — this class is suitable for all areas of very heavy traffic and wear in the home .
4 For the largest and most prominent buildings , located in that city 's Whitworth Street area , colourful cladding of their steel skeletons with elaborately moulded glazed terracotta blocks was de rigueur .
5 If there is no way of implementing justice for the largest and worst offending corporations then it is surely unjust to pursue with such ruthless and cruel tenacity the majority of those eventually condemned to prison .
6 They would like government to do more for the weakest and the poorest , by direct transfers of income ( witness the rise in child benefit ) as well as by boosting educational standards .
7 Though he attempted a detailed rebuttal , chapter by chapter , Milton himself had to admit that ‘ Some men have by policy accomplished after death that revenge upon their enemies which in life they were not able ’ , and that ‘ they who before hated him for his high government , nay fought against him with displayed banners in the field , now applaud him for the wisest and most religious prince that lived ’ .
8 For the finest and freshest in home made snacks and mouth watering baked goods visit the Boston Tea Party and enjoy a well earned break .
9 Those who , as the Lugbara elder does , assume responsibility for the cruellest and unkindest strokes of fortune may provoke a dangerous backlash — which is exactly what happens .
10 Let us hope for the best but be prepared for the worst .
11 While in India Aung San gave a press conference where he snapped out that he was ‘ Hoping for the best but prepared for the worst ’ .
12 But was n't it for the best that his son be separated from Jennifer ?
13 Far more pupils are taken on than can hope to succeed in practice , and if you have not been able to impress any barrister sufficiently with your qualities to be taken on , it may perhaps be for the best that you are forced to look to a different career at this juncture .
14 ‘ But it was for the best that it did n't survive , ’ Cynthia said quickly .
15 Nonconformity 's dependence on laissez faire and , in the case of Methodism , on competition among five separate bodies , had not always worked for the best and there had been a lot of wasted effort .
16 Secondly , the Soviets ' penchant for canvassing exhaustively for the best and cheapest may succeed in these objectives , but at the cost of enormous delay between the time when applications are approved and machinery actually installed .
17 Among the women themselves there 's the feeling that you hope for the best and expect the worst , a deep pessimism that patriarchy rules and scarpers without paying the bills .
18 Madder grows naturally in well-drained , even stony sites , and in light woodland ; for the best and most extensive roots a deep soil is the most satisfactory .
19 He lay with her for a little while as if all had been for the best and when , with a sudden , slithering movement , she was off the bed and into her dress , he thanked her , wished her good night .
20 But of course we were very strongly against it really but er , because th you know we 'd been inundated with all these marvellous ideas of this progress and it 's all for the best and everything , but it does n't seemed to have work does it really ?
21 If in our plans we hope for the best and are prepared for the worst then we should be ready for anything in between .
22 Top-quality Scotch beef is replacing more expensive German beef in Italy and the price for the best and heaviest home-killed bullocks has been forced up to £1,000 a head — which goes some way to explaining why fresh meat is suddenly so much dearer in shops .
23 For this reason , instead of joining in the stampede for the latest and newest , I suggest it would be more prudent to wait for a year or two to see if the strawberry blonde holds her place as a glamour queen , or in reality is a blowzy old dame hobbling into the has-beens in the back row of the chorus , where she will find plenty to keep her company .
24 As it also happens to be the only drinker on the Cherwell until you get to Islip , the murderous conspiracies and dark plots which so excite the Kidlington Kops amount to nothing more than the fact that when I opened my curtains that morning I saw the sun shining in a cloudless blue sky and decided to go for the longest and most pleasant of the river walks open to me .
25 Even for the pushiest But I mean , they 've they were owing money years ago , they sort of said there having Christmas on Access .
26 Art offers ‘ substitutive satisfactions for the oldest and still most deeply felt cultural renunciations , and for that reason it serves as nothing else does to reconcile a man to the sacrifices he has made on behalf of civilization ’ .
27 Welcome back : In a few minutes , back to Fairford for the oldest AND some of the most up-to-date flying machines on display at the weekend .
28 Consequently she 'd prepared for the worst while hoping for the best .
29 Of course , it is not always helpful to prepare for the worst if there is a possibility that the event may not occur .
30 The EC is broadly agreed to end the European single market in waste , wherein toxic materials traverse Europe in the search for the cheapest and least-regulated outlet , but can not agree on how to do it .
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