Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [num ord] it " in BNC.

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1 This means that for the first one the doubt is ‘ simple ’ and can be cleared up in a straightforward way , but for the second it is ‘ compound ’ and needs much greater care .
2 I remember Gary , Gary it was one of the first it was when he
3 After an even opening session and a terrific toe to toe burst at the start of the second it was Oakes who took a grip with McGrath soaking up a steady stream of hard right-hand shots .
4 Is it not the case , as was pointed out at the time of the French Revolution by the Abbé Sieyes , that if the second chamber agrees with the first it is superfluous and if it disagrees it is mischievous ?
5 from the first it was apparent that it was not destined to be the faultless pageant which the stewards and controllers of the Kha-Khan 's household had both intended and arranged .
6 From the last it can be determined whether the terraces fall into significant altitudinal groups or not , and thus whether they represent intermittent falls of base level punctuated by stillstands or a more or less steady fall of base level with terraces at all levels .
7 Four fences out , Llewellyn made his move , and from the next it was merely a question of whether Party Politics could hold on or whether Romany King could peg him back .
8 Thus the silk industry of Valencia , frequently noted by travellers as one of the most promising features of the economy , apart from a period of prosperity between 1835 and 1852 , remained relatively stagnant throughout the nineteenth century ; in the late eighteenth century a technically advanced industry , in the nineteenth it could not keep pace with Lyons .
9 In the first it is the negation of desire , in the second , of the culturally defined other of cultural difference .
10 In the first the academic community denied the possibility of a biological basis of mind at all , in the second it denied the existence of mind and in the third , into which we have now entered , we are coming to accept both the existence and physical basis of the mind .
11 In the second it is the movement of objects .
12 Whitehouse 's was not primarily an attack on homosexuals : it was in the first instance an attack on the imputation of a sexual context to Christ 's death ; in the second it was a confrontation with an anti-Christian and , to her , sexually-obsessed society , and it was this latter symbolic aspect to the events of the blasphemy trial which was the main point .
13 In one case what counts is the ‘ objective positions ’ which ‘ white people ’ as such occupy within the ‘ racist power structure ’ ; in the second it is their socialization , or cultural traditions which racializes their relationships to blacks .
14 In the case of the first question the verb is thematicized ; in the second it is rhematic and is substituted for by a categorical verb , i.e. to do .
15 In the first case counselling has failed to protect others and in the second it has failed to protect the person counselled .
16 In the first term , colour is the theme , in the second it 's shape and third texture .
17 Bolinger himself expresses the difference between the two types of qualification as follows : " In the first , which is referent-modification , it [ the adjective ] is restricted by the CATEGORY of the noun ; in the second it may or may not be …
18 In the first the computer threw up the names , in the second it allocated the numbers .
19 In the fifteenth century it had been a practical way of making agriculture more profitable , in the sixteenth it was more likely to create a vagrancy problem as men were dispossessed from the land , and this indeed was a social issue which came to the forefront of public attention in the Tudor period .
20 In the third it was over suddenly .
21 So he took it , and played something soft and sad , something plaintive and melancholy that rose up every third line as if it was going to shake off its sorrow and fly forward and free ; but then in the fourth it curled back on itself and fell again : reluctantly , sometimes , but always resignedly , as if it knew it was going to fall ; as if it had been striving and falling back again for hundreds of years .
22 For two centuries it was under the Habsburgs , but in the fifteenth it passed to Zurich .
23 Where the second baseline shows a significant improvement over the first it is safe to assume that all is well .
24 If life is nothing more than a moving from one activity to the next it is not surprising if we become restless , cluttered and superficial .
25 Since such information will differ from one drive to the next it is difficult to assess the role which this variable information plays in memory .
26 To the last it raised no objection but it did point out that it might lead to long-serving drivers being made redundant whilst drivers with shorter service at other quarries were retained .
27 Twice Iorwerth 's warning signal had fetched them hastily to their pre-arranged places ; but on the first occasion Isambard had shunned the dripping copse and ridden away down the softer slopes eastward of Parfois , with his attendants strung out after him like beads on the string of darker green he left in the wet grass ; and on the second it had been a full-scale hunt with a dozen or more guests and very nearly fifty retainers , and Owen had held his hand , unwilling to venture against such odds .
28 on the second it 's the , it 's the first today is n't it ?
29 If you look at the first it might help you to decide whether you like
30 If anybody put him off at the 17th it was me jumping up and down .
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