Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [num ord] but " in BNC.

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1 Averment that everything necessary happened to entitle the plaintiff to have the said testator pay to him eighteen of the yearly sums of £150 and that the time therefore elapsed after he had married Ellen Nicholl and during the testator 's lifetime and that plaintiffs annual income from his profession as a Chancery barrister never amounted to 600 guineas ; that the testator paid 12 of the 18 annual sums and part of the thirteenth but that the residue of that and the 5 subsequent instalments were due and unpaid .
2 The downtown antique shops which clustered in the streets off the Marktplatz sold the bric-a-brac , not of the nineteenth but of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries .
3 This is a major advance on the pre-existing system of judicial monitoring where the Government agreed only to the publication of the first but not the succeeding reports of the monitor .
4 The second-half had n't lived up to the football of the first but Tranmere played far better on Friday with less reward .
5 The Lukac brothers spearheaded a second-period revival to take their team to 8-6 at the end of the second but Hawks managed to take the final period 3-1 and tie the game 9-9 .
6 A third principle may be regarded as an application of the second but is best stated on its own .
7 IT IS not irrational for a jury to decide that the first of two co-accused acted in concert with the second but that the second co-accused did not act in concert with the first , because the case against each accused must be considered separately and there may be evidence which is admissible against one but not the other .
8 And United could have scored more they put the Portsmouth goal under a fair bit of pressure … the ball was cleared off the line a couple of times … new boy Rogan nearly finished things off with a fourth but a what a great start to a new season for Brian Horton 's men …
9 And United could have scored more they put the Portsmouth goal under a fair bit of pressure … the ball was cleared off the line a couple of times … new boy Rogan nearly finished things off with a fourth but a what a great start to a new season for Brian Horton 's men …
10 It is there in the Ninth but in the Ninth there is great beauty and a sense of harmony with death .
11 Another nightmarish error let in Swail in the ninth but his inexperience proved significant with the winning line in sight .
12 The H pylori positive duodenal ulcer patients and H pylori positive healthy volunteers differed , however , with respect to gastrin mediated acid secretion , which was increased six fold in the first but only threefold in the second when compared with H pylori negative healthy volunteers .
13 Rees , however , hit back to take the second set 7-5 and then moved 6-2 ahead in the next but Gourlay replied with two doubles and a single to take the set 7-6 .
14 Foulds hit an early 60 break in the fourth but Doherty 's reply was immediate when he knocked in a 55 clearance to move into a two frame lead at the interval .
15 Let's leave the Olympics for a moment and wish Leominster rally driver Kevin Williams good luck in the last but one round of the Mintex National Rally Series .
16 conducted a further study ( experiment 1 c ) that was almost identical to the first but which failed to yield any evidence for context-specificity .
17 If you add a second set of stripes , at right angles to the first but also moving at right angles to their axis , the person will not see two sets of stripes but a set of chevrons moving at 45 degrees to the true directions of movement .
18 ‘ At home you hardly know whether it 's raining from one day to the next but here you feel better every time the sun comes out .
19 Scrapie , the form of the disease that infects sheep , can be passed from one generation to the next but there exists no evidence of maternal transmission in other species .
20 They kept it intact to the last but both of them knew , without any discussion , that to keep themselves afloat they 'd jump on any passing raft .
21 It seemed a shame that it could n't be in time for my mother 's birthday on the 8th but at least it was a good target for which to aim .
22 No it , I think it actually runs on the sixteenth but it only looks at premiums up to the fifteenth , think that 's built into the , the , the parameters on it .
23 In August 1939 he escaped with his family on the last but one ship to leave Hamburg .
24 In August 1939 he escaped with his family on the last but one ship to leave Hamburg .
25 Westmore James sat quietly in the dock during the summing up on the last but one day of his trial at Oxford Crown Court .
26 Yeah I mean my stuff 's always on the last but
27 Glasgow Airport recorded its 11th sunfree day in succession on the 14th but the pattern changed as a cold front made eastwards progress across the country .
28 A further deep Atlantic low gave the bulk of the population their wettest day of the month on the 23rd but , from the 25th to the 30th , the depressions became noticeably less intense .
29 It is also now recognized that even where there may be some correlation between certain factors and certain forms of abuse , it is inappropriate to assume that the one causes the other ; both may be linked to a third but underlying set of structures and mechanisms .
30 Erm erm two tapes on the end of my second tape , I 'm hoping to get on to a third but it depends how erm far this conversation goes .
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