Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [num ord] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 So it 's automatically built in to the first life assured , but it is an option for the second if they want it .
2 He even played in the club second fifteen as a prop in preference to being at lock for the first although , when the senior side was in relegation danger , he acceded to the club selectors ' request to revert to lock to help them to safety .
3 ( The third effect should strictly speaking be regarded as a substitute for the first since it assumes a zero , or at least a very low , interest elasticity of the demand for money whereas the Keynes effect assumes that it is reasonably powerful . )
4 There 's the there 's the names there 's the stone erm the allot I 'll deal with the stone for the last because I thought there might be more discussion on that .
5 The showery activity and strong winds eased during the 12th-14th as the offending depression drifted away northwards and a slight thaw was sufficient to help life return to normal on low ground .
6 He was careless , and in S 963 gave the indiction as the fourth when it was actually the fourteenth .
7 The second player then breathes in and tries to take it off the first until it reaches the player at the end .
8 The village reached its peak in the middle of the 19th century-when the population reached 846 and the occupations listed in the census of the time show it to have been totally self-sufficient .
9 Why had such disputes reverted to a pattern of disorder more reminiscent of the nineteenth than twentieth century ?
10 He unloosed the third and fourth and was struggling with the reins of the fifth when he heard voices on the path .
11 The Italian ( GlSSI ) study was one of the first where treatment was administered soon after the onset of symptoms to patients suspected of having an acute myocardial infarction . "
12 The second question is , of course , a more specific version of the first if we consider local government within the broader context of public administration and attitudes to the state provision of goods and services .
13 That is , the second can be an effect of the first if the first left the second , to speak in ordinary terms , very highly improbable .
14 When you act for buyers who intend that a leasehold interest shall merge in the freehold ( leaseholders buying the freehold reversion on their lease , or freeholders buying the lease to which their title is subject ) it 's convenient to express the intention to merge in the transfer or other instrument vesting the second estate in the owner of the first if this is intended , but beware of such an application in the case of a flat — if , for example , your client owns a leasehold flat and buys the freehold of the whole building in which it is situate .
15 Delay in the completion of one work element which prevents the start of the next where the same plant and labour are used can easily be demonstrated .
16 Behind a one-storey inn the Duke and his tribe of brothers and uncles lived in a cluster of rough stone houses , one built onto the end of the next as the family grew .
17 They will want to be on committees and subcommittees where they can advance the interests of both their sponsors — those who have contributed to the costs of their , usually expensive , election campaigns and , it is hoped , will contribute to those of the next as well — and their constituents ; to some extent , these will be the same .
18 How did one ask someone what they were doing on the night of the twenty-eighth if one was pretending to be engaged in merely casual conversation ?
19 She was just finishing with the last when there was a shout from Reception .
20 Allow an ‘ activity space ’ around each piece , which can overlap with the next if you are not likely to use both at the same time .
21 Two schools later ( his parents having moved house ) the boy was ill , and his then head wrote to the consultant treating him that he ‘ had previously attended two schools , having transferred from the first because of ‘ transitory emotional difficulties ’ ( Ed .
22 Freud 's view here is Comtean ; he thinks in terms of three stages for the progress of civilization , beginning with the animistic phase , to which modern obsessional or paranoid neurotics regress , going through an intermediate phase of religion , which is different from the first because people give the powers and omnipotence to gods , and not to themselves as they do in the magical phase of animism .
23 Key decisions , for example , are required from the first as to whether the best approach is :
24 Right through from the seventeenth until the early twentieth century those who reached the age of sixty years remained a small but quite steady 5–7 per cent of the English population .
25 From the seventeenth until the early nineteenth century , parish records suggest that over one-half of widows would normally have been provided with regular pensions on the rates ; and still more remarkable , when compared with working-class incomes , these pensions were twice as good as those offered by state pensions today ( see Fig. 1 ) .
26 Then it all went wrong for Hamilton , who dropped four strokes in four holes from the 11th as the chill wind began to take its toll and Davis romped away to win by five strokes .
27 Long acquaintance with the clergy had convinced him that priests could not tell one layman from the next if they happened to be on their own administrative staff .
28 Always in the leading group , McMahon pushed to the front before the last where he was challenged by the favourite Over the Edge , but keeping his mount perfectly balanced and running as straight as a gun barrel , McMahon found something left in the ‘ Tank ’ and went on to score a snug success .
29 McCarrick put them ahead in the eighth minute and they should have settled it in the 67th when Muir had a penalty saved , but Rimmer made no mistake from the spot to level the scores in the 83rd minute .
30 But the power to do so , which was usually — and contemptuously — referred to as magic , had been waning in the Fifth since Chant had first arrived .
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