Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adj] and " in BNC.

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1 The 2@1/2-year mandates for the provincial and municipal assemblies were similarly extended .
2 In which George also uses Creation 6 for the Duomatic and Vario machines .
3 Thus to is used with the infinitive both for the lexical and grammatical meaning it brings into the context : its lexical meaning of an approach to the infinitive event from a position before is called for by the relative position in time of the extra-infinitival spatial support with respect to the position occupied by non-ordinalized person at the beginning of the infinitive 's event ; its grammatical meaning as an establisher of a relation where the inherent mechanism of incidence is inoperative is called for by the fact that the event can not otherwise be represented as incident to the extra-infinitival support since the latter is not already situated at the beginning of the event , i.e. is not within the confines of event time .
4 Many cell types undergo apoptosis when they are deprived of serum or specific growth factors ( reviewed in ref. 15 ) , and this was the case both for the parental and for the cells ( Fig. 1 a ) .
5 When the Labour party issued a statement of post-war aims in 1943 ( The Colonies : the Labour Party 's post-war policy for the African and Pacific colonies ) , it affirmed : ‘ For a considerable time to come these peoples will not be ready for self-government , and European peoples and States must be responsible for the administration of their territories . ’
6 He was altogether too dignified and courteous for the rough and tumble of politics , was not a good debater , and left after less than eighteen months .
7 Although particulate traps can be made to work effectively for short periods under favourable conditions there is some way to go before they are reliable enough for the rough and tumble of ordinary operating conditions .
8 Mobile mums groups are for mums with ‘ mobile ’ toddlers who need toddler-proof houses but who are maybe not ready yet for the rough and tumble of Open houses .
9 It was created for a group of mums who felt their babies were too old for new mums but not yet ready for the rough and tumble of open houses .
10 ONE OF the doughty pack leaders to emerge in the late 1940's from the Manchester scrum of ‘ palaeomagnetists ’ was S , Keith Runcorn — a former Cambridge engineer with an almost unhealthy liking for the rough and tumble of the rugby field , Keith Runcorn is now professor of physics , and geophysics supremo , at the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne — and incidentally the president of the university 's rugby club , To honour Runcorn 's reaching the age of 60 , the university organised earlier this month a three-day conference on ‘ Magnetism , planetary rotation and convection in the Solar System ’ , Since the Second World War , geology has undergone conceptual upheavals as never before , The apparently ludicrous ideas proposed by Alfred Wegener in the 1920s , that the Earth 's continents were drifting around , have found solid ground , The evidence came from physicists inspired by wartime work on radar , by cosmic-ray research and the discovery that some rotating stars have a magnetic field , The physicists set themselves the task of measuring whether rotating bodies on Earth also produce magnetic fields , The eminent Patrick Maynard Blackett devised a highly sensitive magnetometer for this work , but finding that a spinning gold cylinder produced no magnetic field , turned his machine to measuring rock magnetism , A school of expertise concerned with ‘ fossilised magnetism ’ developed around him at Manchester and later at Imperial College , London , The fruits of such work inspired a reappraisal of continental drift and new theories to explain the mechanisms responsible for moving the continents , and later produced the foundations on which were forged the unifying concepts of plate tectonics and seafloor spreading , Runcorn applies an enormous enthusiasm to all that he takes on — as many past students and editors of various science journals can testify , His first notoriety came with his attempts to determine whether the Earth 's general magnetic field was related to the planet 's rotation , or related to some deep-seated phenomenon , To determine this he took his magnetometer down some of the deep Lancashire coal pits .
11 A bit too frail and woolly for the rough and tumble of ordinary practice .
12 It was as if they realised that she was not for the rough and tumble of this world , like the aggressive women with shaggy hair styles who pushed their way through life thrusting their hard shopping baskets at defenceless men .
13 Economic factors and unemployment for the educated and uneducated , the urban and the rural dweller , the young and the old(ish) , are lessening this type of escape alienation .
14 What they had in common would become irrefutable , objective verity , the stock-in-trade of general knowledge for the educated and interested ( few enough in all conscience ) of the metropolises of the West .
15 S-Bit Plus applies to the top three players , headed by the CDX-1060 flagship ( £599.95 ) which has a ‘ twin-balanced ’ processing circuit using Class A amplifier stages , full remote control via a 30-key handset , 25-track programming , Program File ( stores approximately ten selections from up to 100 discs ) , motor-driven volume control , optical and digital outputs , separate mains transformers for the digital and analogue circuitry and a new two-way laser control servo system .
16 the ‘ 559 is the top model in the new range and uses a copper-plate chassis with special glass-epoxy ES circuit boards and two mains transformers for the digital and analogue circuits .
17 The estimated total value of the contract is between $10m and $20m , but tenders are still being assessed for the mid-range and front-end sections of the project .
18 This is the replacement fixture for the abandoned and highly successful Coalville Open Days of many previous years , which raised many thousands of pounds for charity .
19 Civil liberties were guaranteed , the franchise was extended to all over the age of eighteen , and an enlightened approach was urged for the industrial and education spheres .
20 D. Account for the industrial and political best witnessed in the years 1909 to 1914
21 Question D — focuses on explaining the reasons for the industrial and political unrest " in Britain in the five years before the outbreak of the First World War .
22 For the industrial and commercial sector services include leasing , factoring , industrial hire purchase , commercial loans and stocking loans , and block discounting .
23 The filter settings were 0.1 to 10 Hz for the internal and 10 Hz-10 KHz for the external anal sphincter .
24 The Wedding Present are seen by many as a victory for the ordinary and in a perverse way , their lack of image has become their image .
25 If that is so , it constitutes a general reason for the ordinary and perhaps irresistible belief that reality is in whole or in part a matter of causal and other nomic connections .
26 The curriculum for the junior and senior honours years comprises three optional honours courses in each year , together with a compulsory course in the history of architectural theory in the junior honours year and a dissertation based on individual research in the senior year .
27 Fees for the Junior and Senior School are payable either by lump sum on or before 5th September 1992 , for which an advance payment allowance of 4 ½%; will be granted , or by ten monthly instalments on the fifth day of each month from September to June inclusive under Direct Debit Mandate .
28 Full details and syllabus of the teacher training course have been sent to them , and the syllabus and assessment sheets for the Junior and Youth Bronze Awards , which apply throughout the British Isles , while the statistics that were requested apply to Scotland only — I felt the letter was needed in case they thought there were only 4 teachers in the whole Society !
29 A complex , purified from Xenopus oocytes as a substrate for the meiotic and mitotic p34 cdc2 kinase , was shown to contain the guanine-nucleotide exchange activity ( 2 ) .
30 Thus Townsend 's study showed that the percentages of households with insufficient internal play space for children was 1 per cent for the professional and managerial groups , 13 per cent for the other non manual groups , 24 per cent for the skilled workers and 31 per cent for the semi-skilled and unskilled workers .
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