Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] where [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Timber was used for building where stone was rare or expensive to transport but , for important building in abbeys , cathedrals and castles , the same style and stone material was employed whether in London or elsewhere .
2 For instance where machinery or surfaces , through lack of space or layout limitations , must be used for both cooked and raw meats disinfection should take place after each use with raw meat and before changing to cooked meat .
3 offer an opportunity for help where work has deteriorated
4 The only aspect of play where 'Mere could be said to have played to their ability was in the lineout where Gibbons and Daly won more than their fair share of ball .
5 There 's , there was quite a bit of apathy where horse secuirty is concerned .
6 For larger areas of damage where soil is exposed , ram rubble into any soft areas , taking it at least 25mm below the path surface
7 This region is known as the Realm of Chaos ; a black zone of unreality where time and space have no meaning .
8 This kind of heart-to-heart conversation is quite different from a form of interaction where solidarity is established around common causes , or against common enemies or threats .
9 Although there are many periods in the history of literature where biography is quite irrelevant ( Shakespeare is an exemplarily anonymous figure in literature ) , there are also periods where biography becomes an integral element of literary works .
10 Offences in the second category fall into two classes , exhibition of weakness where strength is expected , and manifestations of loss of dignity .
11 At the same time the Secretary of State gave notice that for certain categories of crime where life sentences had been passed , the offenders could expect to spend at least 20 years in prison .
12 A Study Skills Handbook ‘ has been written for students whose mother tongue is not English , yet who , for one reason or another are completing a course of study where English is the only language of instruction . ’
13 The one-flesh relationship provides a practical unified view of marriage where man and woman are seen as deeply complementary to each other .
14 Moreover , working wives provide the family with a contact to the world of work where news about job opportunities is first picked up .
15 When articulated in this way the Wilsonian social contract appears very close to what Sir Ian Gilmour ( 1978 ) has claimed is the essence of true and wise Toryism : the avoidance of ‘ dogma ’ ; the balancing of opposed social forces ; the concession of reform where reform is due in order to hold together a ‘ national ’ constituency ( despite the fact that Gilmour viewed the 1974/75 legislative programme as a dangerous concession to sectional union interests and a threat to the constitution — true Toryism is only recognised as such well after the event ! ) .
16 Information disclosed by one party to another in the course of negotiations will be subject to the obligation of confidence where information relates to the subject matter of the negotiations and has the necessary quality of confidence .
17 Undoubtedly there is in Freud 's theory an image of this Hobbesian state of nature where life is nasty , brutish and short .
18 The relations among the actors all relate to their positions in the bureaucratic organization and it is as if the bureaucracy were a self-contained world , except for the points of contact where commerce with the rest of the world enters and leaves .
19 Have we been expelled from an arcadia of fun where nature provided us with innocent automata , lowing and braying machines for our amusement ?
20 ‘ Photos are also a vital means of education where illiteracy is high and where marginalised people , like the Quechua Indians , do not understand the Spanish language , ’ he added .
21 Superimposed colours , transparency and opacity , signs of rust where moisture has seeped into the cloth stretched over the frame : for the last ten years Michel Mouffe 's work has created its own history through the layered transformations taking place within the canvas .
22 Schedule 4 to the rules contains a form of affidavit where service other than personal is effected , ( Form 6.12 ) , see Appendix C , form 8 .
23 I 'm a man of individuality where garden embellishment is concerned .
24 The church is to be distinctive from the rest of the world ; people around us are familiar with a way of life where rank and wealth matter , and people want to achieve what they think matters — only to find that it does n't satisfy them ; God 's people are to have a way of life which is based on equality in God 's sight , and not be measured in terms of social standing .
25 The rugged mountains rose up straight from the river banks and were shaded in greens and browns with gashes of copper where erosion has taken its toll .
26 This may be so if the average for all industries is considered , but in the key areas of manufacturing where demand is more variable , the bonus-earnings ratio experiences greater volatility ( Hashimoto 1979 p. 1101 ) .
27 When an appeal is made from a decision of a family proceedings court in a secure accommodation order case , or in any case of urgency where time is short , it is the duty of the appellant solicitor to make the district registry or the district judge aware of the need for urgency and to invite the district registry or district judge to list the matter at the nearest court where an early hearing can take place before a High Court judge ( post , p. 92D–E ) .
28 When an appeal is made from a decision of a family proceedings court in a secure accommodation order case , or in any case of urgency where time is short , it is the duty of the appellant solicitor to make the district registry aware of the need for urgency and to invite the district registry or the district judge to list the matter at the nearest court where an early hearing can take place before a High Court judge .
29 The police world is one of preventing , detaining ; arresting , stopping , containing , denying , and rebutting ; it is a world of diffused and hidden versions of reality where deflection is a prominent tool of the trade .
30 Here art orders our vision , deliberately interventionist in that it presents those uncertainties and anxieties of childhood where difference makes life a misery whilst providing poignant images for the artist .
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