Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] when [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In vitro , sulphate reducing bacteria compete with methanogenic bacteria for hydrogen when sulphate is present .
2 It has been shown that ‘ critical points ’ are reached ( for instance when car ownership achieves a certain level ) at which key elements of urban structure are transformed .
3 The partnership which we 've built up over many years with you means that I 'm confident that British tax payers and recipients in er dep developing countries are getting the best possible value for money when government supports S C F initiatives and what is true for S C F is true for the many other M G , N G Os with whom we work .
4 The effect on interest rates of a shift in the demand for money when money supply is kept to a target is illustrated in Figure 18.4 .
5 The public concern and media coverage of cases of severe child abuse has produced a plethora of professional reviews suggesting ways victims can more rapidly be ascertained and recommendations for action when child abuse is suspected ( DHSS , 1974 ) .
6 However , the strategy also has a longer term aim to upgrade the infrastructure and skills of the region to enable it to compete effectively for investment when congestion costs in the ‘ grand poles ’ become insupportable .
7 Just over 100 homes in Whinney Banks are first in line for renewal when cash is available .
8 Official estimates include the value of lost production through absenteeism when stress makes people ill .
9 Very often the vagina and part of the uterus can be separated into two parts by a fibrous partition and this may only come to light after difficulty when intercourse first takes place , or sometimes at the onset of pregnancy .
10 The domestic skills I had acquired at school and perfected looking after Father when Mother died , were not skills valued by Helmut .
11 In heavy experimental infections the most severe signs have appeared at 6-12 weeks after infection when egg-laying is maximal .
12 Allowing home and social lives to wither means that there are no other sources of support when work fails .
13 Since he did not commit himself unreservedly to any party he earned a reputation for political inconsistency , and had to confront the hazards of non-alignment when war broke out in 1642 .
14 Nor should we ever underestimate the capacity of old people to alter life-long patterns of interaction when need arises .
15 The conflicts that I referred to earlier commonly occur at the level of technique when operation is implemented in dissociation from appraisal , in the form , for example , of prescribed teaching materials which have the appearance of novelty .
16 But of course when Mum had the stroke someone had to look after her .
17 These were the years of course when money-making became respectable again in Britain .
18 It makes sense to account in terms of money when inflation is low .
19 As a result , they lost tons of money when punk rockers trashed concert halls during their first shows .
20 As Massey and Meegan ( 1982 ) have argued , relocation away from intense class struggle is just one option facing employers ; they also contend that consideration of the various options is most likely in periods of recession when profitability is low and some form of restructuring crucial , and that relocation may then be part of a composite strategy involving restructuring of the labour process .
21 Moreover , to offer vocational courses such as TEC and BEC , where these were not previously available , would have required suitably qualified staff and appropriate facilities at a time of recession when money has been available for neither .
22 Management may monitor performance and , in times of recession when building labour is freely available , lay off operatives who fail to achieve the output required .
23 School milk schemes take on an added importance at a time of recession when family budgets are very tight . ’
24 Corporatism tends to " fit " the facts best with respect to the major functional economic groupings of capital and labour ; with respect to issues of economic policy ( especially in so far as they concern incomes ) in periods of boom when labour can not be easily disciplined by market forces ; and at the level of the central state .
25 This may in part be explained by the lower compliance in the community studies : using intention to treat analysis results in a diluting of effect when compliance is low .
26 The presence of profound bradycardia helped validate the occurrence of hypoxaemia when skin po 2 signals were recorded without Sao 2 .
27 Specifically built for two handed cruising , this 43 still retains a powerful turn of speed when passage making .
28 Furthermore , according to the Chancery Division in Kelsall v Stipplechoice Ltd [ 1992 ] STI 910 , the Special Commissioner 's leave to revise the assessment need not be sought if he was aware of the existence of this point of disagreement when leave was granted to raise the original assessment .
29 There was little dispute that D had committed the offence of dangerous driving , but did that automatically make him guilty of manslaughter when death resulted ?
30 Royal Cedar was a fourth winner from only eight runners for first season trainer , John McConnochie , who clearly paid a great deal of attention when assistant to Mercy Rimell .
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