Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] become a " in BNC.

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1 Donaldson 's for instance became a German prisoner-of-war camp ; the Royal School for Deaf Children at Margate was taken over by the Corporation of Margate and used as the Civil Defence Headquarters , Food & Fuel Office , W.V.S. Headquarters , Emergency Police station , among a number of other wartime departments .
2 For research to become a learning resource , lists of suggested reading in preparation for modules of experience should contain reference to relevant nursing research , in order to prepare for discussion in class .
3 After a short while , taking paper , glass and metals for recycling becomes a habit .
4 Rules of play became a priority and the pit on the 3rd in front of the tee was temporarily classed as a hazard , the player having to drop and lose distance .
5 Parties for the Warwickshire team at Cranmer 's Saltdean bungalow on one of the evenings after the close of play became a tradition .
6 As more and more land was planted with cash crops , the lack of pasture became a serious problem in many districts .
7 The men threw up their arms every time they shouted , and gradually what began as a confusion of noise became a solid roar of acclamation .
8 Taken together with the other forces already mentioned in this chapter , increased levels of inspection become a potentially counter-productive measure .
9 As a result of adolescence becoming a ‘ social fact ’ , a specificity was bestowed on boy labour which gave the whole subject of juvenile employment an enhanced status in part derived from its scientific description , and in part from its social relevance .
10 Only if a legal system was eventually brought in would a breach of contract become a criminal breach of the law .
11 The consumption of experience becomes a way of creating an identity .
12 Only with the rise of Khoneini did the politics and spirituality of Islam become a burning issue among strategists , conversationalists , politicians and writers .
13 Ali proved a personal focus for his movements and the Nation of Islam became a forceful agent of cultural change amongst blacks , offering , through the leader Elijah Muhammad , a reassertion of the lost culture of black people with the creation of separate hospitals , schools , farms and industries .
14 Any change of direction becomes a retreat or a U-turn .
15 Soon the continent of flame became a series of islands , each one growing smaller as the dark tide rose .
16 Notice that the times of waking become a little later each day and this indicates that the cycle length is greater than 24 hours , about 25 hours in the case shown .
17 Like — It takes a lot of nerve to become a writer when your name 's Shakespeare and In the sort of job I do , courage and truth are essential .
18 And furthermore , ‘ Should the disordering of rhythm become a convention , it would be ineffective as a device for the roughening of language ’ ( 1965a : 24 ) .
19 After the Union of the Crowns of Scotland and England in 1603 , and because the country now had an absent sovereign , the symbols of majesty became a substitute and took on an extra significance .
20 The splattering of blood became a dark and arterial gushing .
21 It is only when the private world of fantasy becomes a hideaway from real relationships that our personally constructed blueprints fail to serve their proper purpose .
22 Edinburgh thus came into line with the rest of Britain , and the trade of compositor became a male monopoly until the Equal Opportunities legislation of the 1970s , which enabled a few women to serve regular apprentice ships as compositors , before the widespread adoption of the new computerized technology convulsed the printing trade , in ways which have been thoroughly discussed by Cynthia Cockburn .
23 A person who uses the highway for any purpose other than that of passage becomes a trespasser against the owners of the subsoil .
24 A garden tractor company has bounced back from the brink of bankruptcy to become a market leader … despite the recession .
25 In circumstances like these , the temple of law becomes a casino .
26 In the end , as we shall see , the cost of decommissioning became a vital part of the accountants ' nightmare that laid the nuclear beast to rest .
27 The chance of drama becoming a tradition in our Primary schools has never been realistic .
28 Expression of displeasure or withdrawal of attention becomes a much more potent force for managing misdemeanours once the child realizes that the parents can be very pleasant and loving .
29 Indeed it is only , or at least primarily , in the development of material techniques of the fourth and fifth types that what is at first not much more than a relatively open specialization and diversity of attention becomes a formative and even determining set of divisive social relations .
30 Butterfly knives and a range of martial arts equipment were banned by that means and the Government are ready to take further action if other types of weapon become a problem .
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