Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] than [art] " in BNC.

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1 Community care services in this area offer much better value for money than the traditional NHS approach .
2 THE Labour Party appears to be more concerned about industry than the Conservatives .
3 Once again I have attracted the wrath of many supporters who think they know more about football than the eleven ‘ Stiffs ’ they profess to follow .
4 I can only see myself as a conversation piece , worth more as gossip than a fuck .
5 But , within a family , it is much less common for a woman to be listed as ratepayer than a man .
6 That remains his only fall , and it was more a case of a slip one stride after landing than a regulation fall .
7 Hence , if stripping of the anal mucosa with encoanal anastomosis is used in older patients , we think that it is more likely to lead to lower anal pressures and faecal leakage after operation than the technically simpler alternative of end to end anastomosis .
8 One could not hope to find a better medium for escape than a pair of metaphorical , spiritual wings .
9 Nonconformists were slower to attempt some degree of unity than the Church of England , which began the Lambeth Conferences in 1867 .
10 However , this is n't likely to occur within the National Parks and although , as Table 8.2 shows , they have a higher percentage of woodland than the rest of the uplands , voluntary agreements to limit any further afforestation will reduce their relative share .
11 The distinction between public law and private law interests seems to rest on the assumption that the latter are in some way more important and more worthy of protection than the former .
12 Death and destruction were meted out by both sides , but there can be little doubt that the rebels carried a greater burden of responsibility than the Republicans , for their repressive actions took a higher human toll and they , not the Republicans , had acted against legality .
13 It arose from some very good scientific research into smells that animals like and there 's no animal with a better sense of smell than a dog .
14 It proposes a much more flexible basis of decision than the so-called ‘ agency ’ approach .
15 By its insistence on the generalized imminence of revolution — more an article of faith than a result of pragmatic observation — the Comintern was at least partly responsible for the Nghe-Tinh disaster .
16 This is a much lower threshold of liability than the notion of violence that underlay the common law concept .
17 There can be no greater cause of friction than a fund raising event losing money and having to be rescued by hard earned funds from other sources .
18 The level of the basic state pension is close to the level of Income Support , and pensioners with no other source of income than the state pension are also likely to be in receipt of means-tested benefits .
19 2. can it offer an adequate , and perhaps more than adequate explanation of the phenomenon of existence than a denial of the existence of God can ?
20 As in the UK , outside organisers sponsor special research projects that need bigger wodges of money than the university can provide .
21 IS THERE a more senseless waste of money than the annual four-yearly scramble to host the Olympic Games ?
22 " It may be the beginning of a saner and less aggressive course of action than the one hitherto pursued towards the men of the Mercantile Marine .
23 Didier Pironi , who was one of the brightest ones , had said , ‘ Driving is more a state of mind than the use of intelligence .
24 Playing an investment banker , something which perhaps requires greater suspension of disbelief than the film 's vision of the spirit world , Swayze gets to make all his crowd-pleasing moves in a novel setting .
25 It is evident that the priests who served St Martin knew how to jade a horse and to attribute its state to the saint 's intervention ; and if Gibbon had had the slightest suspicion of how the miracle had been performed he would have used a much stronger form of irony than a mere italicizing of the word itself .
26 Would this not indicate a greater love of dogma than a love of man ?
27 When discussing Dennett and Sloman below , I shall argue that the opacity of one level of programming language to another is a better preliminary model of consciousness than the inaccessibility of the contents of one module from another .
28 For example , interactionists took a much more profoundly relativistic view of crime than the original classical position allowed for .
29 It 's becoming sort of fairly topical erm where there , and it is , more perhaps related to the fear of crime than the actual crime itself , where , people are afraid to go out for fear that they 're going to be personally attacked , whether it be you know , answering the door at night in their own homes , or actually , you know , going to their cars .
30 Investment expenditure I is also assumed to be exogenous in our model , with factors such as business confidence and the expectations of entrepreneurs being considered more important determinants of the level of investment than the current level of income .
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