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1 The form that literary studies had taken during the second half of the nineteenth century , positivism , was , as we saw in the Introduction , largely based on the genetic approach ; critics , or rather scholars , concentrated their energies on uncovering the sources and genesis of particular works , and the role of biography , history and history of ideas in these genetic studies obviously reduced the importance of literature itself in literary scholarship .
2 Jameson seems to object to the fall of modernism and the decline of a critical aesthetic , and fails to learn from the quite genuine failure of modernism itself with regard to its popular acceptability .
3 This in turn opens up some fascinating questions about the role of consciousness itself in memory and perception .
4 My father is an educated man , and he passed a lot of what he already knew on to me , as well as doing a fair bit of study himself into areas he did n't know all that much about just so that he could teach me .
5 These signs , it must be said , largely reflect the changing strategies and priorities of management itself in coming to recognise that people have their personal plans and needs .
6 This additional property , Minsky believes , could have a functional or evolutionary explanation , of the sort suggested for the property of modularity itself by Simon , in that the ‘ conscious ’ supreme organizing module would ipso facto be in a position to ‘ debug ’ or repair the connections of the lower modules amongst themselves or to itself .
7 As we said in the Introduction , this is a little artificial , but you may well have to do this kind of work yourself at some time .
8 It is obvious that her cares very deeply about the theatre and acting , from the teaching of drama itself to the condition of theatre countrywide .
9 Gide 's narrative of a development from the desire for self-redemption in the space of the other , through the loss of self at the ecstatic height of this existential quest , to the unresolved sense of desire itself as a kind of loss , is amenable to a similar analysis ; in Gide 's case image and fantasy do indeed figure transgressively on the borders of history and the unconscious .
10 Ironically , the society is having to fight against the forces of nature itself in the bid to stop the reedbed being swallowed by fast-encroaching willows and scrub which would destroy much of the area 's significance .
11 But support for the Americans came from a wider section of the English people than the intellectuals : the presence of discharged and wounded soldiers created a loathing of war itself on humanitarian grounds .
12 To shift , as I have done in this consideration of Love 's Cure , trom the transvestite to certain wider issues of desire , the ‘ nature ’ of masculinity , sexual jealousy , and the homoerotic , is only to follow one trajectory of transvestism itself in this period : in appropriating , inverting , and substituting for masculinity , the female transvestite inevitably put masculinity itself — and sexual difference more generally — under scrutiny .
13 The process of signification is what accomplishes the task of the myth ; it subverts simple denotation through its wider connotation , it naturalizes culture as the given order of the day , and it utilizes the ambiguities and tendencies of the process of signification itself in order to effect its apparent closures .
14 In fact , English turns out to overwhelm the very concept of education itself in that the overall goal is to provide " the best use of English as a means of intercourse and of education " .
15 At the present point in time there are those who are of the opinion that no sacrifice is too great for our democracy , least of all the sacrifice of democracy itself to the power of the judges and enslaving legal limitations .
16 I 've been giving it a great deal of thought myself in recent weeks .
17 And growing government , increasing bureaucracy , higher taxes and more and more regulation have put the legitimacy of government itself at issue .
18 Conviction oozes from every sentence like the very ichor of life itself from the metal life-support systems of the Bronze Giant of Fangorak .
19 In an age that was becoming increasingly fascinated with history , the prospect of extending the antiquity of life itself by uncovering the remains of bizarre and often gigantic animals had a romantic appeal outside the realms of science .
20 ‘ Because I 've decided to give up the artificial fiction of being myself for the genuine , satisfying falseness of being somebody else .
21 I have used this kind of explanation myself for repeated boulder beds within a thick Cretaceous limestone sequence near Lagueruela in Teruel Province , in eastern Spain .
22 In America Dr James Tyler Kent was appalled by such modifications , feeling that many of the practices which Hahnemann had campaigned against had crept into the practice of homoeopathy itself in the one hundred or so years since its rediscovery .
23 Blackadder had a belief that she represented , for Randolph Ash , a personification of History itself in its early mythical days .
24 They look beyond history as such to the activity of God , and set the movement of history itself in that light .
25 Even less has there been evidence of any real correlation of objectivity itself with literacy practice .
26 Beyond that is the history of the impact of IT itself on service delivery .
27 A highly-developed sense of the ridiculous is inimical to the striking of certain musical attitudes ; and , while I 'm sure mason regards the craft of composition itself with profound seriousness , there are clearly many compositional modes and self images which he 's quite unable to invest with the spurious dignity they often demand .
28 Finally , while he is indeed very careful to underline the distinctiveness and uniqueness of Jesus and of Christianity , do hidden thorns lurk in his description of Christianity itself as ‘ a religion ’ which can be classified along with other ‘ religions ’ ?
29 He insisted that a genuine religion , if such there be , must rest on a supernatural revelation coming from beyond history ; and he denounced the ‘ historicising ’ of Christianity , by which the original message of Christ and the apostles , a message which spoke of the wholly supernatural kingdom of God , had been betrayed by the transformation of Christianity itself into a social , cultural , and political movement within history — a movement which the advanced theologians and Christian apologists of the nineteenth century had then , with complete consistency , attempted to interpret and justify in purely historical and psychological terms .
30 The crucial sub-text of the period was that of the human body and of identity itself at odds with the world .
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