Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [vb -s] [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 It sounds just like the kind of story Waits himself would make up .
2 In the past she has often been the butt of uncomplimentary remarks herself but this time it is not her performance which should be belittled .
3 However , given their risk-loving nature , greater protection is purchased by a low probability of a large prize rather than a high probability of a modest prize ; i.e. a society characterized by a few ‘ glittering prizes ’ awarded on the basis of equality of opportunity recommends itself .
4 But it also happens that in the organization of recorded knowledge for retrieval the profession of librarianship finds itself at an interesting point of crisis .
5 On the other hand , a court of equity addresses itself to the amount of costs that the mortgagee should be allowed as a condition of redemption .
6 From about 1000 A.D. the true Romanesque style of architecture shows itself and , since it emerged in many different countries of Europe which were not in all these years under the influence and direction of one empire , as previously , it developed in different ways .
7 A gradation system which fails to afford adequate recognition to the horror which the community may feel about certain forms of rape lays itself open to attempts at circumvention .
8 The structure of intelligence reveals itself spontaneously in the way people behave intellectually ; it is not imposed by the assumptions of testers , as the national press would have it .
9 The latter type of fuel lends itself to underwater storage for several decades .
10 Like many areas of sociology , the sociology of punishment lends itself to ( often radically ) differing approaches which provide rival explanations of penality .
11 The metaphor of commodity suggests itself ( with its marxian overtones ) precisely because research has become part of academic currency , bestowing credibility on those who possess a curriculum vitae listing their research publications .
12 By the time one gets to Derrida , the latest and youngest of the sequence , Nietzsche 's myth of art has itself been dissolved by Derrida 's pervasive irony : ‘ If Nietzsche is an ironic mythmaker , Derrida seems only ironic : the radicality of his irony undermines any pretension to myth .
13 We very rarely seem to enjoy it , and the pleasure of victory expresses itself mainly as relief from the self-loathing of defeat . )
14 Women compositors did not want equal pay , she wrote , for no girl of sense puts herself on the level of a comp all round but if the division of labour assigns her a task she can perform , what reason is there she should not do so ?
15 Thus culture at some level of awareness asserts itself to be not only distinct from but superior to nature , and that sense of distinctiveness and superiority rests precisely on the ability to transform — to ‘ socialize' ’ and ‘ ‘ culturalize' ’ — nature' , i.e. to be active and in control .
16 Eventually a time of fish will be landed so the intricate work of life moves itself into the most unlikely corners of our power stations .
17 The kind of article that someone who lives my kind of life finds himself having to write to pay for that kind of life .
18 Even as I try to follow the interweaving , the world of childhood reasserts itself and Leeds and Yorkshire become again the centre of existence .
19 Which , I later discovered , was most forthcoming for George but he 'd already had a couple of orange squashes himself .
20 Time and again when we think that we have nailed the political , military , and economic aspects of huge missionary undertakings , another point of view makes itself apparent , sometimes quite unexpectedly , in the sources .
21 The transformation is made up of spiritual , intellectual and emotional elements which grow together into an autonomous state of mind : Sooner or later this attitude of autonomy expresses itself in doubt .
22 Claris 's state of unreadiness manifests itself when it comes to the selection of features .
23 There is something absurd , as well , in the extravagance of the Liberal Democrat demands , for history has shown that the party which holds the balance of power finds itself compromised .
24 Mandrake comes from the same family as the potato ( once thought to be endowed with aphrodisiac powers itself ) .
25 The plot of each book is built on the physical fact of impersonation : the emotional content depends on character , as the Englishman in effect proves himself worthy to be a king in more than mere appearance .
26 And yet an Englishman 's relation to English culture and its traditions may be more tormented than Schniedau allows for , especially if the Englishman in question defines himself as , or aspires to be , an English artist .
27 The EXAFS for Si in glass reveals itself as the ‘ wiggles ’ following the absorption threshold , seen clearly in Figure 2. the case for the application of EXAFS to glass is overwhelming .
28 This variation in form manifests itself in different ways , depending on the language .
29 And that in fact lends itself to be to a new settlement being assimilated into the landscape completely in accord with the criterion of H two .
30 He in fact puts himself forward " " to quite the Knyghtes tale " " after the Host has asked the Monk to do that very thing ( lines 3119 and 3127 ) .
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