Example sentences of "[prep] few [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He takes you round the block and back , does Eno , with few comforting reference points , although I sense echoes of early YMO and Yello lurking behind closed doors .
2 Classes on child care , personal health and beauty or African music are currently only likely to be options for those with few alternative examination subjects .
3 Secondly , this transfer punishes local authorities with few residential care homes and cuts off money for future expansion .
4 Therefore , despite being unclear about the environmental agents that promote genetic changes in the large bowel , in few other tumour systems are we as close to identifying the critical events which underlie malignant , neoplastic behaviour as we are in colorectal cancer .
5 Law 's claims were therefore substantial , but they were known to few outside parliament , Glasgow and Manchester .
6 Three patterns of distributions of authorship number are suggested by these my data : ( a ) the ‘ left shifted ’ pattern seen in high profile basic research journals ( Nature , Cell ) , in which over 90% of articles have one to five authors ( mode 2 ) ; ( b ) the ‘ right shifted ’ pattern characterised by few small group studies and many large group studies ( mode 7 ) seen in low profile basic research ( BBRC ) and clinical research ( JCO ) journals ; and ( c ) a rapid fall from six to seven authors ( mode 6 ) in general medical journals ( NEJM , Lancet ) .
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