Example sentences of "[prep] call for a " in BNC.

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1 After calling for a return to work they organised a series of campaigns , about censorship , the campaign for the eight hour working day .
2 Almost immediately , Doherty went on to try to make it general and so , of course , capable of calling for a general strike .
3 Obviously , the adventurers may try elaborate or complicated ploys here such as calling for a blessing , Dispel Magic spells , and so on .
4 On Sept. 8 , 1989 , Emmanuel Moigua and Kalilu Titangay , members of the Pan-African Union ( Panafu ) group were detained for calling for a week of anti-racist and anti-Zionist action , including a campaign against the influential Israeli-managed N. R. Scippa company which was involved in diamond and gold mining and in importing rice .
5 Far from suggesting that the two sides were moving towards a new spirit of co-operation , the diplomats said they were a long way from calling for a ceasefire .
6 The NFFO yesterday drew back from calling for a sea and road blockade to stop the supplies of foreign fish .
7 ‘ Thank you , Rosie , ’ Nanny said to her subordinate , before calling for a way through the throng of servants who had gathered to see hounds move off .
8 The former Home Secretary took common ground with Mrs Thatcher in opposing a Brussels-dominated and economically illiberal ‘ Fortress Europe ’ and went much further than Mr Lawson or the pro-European cabinet majority in calling for a central bank on the looser American rather than Bundesbank model .
9 For Labour , accommodation to the changing mood meant adopting the essentially green idea of assessing the environmental costs of growth and working them into the balance sheets ( which the Tories are also adopting ) , but it did not mean following the Greens in calling for a halt to growth .
10 Unfortunately , the SPD , like Labour , has been nervous in calling for a complete recasting of public financing and altering both tax and expenditure profiles to fit with a post-cold war world while attempting to relate to an electorate that believes it is paying too many direct and indirect taxes as well as ever-rising social security and health insurance payments .
11 In calling for a vote on European union , TODAY is speaking up for what most of us have wanted for a long time .
12 In a letter to Peter Brooke , Secretary of State at the Department of National Heritage , the Council for the protection of Rural England and the Council for British Archaeology have joined their voices to that of the National Trust in calling for a public review of the new strategy .
13 The proposal was accepted in principle by the French National Assembly , and in calling for a ‘ common European army ’ with a European ‘ minister of defence ’ , it was to be the basis of discussion about the establishment of a European Defence Community ( EDC ) .
14 For over a decade the medical and nursing professions in Britain have taken a leading role in calling for a clearer national commitment to tackling social inequalities in health .
15 An 1896 commission by the Department of the Interior joined the National Academy of Sciences in calling for a doubling of these reserves , a proposal vigorously resisted by the timber industry .
16 We joined environmental organisations across Europe in calling for a vastly enhanced programme of ‘ agri-environment ’ measures under the reformed Common Agricultural Policy when European Agriculture Ministers met in Cambridge in September under the UK Presidency of the EC .
17 CPRW 's National Executive Committee agreed this course of action yesterday , following a request from the Friends of Cardigan Bay that CPRW join them in calling for a suspension of the 14th Round of Oil/Gas Licensing ( 1 ) .
18 As well as devoting attention to the management of the war economy , it had by July 1942 produced a broadsheet , Planning for Social Security , which substantially anticipated the Beveridge report in calling for a national minimum income , universal family allowances , a national health service and a Ministry of Social Security .
19 Similarly he anticipated Dimitrov in calling for a new approach to the middle classes .
20 They 've joined councillors and regular book borrowers in calling for a better-funded and better-used service .
21 What the report should try to do is to appear to offer an improvement in existing facilities and support to teachers and pupils without calling for a dramatic reorganization of timetables , syllabi or teaching methods .
22 Now he has switched to calling for a vote for the Liberal Democrats .
23 Pressure to move to a policy of electoral reform is certain to grow , and the Left is expected to line up behind Mr Gould by calling for a radical rethink of economic policy .
24 The Bosnian deputies have given themselves a let-out by calling for a referendum on the peace plan on May 15th and 16th .
25 In fact , in 1945 , foreign secretary Ernest Bevin was interested in economic , military and political ties to Western Europe , took a keen interest in proposals for a customs union during 1946–8 and encouraged European co-operation in January 1948 by calling for a ‘ Western Union ’ through which Europe , backed by America and the Empire-Commonwealth , would match the Soviet Union .
26 Soviet spokesmen sought credit from the non-aligned states by attacking Western efforts to turn Cyprus into a NATO military base and by calling for a withdrawal of all foreign forces from the island .
27 Iraq , meanwhile , attempted to take advantage of the presence of US troops in Saudi Arabia by calling for a holy war , or Jihad , against King Fahd in order to protect the two holy cities of Mecca and Medina from " infidel " ( non-Moslem ) forces .
28 The conference ended on a note of renewed militancy by calling for a " mass action " campaign in 1991 in favour of an interim government , a constituent assembly and the abolition of the tricameral Parliament ( which had separate chambers for whites , coloureds and Indians , and none for blacks ) .
29 Achille Occhetto , PCI general secretary , had opened the congress with a speech on Jan. 31 designed to conciliate the left wing by calling for a unilateral ceasefire in the Gulf and the withdrawal of Italian naval and air force contingents from the anti-Iraq coalition .
30 In May 1991 Lafleur , leader of the RPCR and president of the South province , threw his support behind the idea by calling for a " consensual solution " to the future status of the territory to be adopted prior to 1998 .
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