Example sentences of "[prep] some time there " in BNC.

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1 John Rolfe , conference chairman , said : ‘ People within the industry have known for some time there is a need for such a gathering .
2 For some time there have been rumours that the urbs have been solving the problem by having their foxes caught and surreptitiously turned loose in remote rural areas .
3 For some time there was a conflict of jurisdiction between the bishop 's reeves and the interests of the Gild Merchant .
4 For some time there had been allegations in the foreign media of a power struggle centring on the issue of introducing political reforms between Alia and Hoxha 's widow Nexhmije Hoxha , who was chair of the Democratic Front ( an umbrella organization dominated by the ruling Party of Labour — APL ) and who reputedly wielded great influence in the APL central committee .
5 There was a rose garden to wander around , though as yet no sign of blossom but an indication from the many rose bushes that at some time there would be a most beautiful display .
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