Example sentences of "[prep] time [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Some cases do n't seem to have any physical cause at all , but have been linked to intangible factors such as times of stress , anxiety or depression , although this is quite rare .
2 I go into the information office and ask about times of return trains from Bracknell .
3 Cedric Downes had himself been on the phone for about five minutes , trying frustratedly to contact British Rail about times of trains to London that day ; yet he could have had little notion of the irrational and frenetic impatience of the man who was trying to contact him ; a man who was betweenwhiles cursing the incompetence of British Telecom and bemoaning the cussedness of the Universe in general .
4 Patient conviction that God 's word is to be trusted will bring the believer through times of perplexity .
5 Experiments with ZETA were underway in 1957 and Thonemann 's team successfully demonstrated that they could produce quasi-stable highly ionised plasmas with densities of 1013 to 1014 ( ten to one hundred thousand billion ) particles per cm 3 , at temperatures of about 5 million degrees for times of milliseconds .
6 Direction is not simply for times of crisis but for ongoing growth .
7 What little they spoke was in the specially reverent voice reserved by the middle classes for times of bereavement .
8 Skin eruptions are common to many of us during times of stress and in women during the pre-menstrual phase .
9 Irrespective of personal interpretation of spirituality , the related system of values and beliefs can often bring comfort and reassurance during times of stress and when the individual is faced with moral dilemmas which require resolution .
10 To cater for demand at peak times it has to build extra power stations , which are then idle during times of day when demand is lower .
11 This ascetic approach to fuel saving , is , of course , fine during times of shortage , but more difficult to promote during times of plenty .
12 There are three bedrooms for visitors all with private bathrooms and individual character — one has an iron-framed antique rose-painted four-poster bed with lace hangings and a Victorian screen , another has oak beams and a closet ( now a shower ) where priests are reputed to have hidden during times of persecution .
13 Everybody feels the financial pinch during times of recession and , sadly , charities of all descriptions are no exception .
14 During times of recession he did everything possible to avoid making men redundant , preferring that all should work short time .
15 The lakes at Pett Level hold rather small numbers of wintering wildfowl , but are particularly important during times of passage .
16 In the introduction it was suggested that land became important during times of change .
17 This ascetic approach to fuel saving , is , of course , fine during times of shortage , but more difficult to promote during times of plenty .
18 More closely linked than Stirling with the sea , it could do business with other maritime centres in England ( during times of truce ) or Continental Europe .
19 Another explanation for the skewing of sexual ratio might be that there is heavier mortality among females , particularly lactating ones , during times of drought .
20 It is said that this ghost still beats his eerie tattoo during times of war .
21 Holy objects , relics , and talismans , such as the Agnus Dei — a small piece of wax containing an image of the lamb and flag — were widely believed to provide supernatural help during times of crisis ; and holy bells , holy water , and candles were thought to give protection against diabolical spirits .
22 People with AIDS are often well for long periods between times of illness .
23 And I 've known well in between but in between times like Christmas time and
24 Now this will surprise you , I know ; but my mother has pointed that out time after time .
25 The fragrance can be revitalised time after time with oils supplied ( £2.99 . )
26 The following year , after time for reflection , the issue was put to the vote .
27 This is the message that emerges time after time from surveys on Britain 's ability to cope with the demands of Europe post-1992 .
28 Time after time after time .
29 And time after time after time , there have been cases prepared and whenever they came to court , there was nobody prepared to go into that courtroom .
30 What I wish erm Mr Mayor , because councillor tries this erm Tory party , central office philosophy time after time after time .
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