Example sentences of "[prep] she so [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He rushed towards her so violently that Miss Fogerty put out her hands to grasp his shoulders before he should butt her to the ground .
2 Even if Guy believed her tale , surely he could n't change his opinion of her so completely ?
3 His mother was rather a stranger to him , so he did n't feel the loss of her so keenly .
4 Two days later , he brought me a charcoal drawing of her , very lightly done , a sort of dream-like impression and it was so like her , it captured the essence of her so minutely , that I could not believe he had never seen her , only listened to me . ’
5 I think the thing you have to say that as far as I 'm concerned , from what I 've see of her so far and I have n't worked with her in the field yet but far brighter spark in your department than that one we interviewed the other day
6 Yanto Gates was not given to quick decisions or mad impulses , but the girl in reality matched his dreams of her so perfectly that he had to take it as a sign .
7 ‘ She could n't believe a man she had once regarded as an uncle figure could turn against her so viciously , ’ one of her closest friends says .
8 The girl , Lorna , announced her intention of applying for a transfer : ‘ I do n't know how you 've stuck it with her so long , I really do n't . ’
9 I could have looked after her and been with her so much longer then , not just a few months , not just at the end ! ’
10 Hope flared within her so strongly , so quickly , that the force of it frightened her .
11 He took pity on her , driving himself inside her so deeply , her virginity causing him only momentary check .
12 But a woman teacher can know you from the inside ; you can not hide from her so easily , or divert her attention .
13 She 'd been grappling with the oddest emotional reaction , one she 'd never come across before and could n't fathom at all , clutching the jacket round her so tightly that her knuckles were white .
14 She clutched the sheet round her so tightly that her knuckles turned white .
15 When he moved abruptly to cover her , to force a place for himself on top of her , levering her legs wider to open her body to him , his coarse , muscled weight was a blissful assuagement of hunger , a hunger burning through her so fiercely that she felt almost faint …
16 She said it would be a sin if they were turned out when she died , with Mister Johnny the way he is , and after Hepzibah had cared for her so well all these years .
17 It has worked marvellously well for her so far , ’ he said philosophically .
18 She transfers her affections , hitherto directed to her mother who has cared for her so far in life , on to her father .
19 She did n't like the way he had moved in on her so quickly .
20 It came to her later , as she started to do her homework , that Racine and Corneille appealed to her so strongly because their ways were hers .
21 Was it only Friday when she 'd first set eyes on those features that appealed to her so strongly ?
22 In her heart of hearts she still suspected that it was , but the charmed garden of Sebastian and his friends opened to her so easily , so seductively , that what could she do but step inside ?
23 She did not know why she should feel such fear , because she felt for her mother not respect , but contempt : and why should she lack courage before someone whose attitudes were to her so transparently , pettily contemptible ?
24 She heard a car go up the road and then still heard it as it travelled some way along the road at the top , and realised the wind must be coming from the south for the sound to come to her so distinctly .
25 How dared he speak to her so insultingly ?
26 It clung to her so tightly that she wore no underwear beneath .
27 At this vow , which he had repeated to her so often it was beginning to sound like a mantra , Ashley frowned .
28 Only Judi could get to her so quickly , and only this discussion could push her over the edge .
29 Fear swept over her so completely now , that to think straight , to answer , even if she had been completely sober , would have been an impossibility .
30 He was looking at her so intently that she closed her eyes again .
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