Example sentences of "[prep] this [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Hooper said : ‘ I 've got more of a hopeful feel about this than the Auxerre game .
2 Hooper said : ‘ I 've got more of a hopeful feel about this than the Auxerre game .
3 Apologies too for being more boring about this than an Arsenal v Wimbledon game .
4 Second half , Platt went through on goal , Kuemann ( ? ) pulled him down it what was the most blatant professional foul I 've ever seen , and yet still remained on the pitch ( Graham Failure 's epo about this after the match was hilarious ) .
5 We do not yet know much about this but the brain is so powerful and complex that it is very unlikely that any of the analyses proposed so far bear much resemblance to this reality ; they are too heavily influenced by the theoretician 's preoccupation with economy , elegance and simplicity .
6 Where lead pipe is used for the rising main , it may also contaminate the drinking water — particularly in a soft water area — but there is not much you can do about this since the supply pipe into the house is also likely to be lead and this is difficult and expensive to replace .
7 We are very annoyed about this because the matter was closed .
8 erm , I have n't , I was gon na go and , I tried phoning Lorne one time I was going through to Glasgow just to see if I could , can I have a , can I have a pint with him or something , erm , just to chew it over cos he suggested you know he 'd made various helpful suggestions , in the meantime I did n't manage to meet him , but in the meantime I did manage to speak to my father-in-law who has a camcorder and er he will be more than happy to erm , he 's also got editing equipment , he would be more than happy you know , to do the home made video that we 've talked about , I need to talk to him about this because the obvious place to do will be the Lyceum on one of your shows
9 He had no doubt about this because the party were the last people to go and they all went out together .
10 I 'm not too worried about this because the team should be well prepared by kick-off time and in Ronnie Moran and Roy Evans , there are two people on the inside whose European experience is second to none .
11 We found out about this when an impromptu ‘ appel ’ was called at 7.00 pm .
12 I was probing around with my tongue and trying to decide about this when the phone by my bed rang .
13 Why should we worry about this if the marriage remains the harmonious institution for pooling resources which is normally assumed , in economic theory as elsewhere ?
14 I tell you what we 'll do , what about this what about this if the messages are a bit late today , right , and we 've got ta go to er the court to pay the money and the shop to get your shoes why not , if when the minute the messages come , go straight up to Taughmonagh right ?
15 You should be as devious and cunning about this as the book is itself .
16 But me old mother certainly spoke a lot about this and the and the salt fish .
17 yeah ten for the left and ninety for the right and the reason we talked about this and the way that 's involved in communication is that we said well if there 's a lot more power or a lot more contribution to the design of what we 're doing of a spatial nature and that is how the the audience 's brain work more powerfully in the spatial nature let's present what we have let's design it and then deliver it as close to a spatial nature as we can okay .
18 So we got there and he said right okay you 're the press chappy he 's right I 've put your press people over there so while respect Lieutenant Commander that really wo n't do because everything including the Band of the Royal Marines is between them and the Princess Royal so we argued about this and the compromise eventually was that that everybody would have to stay there until the ceremony started and then we could bring the stills photographers round to the end and up to one side where it was all happening mainly to get a picture of his wife cutting the cake .
19 It was on ‘ evidence ’ such as this that a Gloucestershire jury on 22 May 1300 reduced the Forest of Dean to the king 's demesne lands and woods .
20 It was , then , in a context such as this that a Times correspondent could sum up in 1937 an entirely familiar series of complaints about mounting crime and dwindling authority : .
21 It was for reasons such as this that every attempt was made to bring a measure of order to war .
22 ‘ It is an accepted practice in dire situations such as this that the board is replaced or supplemented by a new board charged with the function of restoring the fortunes of the company and the confidence of customers , ’ the letter says .
23 It is issues such as this that the following short section will address .
24 The minimum amount of time that is necessary er in an operation such as this when the operation is finished the officers are then allowed to go home , that 's the end of their shift because erm there 's a great deal of adrenalin flows on an operation like this .
25 There was some authority for this but the matter is now governed by section 11(1) of the Torts ( Interference with Goods ) Act 1977 which firmly states that contributory negligence is no defence in proceedings founded on conversion , or on intentional trespass to goods .
26 But was it for this that the trumpets blew so confidently when the TECs appeared , less than two years ago ?
27 Consumption financed from government transfers ( pensions etc. ) rose from 5 per cent of GDP in 1952 to 10 per cent in 1973 , and it was partly to pay for this that the average proportion of incomes taken by direct taxation rose from 16 per cent in 1952 to 22 per cent in 1973 .
28 ‘ I think they can make a much more plausible case for this than the invasion of Grenada [ in 1983 ] or the Dominican Republic in the Sixties , ’ said an American university law professor , Mr Robert Goldman .
29 There is a particular need for this if the school programme concentrates on reading-scheme materials that do not offer the narrative , emotional , or language rewards of ‘ real ’ books .
30 There were a lot of arguments for this and a lot against .
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