Example sentences of "[prep] he [adv] as " in BNC.

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1 She stared after him mutinously as he went from the room , willing him to bump his head as he went through the door , but to her disappointment Dr Penry Vaughan ducked his tall head with the grace and dexterity of long practice .
2 Isabel started to run towards him just as another block of stone came away from the wall , hurtling downwards .
3 We 'd get a confession out of him easy as blinking .
4 Thought of him tonight as I walked down to the river .
5 It seemed to her a happy coincidence that Robert ( she thought of him now as Robert ) should write inviting her to Yorkshire for the weekend .
6 There were a few areas of welcome grassland like the one that rose ahead of him almost as soon as he left the Park behind .
7 Collecting her ticket , she came up behind him again as he checked in for the flight .
8 The screeching and thrashing was behind him now as they bundled out into the corridor , and Cardiff turned to slam the door shut .
9 I was happy with him just as he was , without affectation .
10 The sergeant came to a halt outside the adjutant 's hut , and an out-of-breath Charlie caught up with him just as the door was opened by a colour-sergeant who turned to Charlie and said , ‘ Stand to attention , lad , remain one pace behind me and do n't speak unless you 're spoken to .
11 She would have agreed with him largely as to what were essentials and inessentials , but the mess depressed her .
12 Nicholson , at this point , was in the news through the acclaim being bestowed upon him for Easy Rider , and his first taste of stardom was received with some apprehension ; his on-screen connections with marijuana and LSD also attracted a great deal of media coverage ; serious press interviews , with him personally as the focus and centre of attention , were also unfamiliar territory into which he ventured nervously , almost unsure of what he was going to say and how he was going to express his feelings and opinions ; he had plenty , and serious ones at that .
13 In mid-stream Meg let Ben take the oars from her , changing seats with him nimbly as the boat drifted slowly about .
14 It stirred the man in him even as it gored him .
15 Guillaume was interested in him again as his work was beginning to command higher prices .
16 So the sudden lightning-spark of indigo that jumped from him even as the thought crystallized in his head struck Jezrael with an intensity that shook her .
17 It exploded inside him just as the last notes of his symphony died away .
18 Hotspur watched the marred profile beside him curiously as they paced side by side , for he was greatly drawn to his prisoner , and could not reconcile the many stories concerning him with this man he had begun to know .
19 Derrida 's reply did not take the form of a reasoned rebuttal but of ninety pages of verbal clowning , which put Searle in his place by referring to him throughout as ‘ Sarl ’ , an acronym for ‘ Societé à responsabilité limitée ’ , which means a limited company .
20 He lay back by the open window with his eyes closed and the warm breathless air came to him just as in another cooler season heat fanned from the grid lower down the wall .
21 Something happened which always pleased him : his wife opened the front door to him just as he was about to put his key in the lock .
22 She had put her hair up so as to look older than her sixteen years but even so she straightened her music and her shoulders with such self-consciousness that the maturity of her voice came as a shock to him just as it always did .
23 What I can say to the honourable gentleman who I know always attends these European debates with great regularity , I 'll be only too glad to speak to him outside as well as the honourable gentleman to try and clarify these matters .
24 I do n't lie to him especially as we 've got a obviously .
25 But when the first baiter led his teams on to an unploughed field he did not have to trouble his head about the width of the stetches : that had been fixed by long usage and probably appeared to him then as unalterable an aspect of the landscape as the roads and the hedges .
26 I 'm a single parent , and I blame myself for the way he is — but I feel it 's too late to get through to him now as talking or reasoning does n't work .
27 ‘ Listen to him now as he tells us how and why he became a convert .
28 The unremitting pressure of their role in the politics and violence of Lebanon 's civil war had bonded them into a partnership that meant as much to him personally as professionally .
29 I mean there was , there was a wonderful Times cartoon , I do n't know if you saw it , of Yeltsin showing all the troubles he , he could n't control his government , there were economic problems , people were being nasty to him apparently as he was saying how do we manage and it turns out of course at the end , the final kick line is he 's talking about John Major 's situation .
30 It is your land , Creggan , it is yours … ’ and she spoke to him gently as so often in the past he had spoken to her .
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