Example sentences of "[prep] it to [art] " in BNC.

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1 But she gave most of it to a charity promoting adult literacy , living instead on the £115,000 presidential salary .
2 He procured a cottage at Handsworth Woodhouse , near Sheffield , provided a teacher and entrusted the running of it to a management committee at his own expense .
3 Edward promised further help , and a force of almost 5,000 men under the Earl of Salisbury was mustered in March 1373 ; but du Guesclin invaded the duchy and subjected much of it to a French military occupation .
4 Swear that you will never speak of it to a living soul ! "
5 She plucked a great hank of silk thread from the girdle of her spinsterhood ; tied one end of it to the wedding ring of her virginity and , looping the two ends of the hank over either wrist , spread her hands and invited Maggie to take the other end and wind a neat ball .
6 But then the property was not given to her ; it was given on the face of it to the trustee .
7 Despite suggesting that God must have been on the side of the Philistines in the battle , they talk as if God is literally enthroned above the ark , and the bringing of it to the camp will mean the bringing of God himself .
8 Discriminatory and punitive rates , like Mr Smith 's 59 per cent , not only put many of the most agile brains in the country to work to find ways of avoiding them but create a profound disinclination to work harder or take risks when you have to give nearly 60 per cent of it to the Government .
9 Dr. Briant is doing the right thing — doing his own job to the best of his ability and leaving the rest of it to the people he 's doing it for — you . ’
10 If a councillor has any matter to bring before a committee he must give notice of it to the clerk of the council .
11 Within 14 days of receipt of the notice the company has a duty to send a copy of it to the Registrar .
12 Flake the tuna and add most of it to the bowl , together with the beans .
13 Aggie looked up and down the narrow street ; then , taking a chain with a lock attached to it from under a piece of sacking in the corner of the cart , she pushed the cart close to the gate , and tied a leg of it to the iron post .
14 He once reproached Sir Philip Sidney for his famous refusal of a cup of water on a Dutch battlefield as an act that looks ‘ aggressively holy ’ , and it is hard to imagine any other critic of the age allowing himself such a remark , or even conceiving of it : The okay thing would be to drink some of the cup himself and pass it on , leaving most of it to the other man … ’
15 A. The Authority delegates to governors of primary and secondary schools oversight of the curriculum , and control of it to the head teacher in consultation with his staff …
16 Hendrique , using two paper napkins to protect his hands , removed the strip light from its socket on the ceiling of the carriage directly above the table then unravelled a length of flex and secured the two crocodile clips at the end of it to the respective overhead power points .
17 If the linguistic side of our University Schools of English could be persuaded to give rather less of their attention to the roots of the English language and to devote more of it to the leaves it has put forth so abundantly since 1500 there would be far more data for literary scholars like Mr. Bateson to work upon .
18 In the event , the decision proved premature and the UK equity market had another 11% appreciation ahead of it to the end of 1992 .
19 A good deal of it to the east of the Cherwell remains in use as a main road ( A41 and A4095 ) , the only important break in the line being caused by the growth of the Saxon town of Bicester , a mile to the north , in place of the now-vanished Romano-British town of Alchester .
20 In short , it may be illuminating to start with the damage and work back through the cause of it to the possible duty which may have been broken .
21 Thirty five for an ordinary one you know everything to my spouse or most of it to the spouse with bits to the children er well r we usually run to about thirty five pounds .
22 He was rehearsing Sir Toby Belch in Twelfth Night and the lines had fled ; what he hung on to was the physical business , and when he did some of it to the mirror it seemed poor stuff for the old Living Boomerang .
23 She subscribed on the face of it to the proposition that we are not put here to be happy , although she was the first to complain if she , or the few people she loved , were not .
24 Sift the flour and ground rice together and add one third of it to the creamed mixture .
25 ( 3 ) There may be a time lag between the occasion of the alleged rape and the reporting of it to the police .
26 The awful , abrupt finality of a man pitching forward , so easily , so arbitrarily terminated — the convenience of it to the killer : they were things to which I could never become habituated , however many times I saw it .
27 When I reached the House of Andrus I spoke of it to the other women and we said a prayer .
28 Evidence has emerged that mahogany which has been logged illegally in Brazilian Indian reserves is being exported to Western countries , much of it to the UK , which accounts for 52 per cent of Brazilian mahogany .
29 When an order has been made , the district judge sends a copy of it to the Senior Master of the Supreme Court , Queen 's Bench Division , for transmission to the Registrar of the European Court .
30 Since you will hold the seller 's share certificate until you hand it over to the buyer on completion together with a transfer of it to the buyer , it 's for you to prepare the transfer , unless you send the certificate to the buyer 's conveyancers for them to prepare the transfer .
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