Example sentences of "[prep] a few [coord] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We are aiming not at the elaboration of a few but at the erection of many temples or houses of our Lord ’ and therefore ‘ cheapness in the construction of each is indispensable to success ’ and Gothic chapels need not be expensive .
2 What environmentalists are saying is that change should not be made for the benefit of a few and to the detriment of many .
3 To the extent that there is an elision in the terms of debate , and the concept of postmodern arrangements is aligned only with a ‘ free ’ labour market variant of organizational forms , which actually means freedom for a few and restriction to much more repressive conditions for the many , then the terms of debate and choice are unnecessarily restricted .
4 Yeah if they if their churning out the stock that tu tend to churn out , I mean I go along for an enquiry for a few and find they 've got thousands in stock .
5 erm so you know but you may find if you give , print off a few and give them to a few people over the weekend
6 The beetle emerges in June or August via a few and scattered flight holes about 6–12mm ( 1/4–1/2in ) long which inadequately represent the true extent of the unseen damage .
7 Windsor Davies has appeared in a few but he 's er not one of the regular ones .
8 ‘ By the fifth decade of the nineteenth century the Industrial Revolution had completely dislocated the traditional structure of English society , bringing riches to a few and misery to the many .
9 These difficulties were the source of much of the conflict among philanthropists , between those who preferred to give thorough-going help to a few and those who believed that the scale of destitution was such that wholesale relief was necessary at least in times of high unemployment , to palliate serious destitution and to prevent social disorder .
10 I step on a few and watch them crack in the middle like a sheet of glass .
11 We put on a few and I knew I was finishing , so I thought I would try to go out with a bang by breaking the pavilion window in the Long Room .
12 They 'd been and looked at a few and there ,
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