Example sentences of "[prep] be give [det] " in BNC.

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1 They may therefore approach the post-assessment consultation in the expectation of being given some definite information regarding the child 's difficulties and the likely prognosis .
2 Despite the domestic chaos caused from being given such short notice , Pearce again rose to the challenge and had moved with his family to the US within six weeks .
3 The results indicated that people benefited from being given more information , which enabled them to develop and in some cases revise their opinions .
4 It was only when the tea came that her pleasure in such a welcome , in being given such evidence of the continuing affection in which she was held , abruptly waned .
5 Although the changes were ‘ A bit unsettling , ’ there were , he believed , ‘ Benefits in being given more freedom to aggressively search for customers and shedding the ‘ government bureaucracy ’ image . ’
6 Deng Xiaoping managed to stay alive and did not wish to wait for his own death before being given any credit .
7 In the galley , Harry had his first meal for six days , before being given some bread and butter and cigarettes and being advised to return in two days , just before the ship sailed .
8 I longed for a story of mine to be given that accolade .
9 In colonial Ruanda-Burundi , several weeks of free labour had to be given each year by the commune to build up terraces , bunds and other erosion works .
10 The distinction has been more in the minds of the negotiators ( especially the British negotiators ) than it has been a reality or , more important , likely to be given much credence by the Court of Justice if and when it comes to adjudicate on the basis of the Treaty .
11 And the plan is for other youngsters from the orphanage to be given much needed operations .
12 ‘ However , I 'm afraid we 're not going to be given much time off until we 've sent the Huns back to Germany where they belong , with their tails between their legs . ’
13 IF the Health Service were to be given all the money it says it needs we should need to double every worker 's NHS contribution .
14 If the Health Service were to be given all the money they say it needs we should need to double every worker 's NHS contribution .
15 In the Scherzo it 's amazing to be given such accuracy and textural clarity at such speed .
16 He had certainly researched Grantham and Marsh and the testimonial Sebastian had purportedly given her was in line with the high regard in which she had been told she was held by the company , although she 'd hardly expected to be given such a glowing recommendation .
17 ‘ Grateful to be given such a friend . ’
18 ‘ The majority of low-paid members feel it 's an insult to be given such a letter . ’
19 ‘ At the end of the day the majority of low-paid members feel it 's an insult to be given such a letter . ’
20 ‘ If the players are to be given some incentive , they really have to get the North going as it was .
21 When he asks to be given some of the soup , Jacob seizes the opportunity , and exchanges a bowl of it for Esau 's privileges as the firstborn .
22 It was customary in those days for the ablest students to be given some responsibility for teaching the younger pupils .
23 Many , of course , are not , and that would seem to increase the need for the advantaged children to be given some understanding of the harsh world in which many other children have to live .
24 Later on in my undergraduate career I was lucky enough to be given some teaching by Dr Douglas Ross , consultant in Glasgow , and had personal experience of the efficacy of homoeopathy when he cured the gingivitis ( inflammation of the gums ) which had been plaguing me for three weeks with a homoeopathic preparation of mercury .
25 In fact , the legal force of any particular rule depends partly on the source of its authority ( essentially , whether it is supported by statute or not ) ; partly on the way it is drafted ( rules which are drafted in precise technical language are more likely to be given some legal force than are rules drafted loosely and non-technically ) ; and partly on its contents .
26 Though this may be the case , it would be helpful to be given some idea of the potential cost-benefits and disadvantages .
27 For that to happen , students have to be given some space in which to develop intellectually in their own way .
28 The school , of course , had existed for some years now , ever since the Factory Act which her father could not mention without turning purple , had thought it advisable for factory children to be given some education , feeling that an hour or two a week per child , perhaps , of reading , writing and arithmetic , would not go amiss .
29 to allow the considerations for and provisions of the emergent Structure Plan Review , insofar as they had status , to be given some , but no overriding , value in the consideration of the merits of this appeal .
30 This was ( and is ) a common practice in Italy , where even Italian actors are dubbed , often by entirely different people , and Dustin was by no means the first English-speaking star to be given another voice .
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